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Is Presenter Name and Title How to write Body Paragraphs Citation Sandwich Topic SentenceTransition Sentence.

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Presentation on theme: "Is Presenter Name and Title How to write Body Paragraphs Citation Sandwich Topic SentenceTransition Sentence."— Presentation transcript:

1 is Presenter Name and Title How to write Body Paragraphs Citation Sandwich Topic SentenceTransition Sentence

2 Consider the Structure Use the Brainstorm to help you see the big picture before you begin drafting. This helps you establish a logical organization to your essay. Remember the structure: Introduction: Hook/Thesis/Subtopics Body Paragraph #1: Definitions Body Paragraph #2: World #1 Body Paragraph #3: World #2 Body Paragraph #4: World #3 Conclusion: Restate Thesis/Restate Subtopics/So What?

3 One Note about Definitions Define terms in your essay to guide the clueless reader. This gives you ethos as a writer. You are the guide dog leading your blind reader. Before you unpack your thesis in your body paragraphs, include a paragraph after your introduction define terms like decline, success, Tiger Parenting, Western Parenting.

4 Look at the Position, NOT the evidence. Thesis: Support/Refute/Qualify Chua’s definition of Success. Body #1 – Definitions: Defining Success, Decline, Tiger Mother, Western Parenting. Body #2: World 1 – TM: Sophia performing at Carnegie Hall. Body #3: World 2 – Presidents: Bill Clinton and Barack Obama rose from difficult upbringings to reach the presidency. Body #4: World 3 – TM: Lulu, despite rebellion, excelled in school and tennis.

5 In – Text Citations. In-Text Citation: A citation you see within the essay. In-Text Citations mention the webpage or author and page number in parenthesis at the end of a sentence. From a Book – Author and Page #: EX:," Amy Chua worries that she will be considered a failure as a parent if her daughters don't succeed as musicians: "The Chinese parenting approach is weakest when it comes to failure; it just doesn't tolerate that possibility. The Chinese model turns on achieving success. That's how the virtuous circle of confidence, hard work, and more success is generated."(Chua, 148). Website: EX: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in the next ten years 75% of Special Education teachers will retire in the State of Washington ( *Please NOTE: If you reference multiple texts in your essay, please include a Works Cited Page.

6 How to do an In-Text Citation There are two ways to weave in an in-text citation in your essay. 1. Summarize the evidence: EX: According to the Microsoft Corporation, 90% of their computer programmers work in a team setting ( 2. Include an excerpt of a quote in a sentence: EX: According to the Microsoft Corporation, “as of 2001 90% of Microsoft computer programmers work in a team setting” (

7 Topic Sentence The topic sentence is like a thesis for your paragraph. It guides the reader what direction you’re unpacking your claim/thesis. It explains how the paragraph is connected to the thesis.

8 Citation Sandwich 1. Set-Up: Explains the context of the evidence. -Who said it? Why is it significant? How does it connect to your thesis? 2. Quote/Evidence: The evidence you are actually using with an in-text citation. -Choose meaningful evidence 3. Analysis: Explain how this evidence supports your thesis. -How does this evidence support and develop your thesis? How does it connect to the Universal Theme your addressing?

9 Use Transitions between paragraphs Transitions help you connect paragraphs together. In a persuasive essay it is essential you use good transitions or you will loose the reader. Transition Words: -In addition –Similarly –Besides -Like –In Comparison –In Contrast -On the other hand… *Check Mr. Sun-K’s website for a list of more transition words.

10 Can you identify the following: Topic Sentence, Citation Sandwich, Transition? Since 1986, four children have been attacked in California. One of these attacks was serious enough to prompt officials to place Caspers Wilderness Park off-limits to children (Tran B8). In July 1997 alone, two attacks on children, one fatal, occurred in different national parks in Colorado (McPhee A1). This demonstrates the danger of building national parks too close to mountain lion habitats. Take for example 1984, which was a particularly deadly year in California for mountain lion attacks.

11 The Breakdown Since 1986, four children have been attacked in California. One of these attacks was serious enough to prompt officials to place Caspers Wilderness Park off-limits to children (Tran B8). In July 1997 alone, two attacks on children, one fatal, occurred in different national parks in Colorado (McPhee A1). This demonstrates the danger of building national parks too close to mountain lion habitats. Take for example 1984, which was particularly deadly year in California for mountain lion attacks. =Topic Sentence =Citation Sandwich =Transition

12 Structure of Paragraph breakdown Topic Sentence: In western states today, the mountain lion is no longer in danger of extinction. Citation Sandwich: Set-Up Evidence: In fact, over the past thirty years, the population has rebounded dramatically. Cite Evidence: In California, fish and game officials estimate that since 1972 lion numbers have increased from 2,400 to at least 6,000 (Baker, 27). Analyze Evidence: This is significant because it demonstrates with the help of endangered species laws, governments can help maintain its natural resources. Transition: Similar increases are occurring outside of California, such as in Montana.

13 Proper MLA Format Please include the MLA format. -On page 1, your Header is on the right side including your last name and page number-On page 1, your Header is on the right side including your last name and page number Your Heading is on the left side and includes your first and last name, teachers name, class, and date.Your Heading is on the left side and includes your first and last name, teachers name, class, and date. Title is optional.Title is optional. Times New RomanTimes New Roman Double-SpacedDouble-Spaced

14 Please Stand for Think on Your Feet

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