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Published byMelissa McLeod Modified over 11 years ago
ANSI/ANS Meteorological Voluntary Consensus Standards Carl Mazzola, CCM Carl Mazzola, CCM Senior Consultant, Shaw Environmental, Inc. PAMS Mini-Conference Columbia, SC; March 15, 2006
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference2 ANSI/ANS STRUCTURE n American National Standards Institute (ANSI) n ANS (SDO) Standards Committee n ANS Nuclear Facilities Standards Committee (NFSC) n ANS-21: Nuclear Power Plant Design Criteria & Operations n ANS-22:Nuclear Power System Level Design n ANS-23:Decommissioning and Site Remediation n ANS-24:Analysis
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference3 ANS SDO STRUCTURE n ANS Nuclear Facilities Standards Committee (NFSC) n ANS-25: Siting n ANS-26: Emergency Planning n ANS-27:Fuel Cycle and Waste Management n ANS-28:Gas-Cooled Reactor Standards
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference4 ANS-25 METEOROLOGICAL STANDARDS n ANS-25 Meteorological Standards n ANSI/ANS-3.11, Determining Meteorological Information at Nuclear Facilities n ANSI/ANS-2.3, Determining Tornado and Other Extreme Wind Characteristics at Nuclear Facility Sites n ANSI/ANS-2.15, Criteria for Modeling and Calculating Atmospheric Transport of Routine Releases from Nuclear Facilities
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference5 ANS-25 METEOROLOGICAL STANDARDS n ANS-25 Meteorological Standards (Continued): n ANSI/ANS-2.16, Criteria for Modeling Design- Basis Accidental Releases from Nuclear Facilities n ANSI/ANS-2.21, Criteria for Assessing Atmospheric Effects on the Ultimate Heat Sink n ANSI/ANS-3.8.10, Criteria for Modeling Real- Time Releases at Nuclear Facilities
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference6 ANS-25 STANDARDS THAT ADDRESS OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL DISCIPLINES n ANSI/ANS-2.2,Earthquake Instrumentation Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants n ANSI/ANS-2.6,Guidelines for Estimating Present and Forecasting Future Population Distributions Surrounding Power Reactor Sites n ANSI/ANS-2.8,Determining Design Basis Flooding at Power Reactor Sites n ANSI/ANS-2.9, Evaluation of Ground Water Supply for Nuclear Facilities n ANSI/ANS-2.17, Evaluation of Radionuclide Transport in Ground Water for Nuclear Facilities n ANSI/ANS-2.18, Standards for Evaluating Radionuclide Transport in Surface Water for Nuclear Power Sites
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference7 ANS-25 STANDARDS THAT ADDRESS OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL DISCIPLINES n ANSI/ANS-2.22, Environmental Radiological Monitoring at Nuclear Facilities n ANSI/ANS-2.25, Surveys of Terrestrial Ecology Needed to License Thermal Power Plants n ANSI/ANS-2.27, Criteria for Investigations of Nuclear Facility Sites for Seismic Hazard Assessments n ANSI/ANS-2.29, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis n ANSI/ANS-2.30, Assessing Capability for Surface Faulting at Nuclear Facilities n ANSI/ANS-16.1, Measurement of the Leachability of Solidified Low-Level Radioactive Wastes by a Short-Term Test Procedure n ANSI/ANS-40.21, Siting and Operating Commercial Burial Grounds
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference8 ANSI/ANS-3.11 n DMCC and NUMUG joint venture n Initiated in June 1996 n Issued February 16, 2000 n ANS best selling standard (2000-2002) n Stan Marsh (SCE) and Carl Mazzola (Shaw Environmental) co-chairs n Working Group of 30 Subject Matter Experts
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference9 ANSI/ANS-3.11 n Faced a December 2005 sunset n Needed reaffirmation, revision or withdrawn n Questionnaire in 2002 showed strong support for revision (advances in in situ and remote sensing) n Working group approved preparation of a revision in February 2003 n Revised standard approved by ANSI in December 2005. Available in March 2006
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference10 ANSI/ANS-3.11 MAJOR REVISIONS n Added sensor accuracy and stability class definitions n Made supplemental measurements discussion more generic n Revised specifications for winds, solar and net radiation, and barometric pressure n New method for accuracy calculations
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference11 ANSI/ANS-3.11 MAJOR REVISIONS n Required calibrations to be part of a Quality Assurance program n Added calibration requirements n Made numerous editorial and clarity revisions
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference12 METEOROLOGICAL APPLICATIONS STANDARD DEVELOPMENT n ANSI/ANS-3.11 WG meeting in January 2004: Pursue development of additional standards related to application of meteorological data n Carl Mazzola and Doyle Pittman selected as co-chairs in March 2004 n PINS for ANSI/ANS-2.15, -2.16, and -2.21 sent to NFSC in July 2004 for comment n ANSI/ANS-3.8.10 needed for real-time transport and dispersion modeling
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference13 METEOROLOGICAL APPLICATIONS STANDARD DEVELOPMENT n 20-member WG assembled: September 2004 n ANSI/ANS-2.15 WG kickoff meeting: November 2004 n All PINS have been approved n First draft of ANSI/ANS-2.15 scheduled for June 2006 n Other three standards will follow n Need more SMEs for ANSI/ANS-2.21
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference14 ANSI/ANS-2.15, -2.16, -2.21, -3.8.10 Working Group Members Mark AbramsABS Group Tom BellingerIEMA Chris CookPNNL Y. J. LinBechtel Jim FairobentNNSA/NA-41 Cliff GlantzPNNL Brad HarveyNRC Chuck HunterSRNL Marsha KinleyDuke Power Joe LaznowConsultant Ed McCarthyPG&E John NasstromLLNL NARAC Kevin OKulaWSMS Darryl RandersonNOAA ARL/SORD Ali SimpkinsSRNL Steve VigeantShaw Environmental Ping WanBechtel Ken WastrackTVA
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference15 ANSI/ANS-2.15 n Criteria for Modeling and Calculating Atmospheric Transport of Routine Releases from Nuclear Facilities n To establish criteria for use of meteorological data collected at nuclear facilities to evaluate the atmospheric effects on routine radioactive releases, inclusive of dilution, dispersion, plume rise, plume meander, aerodynamic effects of buildings, dry deposition, and wet deposition (e.g., precipitation scavenging). n ANSI/ANS-3.11 (2000), R. G. 1.111, ANSI/ANS 5.10, ANSI/ANS 18.1
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference16 ANSI/ANS-2.16 and ANSI/ANS-3.8.10 n Criteria for Modeling Design-Basis Accidental Releases from Nuclear Facilities n To establish criteria for use of meteorological data collected at nuclear facilities to evaluate the atmospheric effects on accidental radioactive and hazardous chemical releases, inclusive of dilution, dispersion, plume rise, plume meander, aerodynamic effects of buildings, dry deposition, and wet deposition (e.g., precipitation scavenging) n ANSI/ANS-3.11 (2000), ANSI/ANS-3.8.6-1995, ANSI/ANS 5.4, ANSI/ANS 5.10, ANSI/ANS 58.8, RG 1.78, RG 1.145, and RG 1.194 n WG decided to separate design basis and emergency applications into two standards
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference17 ANSI/ANS-2.21 n Criteria for Assessing Atmospheric Effects on the Ultimate Heat Sink n To establish criteria for use of meteorological data collected at nuclear facilities to evaluate the atmospheric effects on ultimate heat sink performance. n ANSI/ANS-3.11 (2000), R.G. 1.27
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference18 ANSI/ANS-2.3 n Standard for Estimating Tornado, Hurricane and Extreme Straight Wind Characteristics at Nuclear Facility Sites n To establish criteria for use of meteorological data to evaluate the effects of extreme winds on nuclear facility design. n ANSI/ANS-3.11 (2000), R.G. 1.76
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference19 ANSI/ANS-2.3 Working Group Members John Stevenson (Chairman)J. Stevenson and Associates Carl MazzolaShaw Environmental Brad HarveyNRC Jeff KimballNNSA Emil SimiuNIST Mo AminSargent & Lundy Antonio GodoyIAEA Quazi HosseinLLNL Jim McDonaldConsultant Art BuslickNRC
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference20 ANSI/ANS-2.3 n Reconcile different methodologies of DOE and NRC using PNNL and NRC technical reports n Address straight line winds as well as tornadoes n Include new information as a result of Category V Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma n Draft for consensus review by Fall 2006
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference21 HOW TO PURCHASE AN ANS STANDARD? n ANS Store: n Sue Cook/ANS Order Department: n For standards information contact ANS Administrator, Pat Schroeder:
March 15, 20062006 PAMS Mini-Conference22 HOW TO VOLUNTEER? n Send to or or
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