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Planning for Re-alignment in San Diego

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1 Planning for Re-alignment in San Diego
October 20, 2011 Chief Mack Jenkins San Diego Probation Department Protect community safety, reduce crime and assist victims, through offender accountability and rehabilitation

Representation from across the organization Reviewed all relevant processes to Improve efficiency Reduce recidivism

3 Ensure availability of appropriate assessment tools
STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EVIDENCE BASED PROGRAMS: SAN DIEGO COUNTY PROBATION Protect community safety, reduce crime and assist victims, through offender accountability and rehabilitation Goal Objectives Ensure availability of appropriate tools enabling staff to accurately assess offenders for risk and needs at each stage of the probation process Conduct gap analysis of general assessment tools in Adult Field Services (AFS) /Juvenile Field Services (JFS) /Institutional Services (IS) in order to identify strengths and weaknesses of tools Evaluate specialty tools Provide Information and recommendations to all services regarding use of assessment tools Disseminate Information in easy to read format Assign offenders to the appropriate level of supervision based on their risk and need factors Develop clear and concise standards for re-assignment to other levels of supervision Design, develop and implement an organizational infrastructure and corresponding framework of practices, protocols, and policies that support Quality Assurance Develop case plan standards based upon the risk / need assessment and level of supervision Identify the case planning tool to be used by JFS, AFS and IS Ensure that there is a seamless continuum between IS and JFS assessments and case planning Create Needs domains / referral matrices for JFS and AFS Integrate community resource directory with case planning tool Ensure that all staff have the training needed to use case planning component of assessment tool and community resource directory appropriately In support of the “balanced approach”, establish guidelines for incentives and sanctions throughout juvenile, adult and institutions to provide effective responses to offender behavior, in order to reduce recidivism Develop subject matter experts on EBP incentives / sanctions Develop incentive and sanctions models for adult, juvenile and institutions Train Probation staff on incentive/sanctions model Improve the ability of information technology (IT) to support the department for the purpose of holding offenders accountable, providing rehabilitative services, and supporting evidence based practice Create a governance committee Create committee charter Commence committee meetings Develop procedures / practices that incorporate staff competencies into the appraisal process Improve the quality and consistency of programs Ensure availability of appropriate assessment tools Ensure that level of supervision matches level of risk Develop & implement individualized case plans Develop and implement sanctions and incentives continuum Create information technology governance committee

4 SB 678 PLAN San Diego County Probation Leadership Academy
In-depth training for Adult Field Services directors and supervisors Enhance leadership skills to integrate evidence-based practices Increase Accountability of High-Risk Probationers Administrative incentive and sanctions continuum Integrated Behavioral Intervention Strategies (IBIS)

5 SB 678 PLAN Enhanced Comprehensive Services
Services available to address criminogenic needs Substance abuse treatment Cognitive Behavioral interventions Vocational/Educational Health/Mental Health services Evaluate the Impact of the SB 678 Plan Impact of high risk supervision model on recidivism Impact of SB 678 plan on criminal justice system costs

Evidence-Based Practice Strategic Planning Use Assessment Tools Match Supervision to Risk Level Create Individualized Case Plans Employ Incentives and Sanctions Continuum Educate Stakeholders Improve Officer Skills Manage/Reduce Detention Population Screen Tools for Diversion Strategies Explore Detention Alternatives Supervise Probationers to Reduce Recidivism using Integrated Behavioral Intervention Strategies (IBIS) and Case Management Motivational Interviewing Collaborative style of conversation to strengthen a person’s own motivation to change Brief Complementary with other tools Cognitive Behavioral Thinking affects behavior Antisocial and unproductive thinking causes antisocial and unproductive behavior Thinking can be influenced We can change how we feel and behave by changing how we think Incentives and Sanctions Swift, certain and consistent Administrative, not adversarial Proportionate to behavior and risk level ASSESSMENT Use empirical assessment tool Assign to a supervision level by risk Understand criminogenic needs PLANNING Ensure plan is comprehensive, ongoing and dynamic Include probationer Pay attention to stage of change MONITORING Provide incentives Apply swift and certain sanctions Acknowledge relapse triggers Revise case plan as needed LINKING Make appropriate referrals Use Community Resource Directory Engage community supports ADVOCACY Working with and on behalf of probationers to obtain services and resources Increase probationer’s belief in the ability to succeed

7 San Diego County Realignment Goals
Efficiently use jail capacity  Incorporate reentry principles into in-custody programming Incorporate evidence-based practices into supervision and case management of Post Release Offenders; encourage judges to use evidence-based practices in sentencing

8 San Diego County Plan Components
1. Enhance Pre-Trial Processes to More Effectively Utilize Current Jail Capacity 2. Improve and Streamline Felony Settlement 3. Encourage the use of Evidence-Based Practices into Sentencing for Felony Offenders 4. Employ Alternative Custody Options and In-custody Programming 5. Provide Evidence-Based Supervision and Intervention Services for Post Release Offenders

9 Component 1 - Enhance Pre-Trial Processes to More Effectively Utilize Current Jail Capacity
Strategies: Request the Court to consider modifying bail schedules Use home detention and electronic monitoring Use Work Furlough for eligible pre-trial inmates Use of residential treatment beds in lieu of pre-trial custody

10 Component 2 - Improve and Streamline Felony Settlement
Strategies: Conduct assessments to identify opportunities for early case disposition Reduce the number of hearings for low-risk offenders Expand the use of existing Collaborative Courts Train staff on evidence-based risk assessments Expedite Proposition 36 Diversion and Deferred Entry of Judgment cases

11 Component 3 - Encourage the Use of Evidence-Based Practices in Sentencing for Felony Offenders
Provide actuarial risk assessment information to all sentencing judges and to the attorneys Sentencing parties would advocate to judges: Utilizing actuarial assessments Existing Court Rules New legislative provisions Trainings Sentencing options for the Judge:   Felony Probation to the Court Formal Probation Split Sentencing and Mandatory Supervision Full Sentencing State Prison

12 Component 4 - Employ Alternative Custody Options and In-Custody Programming
Strategies: Use of alternatives to custody Work Release/Work Projects / Work Furlough Home confinement/electronic monitoring GPS supervision Sheriff and Probation to explore work and fire camp options Expand in-custody treatment programming

13 Component 5 - Provide Evidence-Based Supervision and Intervention Services for Post Release Offenders (PROs) Strategies Employ Evidence-Based Practices Risk Based Case Planning and Supervision A Balanced Approach of Incentives and Sanctions Intermediate Sanctions Community based re-entry services Co-locate Post Release Probation Officers within various police agency offices throughout the County

Create Day Reporting Centers Drug Treatment Residential Outpatient Sober Living/Housing Detox Beds Mental Health Treatment Medical/Dental Employment Vocational training and placement Transitional jobs Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Literacy/Education Stabilization Assistance Work tools, interview clothing, SSI card, bus passes, clothing, groceries, haircuts Housing

15 PERFORMANCE MEASURES Protect community safety, reduce crime and assist victims, through offender accountability and rehabilitation Protect community safety, reduce crime and assist victims, through offender accountability and rehabilitation Ensure that 70% of juvenile probationers will complete their probation without being convicted of a new crime Ensure that 60% of adult probationers will complete their probation without being convicted of a new crime

16 Adult Recidivism Rate 2008 - 2011

17 PERFORMANCE MEASURES Protect community safety, reduce crime and assist victims, through offender accountability and rehabilitation Protect community safety, reduce crime and assist victims, through offender accountability and rehabilitation Conduct 5,000 searches of homes of adult and juvenile probationers to ensure that they are not in possession of illegal contraband such as weapons, drugs, child pornography and/or gang related paraphernalia Contact 95% of available victims and inform them of their right to restitution and a victim impact statement

18 PERFORMANCE MEASURES Protect community safety, reduce crime and assist victims, through offender accountability and rehabilitation Protect community safety, reduce crime and assist victims, through offender accountability and rehabilitation Increase percent of youth in custody over the age of 16 who receive employment readiness services from 73% to 75% Increase the percent of youth assessed to have substance abuse needs who receive substance abuse services from 77% to 80%

19 Performance Measures and Outcomes
Recidivism Post Release Offenders N3s Use of Jail Space Length of stay for various populations Amount and type of in custody programming Use of risk / need assessment in sentencing, supervision and case management

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