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GETTING THE JOB & WORK FORMS Getting an Interview Applying, Interviewing, and Following Up Work Related Forms.

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Presentation on theme: "GETTING THE JOB & WORK FORMS Getting an Interview Applying, Interviewing, and Following Up Work Related Forms."— Presentation transcript:

1 GETTING THE JOB & WORK FORMS Getting an Interview Applying, Interviewing, and Following Up Work Related Forms

2 Getting the Job & Work Laws OBJECTIVES Prepare an application letter. (cover letter) Prepare a resume based on guidelines. Create a list of three (3) references. Obtain a Letter of Reference Fill out a Job Application form Fill out a W-4 form. SLIDE 2 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

3 The Application Letter The application letter, or cover letter, introduces you to a potential employer. It should accompany your resume. The application letter is a sales letter. “Sell” your qualifications. Create interest in the enclosed resume. Make a good impression. SLIDE 3 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

4 Contents of the Application Letter 1. Identify purpose 2. Draw interest to yourself 3. Direct by asking for an interview SLIDE 4 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

5 Application Letter— First Paragraph Identify the purpose of the letter—why you are writing. Be specific. Tell the employer what job you want. Tell the employer how you heard about an opening. SLIDE 5 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

6 Application Letter— Middle Paragraph(s) Give reasons why you are a good choice for the job. Explain your key qualifications—those that best fit the job. Express interest in the company. Describe experiences, classes, or skills that relate to the job. Be enthusiastic. SLIDE 6 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

7 Application Letter— Closing Paragraph Wrap up the letter in a friendly yet assertive manner. Thank employer for time and consideration. Be direct. Ask for an interview. Give the employer your phone number and e-mail. Make it clear that you want an opportunity to discuss the open position. SLIDE 7 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

8 Preparing of the Application Letter White, standard size (8½ × 11-inch) paper of good quality Mailing envelope of the same color and quality Clear, crisp printout Standard 12-point font, such as Arial or Times Roman SLIDE 8 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

9 Parts of an Application Letter Return address The return address is the first thing to appear at the top of the letter. It contains your complete mailing address and the date. Letter address The letter address contains the name and address of the person or company to whom you are writing. It is also called the inside address. SLIDE 9 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

10 Parts of an Application Letter Salutation The salutation is the greeting that begins your letter. Body The body is the message section of the letter. Complimentary close The complimentary close is a courteous phrase used to end a letter. Phrases commonly used in business are “Sincerely” and “Cordially.” (continued) SLIDE 10 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

11 Return Address SLIDE 11 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

12 Letter Address SLIDE 12 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

13 Salutation SLIDE 13 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

14 Body SLIDE 14 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

15 Complimentary Close SLIDE 15 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

16 The Resume A resume describes your work experience, education, abilities, interests, and other information that may be of interest to an employer. Other names Personal data sheet Biographical summary Professional profile Vita SLIDE 16 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

17 Purpose of the Resume The resume tells the employer Who you are What you can do What your special interests are SLIDE 17 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

18 General Guidelines for a Resume Keep resume to one page. Include all information pertinent to the job for which you are applying. Choose a format that is attractive, professional looking, and easy to read. Proofread thoroughly. Use a high-resolution printer and good quality paper. SLIDE 18 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

19 Parts of the Resume Personal information Career objective Education Experience Additional qualifications References SLIDE 19 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

20 Parts of the Resume SLIDE 20 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

21 Parts of the Resume SLIDE 21 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

22 Parts of the Resume SLIDE 22 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

23 Parts of the Resume SLIDE 23 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

24 References References are people who have known you for at least a year and can provide information about your skills, character, and achievements. References should be over age 18 and not related to you. The best types of references include teachers, advisors, current and former employers, counselors, coaches, and adults in business. Be sure to ask permission before listing people on your resume. SLIDE 24 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

25 Reference List If you choose not to list references on your resume, state “references available on request.” Then have a list of names, addresses, and phone numbers available for employers who ask for them. SLIDE 25 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

26 Reference Letters A reference letter is a statement attesting to your character, abilities, and experience, written by someone who can be relied upon to give a sincere report. It is helpful to give those writing a reference letter a copy of your current resume or a short summary of your accomplishments and background. SLIDE 26 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

27 The Job Interview A job interview is a face-to-face meeting with a potential employer to discuss a job opening. You should spend at least as much time preparing for the interview as you did getting the interview. SLIDE 27 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

28 Preparing for the Job Interview Learn about the company. Be prepared to answer questions. Review your resume so that all your qualifications will be fresh in your mind. Be prepared to answer open-ended questions, which require you to respond in paragraphs (rather than “yes” or “no”) and talk about yourself. Be prepared to ask questions. SLIDE 28 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

29 Things to Take to an Interview Bring copies of your resume, reference letters, and transcripts. Transcripts are school records that include a listing of courses you have taken along with the credits and grades you’ve received for them. Bring a pad of paper, a pen, and any information you may need. Use a briefcase or folder to keep your papers organized. SLIDE 29 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

30 Making a Good First Impression Arrive on time. Dress appropriately. Go alone. Be prepared. Appear self-confident. Be courteous. Think before you speak. Emphasize your strong points. Be enthusiastic. Look for cues. SLIDE 30 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

31 The Follow-Up Follow-up is contact with the employer after the interview but before hiring occurs. It reminds the employer of who you are and could improve your chance of getting the job. SLIDE 31 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

32 The Application Form An employment application, or job application, is a form that asks questions of people who apply for a job. Ways to complete an application form Use pen to fill out paper form Complete form online at company web site Download form and submit electronically SLIDE 32 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

33 Completing an Employment Application Write neatly using a black or dark blue pen. Fill in all blanks appropriately. Be truthful. Have all necessary information with you. Proofread carefully. SLIDE 33 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

34 Work Permit W-4 Form W-2 Form I-9 Form WORK-RELATED FORMS

35 Required Work Forms When you get a job, the government will require a number of forms containing information about you. You will fill out some. Others, your employer will complete. If you are under age 16, you may also need a work permit. Some forms, such as Forms W-2 and W-4, are part of the income tax process. SLIDE 35 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

36 Form W-4: Employee’s Withholding Allowance Form W-4 asks for your name, address, Social Security number, marital status, and the number of exemptions you are claiming for income tax purposes. The information determines the amount your employer will withhold from your paycheck for income taxes. Allowances are reductions in the amount of tax withheld from your paycheck. The more allowances you claim, the less tax you will have withheld each pay period. This does not decrease your tax liability. It will all equal on April 15. Exempt status is available only to people who will not earn enough in the year to owe any federal income tax. SLIDE 36 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

37 Social Security Taxes and Benefits Employers withhold Social Security taxes from your pay and contribute matching amounts. Social Security is equal to approximately 6.25% of your earnings. The amounts you earn and the amounts contributed for Social Security throughout your work life are credited to your Social Security account number. When you become eligible, usually at retirement, benefits are paid to you monthly, based upon how much you have paid into your account. SLIDE 37 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

38 Social Security Forms Social Security Number Your Social Security number is your permanent work identification number. You only get one Social Security number. Social Security Card Receive a SS card when you are born Apply for a replacement card if it is lost Social Security Statement of Earnings Request for Social Security Statement of Earnings SLIDE 38 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

39 Work Permit Application Many states require minors—people under the age of legal adulthood—to obtain a work permit before they are allowed to work. Where to get a work permit application: Pennsylvania Department of Labor High School office Work experience coordinator SLIDE 39 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

40 Work Permit Application What you need in order to apply for a work permit: Social Security number Proof of age Permission from your parent or legal guardian Apply early to allow time for processing There is usually no charge. (continued) SLIDE 40 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

41 Form W-2: Wage and Tax Statement Form W-2 is a summary of the income you earned during the year and all amounts the employer withheld for taxes. Each of your employers must provide you with a Form W-2 for the previous tax year no later than January 31 of the current year. W-2 will be used to complete your Federal Income Tax return. Each of your employers sends a copy of your Form W-2 to the government. SLIDE 41 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

42 Form I-9 Before you start working, you and your employer must complete an Employment Eligibility Verification form, or Form I-9. The purpose of this form is to verify the employee’s identity and eligibility to work in the United States. Along with the form, you will be required to present forms of identification, which could include a driver’s license, passport, Social Security card, or birth certificate. SLIDE 42 Week 2 & 3 - Getting a Job

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