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Marriage Do Now: Why do people get married? Consider what you know about successful and failing marriages.

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Presentation on theme: "Marriage Do Now: Why do people get married? Consider what you know about successful and failing marriages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marriage Do Now: Why do people get married? Consider what you know about successful and failing marriages.

2 Marriage Men and women of 40’s and 50’s married earlier and had children faster then their parents. 60’s-divorce rate rises-fertility fell and young adults postponed marriage. 70’s shift to individualist society-early marriage and childbearing discouraged. Marriage has steadily decreased since the 70’s with only a minor increase starting in the beginning of 2000.

3 Divorce Why has the divorce rate steadily increased? People have become more tolerant of divorce What characteristics of the wife and her husband affect the probability of marital break-up? Age of marriage, whether the husband is stably employed, whether the wife works etc…

4 Divorce Journal You have probably known someone who has gone through a divorce. What were the positive outcomes of this? What were the difficulties they had to go through? Do you think couples should get divorced or work through their problems? Explain.

5 Factors Leading to Divorce The most common cause of divorce is selfishness.The most common cause of divorce is selfishness. It could be selfishness with time, money, work, caring and communication.It could be selfishness with time, money, work, caring and communication. Other factors of divorce may be changing value system, physical and emotional abuse, religious differences or alcohol/substance abuse.Other factors of divorce may be changing value system, physical and emotional abuse, religious differences or alcohol/substance abuse.

6 Personal Problems Associated With Divorce. No one ever escapes from a divorce unscathed.No one ever escapes from a divorce unscathed. Hopes and dreams are replaced with feelings of rejection, security, and a loss of self- esteem.Hopes and dreams are replaced with feelings of rejection, security, and a loss of self- esteem. The 4 major arguments against divorce are:The 4 major arguments against divorce are: 1. Divorce hurts you. 2. Divorce hurts those around you. 3. Single life is not what it is cracked up to be. 4. Staying married is better for you.

7 More Personal Problems Associated With Divorce. Divorced people have more illness, more premature deaths, higher suicide rates and more accidents than those who are married.Divorced people have more illness, more premature deaths, higher suicide rates and more accidents than those who are married. When we divorce we learn to doubt that any relationship can be permanent.When we divorce we learn to doubt that any relationship can be permanent. Children fear that they caused the divorce and they feel rejected and alone.Children fear that they caused the divorce and they feel rejected and alone.

8 Coping With Divorce Dealing with divorce is similar to coping with a death.Dealing with divorce is similar to coping with a death. A person goes through three stages.A person goes through three stages. 1. Shock and numbness – one blocks out reality, denial. 2. Reality – deep sadness and great sense of loss, depression and anxiety. 3. Recovery – they give up their hopes and plans they had with the other person.

9 Divorce will not have the same effect on all children. The consequences vary, depending on: children's ages, children's ages, family characteristics,family characteristics, level of family conflict,level of family conflict, parent-child relationships,parent-child relationships, socio-economic level,socio-economic level, mental well-being of each parent,mental well-being of each parent, maternal employment,maternal employment, and amount of social support.and amount of social support. Some divorces bring relief to families while others leave the family devastated.Some divorces bring relief to families while others leave the family devastated.

10 Effects of Divorce by Age AgeThemeSymptomsWhat to do 2-5AbandonmentSleep Explain custodial disturbancesparent will return. 5-9Displaced,SchoolDiscuss fears, GriefdifficultiesContact with non-custodial parent. 9-12Acting outSpying, fightPatience, love with parents. 13+RelationshipIndependence,Communication, failurepromiscuousencourage relationships.

11 Adjusting to Divorce Parents can help children adjust to divorce by: 1.decreasing conflict, 2.relationship with parents, 3.economic stability, 4.and consistent visitation.

12 The Major Challenges of Single Parenting Include: 1.Day Care Issues 2.Personal time 3.Economic Stability

13 - Divorce rate has dramatically increased from about 20% in the 50’s to now which is about 50%. Remarriage  a higher risk of divorce! Why?

14 Divorce Statistics 1 st marriage-about 50% 2 nd marriage-67% 3 rd marriage-73%

15 Family Facts… America=the strongest divorce rates Unwed births-in 1960-5% of children were born out of wedlock. Now it is 35% and is going up. 9% in the 1900…9% in the 60’s of children living in single-parent household. Now it is is 28% (this can include mom living with boyfriend) 17%-1960-kids living apart without biological father…35% today and increasing.

16 Research Marriage Trends: Find 10 different marriage trends and give the reasons behind these trends. Example: More women are waiting until they are older to get married Reasons: More women are attending college.

17 Divorce Research By yourself or with a partner, research 10 different marriage trends and 10 different divorce trends. Explain the reason/research behind these different trends. For example: More women are waiting longer to get married compared to the 1950’s. Reason: 1. More women are attending college. 2. More socially acceptable. For each of the sets of 10, star which one you find to be most “shocking” and why?’

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