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WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THAT WE HAVE LEARNED ABOUT QUALITY AND COST? The factors that lead to increased student learning and increased student.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THAT WE HAVE LEARNED ABOUT QUALITY AND COST? The factors that lead to increased student learning and increased student."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THAT WE HAVE LEARNED ABOUT QUALITY AND COST? The factors that lead to increased student learning and increased student retention are the same as those that lead to reduced instructional costs!

2 FIVE PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESSFUL COURSE REDESIGN #1: Redesign the whole course – Quality: Eliminate course drift; greater course coherence and quality control – Cost: Eliminate duplicate effort; create opportunities for alternate staffing

3 FIVE PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESSFUL COURSE REDESIGN #2: Encourage active learning – Quality: Learning is not a spectator sport. – Cost: Reduce faculty preparation and presentation time; reduce grading time (e.g., interactive software, peer learning teams)

4 FIVE PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESSFUL COURSE REDESIGN #3: Provide students with individualized assistance – Quality: Students get help when they are stuck and stay on task rather than giving up: software tutorials, F2F in labs or help rooms, beep a tutor, SMARTHINKING – Cost: Apply the right level of human intervention: peer tutors, course assistants

5 FIVE PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESSFUL COURSE REDESIGN #4: Build in ongoing assessment and prompt (automated) feedback – Quality: Enables practice, diagnostic feedback, focused time on task – Cost: Good pedagogy with large numbers of students; individual and group assessment; faculty spend time on what students dont understand

6 FIVE PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESSFUL COURSE REDESIGN #5: Ensure sufficient time on task and monitor student progress – Quality: Self-pacing vs. milestones for completion; points for engagement – Cost: Course management systems can reduce costs while increasing oversight

7 COURSE PLANNING TOOL A decision-making tool that enables institutions to compare the before activities and costs (the traditional course) and the after activities and costs (the redesigned course)

8 ACTIVITIES AND COSTS Determine all personnel costs expressed as an hourly rate. Determine the specific tasks associated with offering a course. Determine how much time each person spends on each of the tasks. Calculate the total instructional costs. Redesign the course by task and re-calculate the costs.

9 Instructional Costs per Hour

10 KEY PRINCIPLE Automate only those course components that can benefit from automation Content presentations Homework exercises Quizzes Exams Progress monitoring

11 COURSE PREPARATION Curriculum Development Materials Acquisition Materials Development – Lectures/presentations – Learning materials/software – Diagnostic assessments – Assignments – Tests/evaluations Faculty/TA Development/Training – Orientation – Staff meetings – Attend lectures

12 Traditional Course Preparation

13 COURSE DELIVERY Instruction – Diagnose skill/knowledge – Presentation – Interaction – Progress monitoring Evaluation – Test proctoring – Tests/evaluation

14 Traditional Course Delivery

15 Redesigned Course Preparation

16 Redesigned Course Delivery







23 THE CPT - IS IT WORTH IT? Provides a structure for you to think about activities and costs Allows you to consider changes in specific instructional tasks Permits you to visualize duplication and waste Enables you to do a cost/benefit analysis re: type of personnel per task

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