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9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 1 Home Educator’s Network, Inc Presents Parent Training Module II.

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1 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 1 Home Educator’s Network, Inc Presents Parent Training Module II

2 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 2 Introduction This module will address learning styles and the five principles of learning. This module will discuss the various learning styles which people use. How this information relates to the preparation your lessons. Click here for the Learning Style Questionnaire to be completed by you and your child. Please provide your name in order to receive the results. Learning Style Questionnaire

3 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 3 Agenda The topics that we will cover in this module are: –Visual Learners –Auditory Learners –Tactual Learner –Tips in teaching each one –Five Principles of Learning –And, of course a Quiz.

4 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 4 Overview Every one learns at a different rate, and in a different ways. Some like the information written out on the board; some prefer to listen; still others like to sit in small groups to discuss a problem or questions. Some like to listen to a lecture. By identifying these learning styles, we will be able to determine what resources, text, activities and tools we will need to teach the student.

5 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 5 Visual Learner Have you ever heard the expression, “seeing is believing?” Well, this is the Visual Learner. This student: –Has to see it to know it –Has a strong sense of color –Could have artistic abilities –Has difficulty with spoken directions –Over reacts to sounds –Has trouble following lectures –Often misinterpret words.

6 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 6 Visual Learning Tip #1 If you or your child are visual learners, here are some tips to consider in your preparation: Use graphics to re-enforce learning. Examples: illustrations, films, slides, charts, notes, flashcards.

7 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 7 Visual Learning Tip #2 If you or your child are visual learners, then you or your child might have a strong sense of color, and may have artistic ability. Create a color coding system to organize the assignments, exercises, worksheets, rewards to identify the level of work and skills accomplished. Allow student to express himself by drawing on what he feels, sees or understands.

8 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 8 Visual Learning Tip #3 If you or your child are Visual learners, you may have difficulty with spoken directions. Directions can be written, or graphically expressed. Use flow charts, diagrams, or use written notes.

9 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 9 Visual Learning Tip #4 If you or your child are visual learners, you have a tendency to over-react to sounds. This would call for careful planning of the learning environment.

10 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 10 Visual Learning Tip #5 If you or your child as visual learners have trouble following lectures: A suggestion is to the visualize spelling of words or facts to be memorized. Use of flash cards is very helpful

11 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 11 Visual Learning Tip #6 If you or your child as a visual learner misinterprets words Suggestion write out everything for quick and frequent visual review.

12 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 12 The Auditory Learner Most auditory learners are good listeners. They like “to hear it to know it”. This learner: –Likes to receive information by listening. –Has difficulty following written instructions –Has difficulty with reading and writing

13 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 13 Auditory Learning Tip #1 If you or your child prefer to receive information by listening: Use tapes for reading for class and lecture notes Review tapes by starting, stopping at varying intervals, asking a variety of questions such as leading, specific, viewpoint and feeling.

14 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 14 Auditory Learning Tip #2 If you are your child have difficulty following written instruction or directions: Learn by participating in interviews or discussions. Verbally review spelling and lectures with a friend, favorite relative, most helpful person, spiritually admired person, older person

15 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 15 Auditory Learner Tip #2 cont’d Your might discuss such topics as: –“Which Person Do you Admire Most? –What is your favorite sport, game, etc? –What do you think about growing old? –What person helps you understand how to worship?

16 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 16 Auditory Learning Tip #3 If you or your child are auditory learners who have difficulty with reading and writing information: Summarize information on tape. Review tapes by starting, stopping at varying intervals, asking a variety of questions such as leading, specific, viewpoint and feeling.

17 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 17 Tactual Learner If this learner can touch with his/her hands, he /she will remember it. –Prefers hands on learning –Can assembly parts without reading instructions –Difficulty sitting still –Learns better when physical activity is involved –May be very coordinated and have athletic ability

18 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 18 Tactual Learner Tip #1 If you or your child are tactual learners, then you will have to touch it to know it. This learner calls for experimental learning, example, making models, great interest in lab work, or role playing. A good website for this is Origami tailored lessons to pictures that can be constructed.

19 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 19 Tactual Learner Tip #2 If you or your child have difficulty sitting still: In your preparation, plan frequent breaks. Breaks can involve physical activity with the re-enforcement of information learned.

20 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 20 Tactual Learner Tip #3 If you are your child learns best when physical activity is involved: This can compliment Learning tip #2. By taking a break and going for a walk Use this time to teach or review facts by verbal repetition. Trace letters, and words to learn spelling. Use a computer to re-enforce learning through a sense of touch. Write out facts to be learned several times.

21 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 21 Five Learning Principles The five learning Principles are: –Genuine Interest –Personalize –Putting information into words –Learning with others –Reward

22 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 22 Five Learning Principles Be genuinely interested: Your genuine interest in the subject matter will motivate the student to learn. The more interesting the subject is and the more effective your presentation will become. At this point, the student’s learning experience is an effective one. Personalize Put it into words Learn with others Reward

23 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 23 Personalize Make the subject live by associating what we learn with every day life experiences. What we learn can be applied to ourselves personally.

24 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 24 Putting Information Into words Taking good notes can help retain what you are learning. Good notes make the abstract concrete by putting it into words.

25 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 25 Learn with Others That is the beauty of home schooling, you are learning constantly with some one else. Many find that the one-on-one learning environment is good for many learning types. The instructor and the student work together, giving each other the necessary feed back to address any difficulties. Therefore both the teacher and the student feel their mutual worth.

26 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 26 Reward Rewarding the learner is one of the highlights of learning. It motivates, and encourages the learner to academic successes. When the student does his best, compliment and reward him.

27 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 27 If all Else Fails Patrick This is a experience about a student who had trouble getting his homework. Note the strategy used and the results. Patrick

28 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 28 Summary You have learned your learning style. You have learned the three learning styles. The characteristics of each Learning tips for each Five Principles of Learning

29 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 29 Can you Answer? What is my learning style? Identify the three different learning styles by: –Name –Characteristic –Relate tips which focus on and strengthen each style Restate the five learning principles State ways you can apply what you have learned as a: teacher student – be creative.

30 9/19/2015 copyright - All rights reserve 30 Where to Get More Information Attend the next Training Module III –Methods of Teaching Learning Style Assessment Consulting services, other sources –Home Educator’s Network IncHome Educator’s Network Inc –How to LearnHow to Learn –Index of Learning StylesIndex of Learning Styles

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