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West Virginia University Extended Learning Enrollment Analysis.

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1 West Virginia University Extended Learning Enrollment Analysis

2 Our Charge  Conduct on-going analysis of the university’s extended learning enrollment management strategies, tactics and organization  Assess organizational change factors needed to move from current state to desired state in EL enrollment management ! You are building on many successes

3 Short- and Long-Term Objectives West Virginia University Extended Learning Enrollment Opportunities Analysis

4 Developing The Fundamentals  Exceptional enrollment leadership (e.g. enrollment champion, commitment of executive management team, board)  Clear and realistic goals  A comprehensive written enrollment plan (marketing/recruitment and retention)  An effective organizational structure  A trained and talented enrollment team  Adequate resources (e.g. budget, staff, technology, facilities)

5 Developing The Fundamentals  Effective operational processes (e.g. data entry, file processing, internal communication, recruit- back program)  Powerful management information system  Development of an adequate inquiry pool  Effective and efficient methods of managing the enrollment funnel (e.g. qualifying and grading)  Purposeful written, telecounseling, electronic, and personal communication systems and programs  Management reporting and monitoring of progress towards goals

6 Developing The Fundamentals  A competitive scholarship and financial aid program  An institutional service philosophy and student-centered policies and procedures  Organization and delivery of quality academic programs  Quality and availability of student support services and programs (e.g. career services, advising, first-year student programs)  Faculty commitment to student success and supportive teaching styles

7 Short-term Observations and Recommendations – Capacity Worksheet 1.Define the various EL Markets now Primary MarketsPrimary Markets Secondary MarketsSecondary Markets

8 Here’s a preliminary list  High School Concurrent Enrollment  Entry course for first-year cohort (Journalism 101 – Intro to Mass Communication)  In-state placebound adults without a bachelor’s degree  In-state placebound adults with a bachelor’s degree  Program-specific interests –Non-credit –Software Engineering –IMC master’s –EMBA  Course offerings

9 Here’s opportunity  The undergraduate stop- out population  The graduate stop-out population  Recruiting the non-credit student to degree seeking programs  Specific business and industry workforce development connections  WVU alumni  WVU alumni from the regional campuses  In-state community college & 4 year graduates  Out-of-state markets

10 Short-term Observations and Recommendations 2.Developing the inquiry database (aka lead pool) in undergraduate and graduate areas within EL and each regional center Other than the prospective students who participate in the Information Sessions, there really is no centralized inquiry pool for ELOther than the prospective students who participate in the Information Sessions, there really is no centralized inquiry pool for EL Some of the colleges and programs have developed their own lead pool databasesSome of the colleges and programs have developed their own lead pool databases

11 Short-term Observations and Recommendations 3.Increase functionality of inquiry data and/or develop a new integrated database –Exploring a stand-alone recruitment database that will assist the university’s varied enrollment operations

12 Short-term Observations and Recommendations 4. Develop an annual recruitment plan designed to meet EL enrollment objectives –Move EL regional coordinators to a data- and research- driven recruitment and enrollment planning process –Two components to the plan –Overall EL plan –Regional plans that feed into the overall EL plan 5. Develop training programs for the EL regional coordinators in enrollment management fundamentals

13 Short-term Observations and Recommendations 6.Identify recruitment strategies to influence decision- making at all stages of the WVU EL new student enrollment funnel Construct online information sessions (e.g. Microsoft Live Office/phone conference or chat) to promote specific programs of studyConstruct online information sessions (e.g. Microsoft Live Office/phone conference or chat) to promote specific programs of study 7.Implement a sequential communication plan for EL inquiries House in the Call CenterHouse in the Call Center Perfect recruitment group to communicate with through the university’s websitePerfect recruitment group to communicate with through the university’s website

14 Short-term Observations and Recommendations 8.Install systems to qualify the inquiry, admit and confirmed pools to focus time and attention on prospective students with the greatest propensity to enroll through WVU EL On the whole, Regional Centers simply have no idea if their current activities are producing enrollment results

15 Will not enroll at your school no matter what you do. Will enroll at your school no matter what you do. Influence C AB Students falling in this area will not enroll unless your institution does something to influence their decision. The Distribution of Student Interest

16 Short-term Observations and Recommendations 9.Use a team approach for recruitment operations 10.Conduct an audit of all EL and college-based recruitment and promotional materials and communication methods 11.Develop enrollment funnel reports by center to monitor new and continuing student enrollment

17 Short-term Observations and Recommendations 12. Implement a stronger partnership process between the colleges and EL in new student recruitment The college contacts learn from each otherThe college contacts learn from each other The internal communication must improveThe internal communication must improve 13.Please identify tracking mechanisms to identify EL inquiries through enrollees in the student recruitment and information systems Why the concern that EL student will be treated differently?Why the concern that EL student will be treated differently?

18 Short-term Observations and Recommendations 15.Need to balance image and targeted marketing 16.Perception is that EL is not an equal player in the enrollment and course development process Conduct internal marketing to better highlight the accomplishments and unique points of difference for ELConduct internal marketing to better highlight the accomplishments and unique points of difference for EL Spotlight faculty and departments who have embraced this learning delivery option (a Mountaineer Moment!)Spotlight faculty and departments who have embraced this learning delivery option (a Mountaineer Moment!) 17.Assess different EL organizational models to best meet the enrollment needs of the colleges and university – by College, by program…

19 Vision for 2010: West Virginia University Extended Learning Enrollment Opportunities

20 Vision for 2010 1.Centralized recruiting office for Extended Learning with program specific recruitment specialists 2.Research based annual EL recruitment plan in place 3.Multilayered recruitment communication plan which addresses the unique needs of the nontraditional student 4.Separate recruitment functions within EL for credit courses and 930 courses

21 Vision for 2010 5.Coordinated relationship between EL recruitment office and recruitment/staff specialists in each College 6.Establish, research based, needs assessment tool in place and required 7. Define the various EL Markets 8. Conduct evaluations of different educational delivery methods Determine if today’s student is more satisfied with delivery and learning processes found in EL deliveries than traditional classroom deliveriesDetermine if today’s student is more satisfied with delivery and learning processes found in EL deliveries than traditional classroom deliveries

22 EM Observations and Recommendations 1.Convene an EL Enrollment Management Subcommittee of the University’s Enrollment Management Council Incorporate EL enrollment planning objectives into the university’s enrollment management programIncorporate EL enrollment planning objectives into the university’s enrollment management program 2.Take the same model for maximizing enrollment in summer and use it in maximizing enrollment for fall and spring –Advising-focused, based on analysis of student academic satisfactory progress 3.Establish a more regimented academic planning and development process for EL for the colleges

23 Existing Programs/Services New Programs/Services Existing Markets New Markets Market Penetration Product Development Diversification Market Development Enrollment Growth Strategy Matrix

24 EM Observations and Recommendations 4.Conduct a market analysis to determine existing primary market areas and areas of greatest enrollment potential - map locations of currently enrolled students –append data, plus other census data (educational attainment, avg. HH income, % enrolled in college) for all communities where current students live –identify communities with similar population characteristics but comparatively low concentrations of current WVU E-L students (to identify new market opportunities)

25 Identify marketing strategies 5.Through a telephone/online survey of currently enrolled(*) WVU E-L students: –Explore their decision-making process (why they are taking classes, why they chose WVU) –Learn what media they use to make their decision (newspaper ads, radio ads, Web site, personal contacts) –Determine the most important information they sought to help them make their decision –Based on this information, we can develop strategies for marketing communications

26 Next Steps  1. Write 3 ways you can contribute via your role.  2. Who do you need to work with to accomplish #1?  3. What resources do you need?  4. What are your measures of success?

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