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CREATIVE LEARNING SKILLS FOR LANGUAGE LEARNERS. Where on earth is French language spoken?

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Presentation on theme: "CREATIVE LEARNING SKILLS FOR LANGUAGE LEARNERS. Where on earth is French language spoken?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Where on earth is French language spoken?


4 Languages in London

5 Famous people you might recognise

6 So why learn a language?

7 Challenges in Learning Languages

8 Swahili Swahili is spoken in East Africa

9 Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes!

10 Eyes & Ears & Mouth & Nose!

11 Head - Kichwa

12 Shoulders - Mabega

13 Knees - Magoti

14 Toes - Miguu

15 Head - Kichwa

16 Shoulders - Mabega

17 Knees - Magoti

18 Toes - Miguu

19 Eyes - Macho

20 Ears - Masikio

21 Mouth - Mdomo

22 Nose - Pua




26 Learning Styles

27 Visual

28 Audio

29 Kinaesthetic

30 Linear

31 Ways of learning – which style?

32 Strategies Once you know your learning style you’re half way there to making learning a language easier for yourself. Listen to music in another language Label objects in your house, so that every time you use them you see the word Watch films in another language Test each other (flashcards, competition) Put the word in context (a phrase) Make up rhymes and songs with the words

33 Own Experiences

34 Goodbye!

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