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Content production plan Christopher C. Corcoran EFL537.COM.

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1 content production plan Christopher C. Corcoran EFL537.COM


3 Vocabulary is an important part of second language learning. Usually, it is the first step. Just a few simple words to start...

4 When your students begin to know how to express themselves (even in the simplest ways) it really is crucial to their self image. It is this understanding that they are making strides and actually learning something that makes this difference. They realize that this learning can actually work, and that in time, with a little work, they will be able to communicate.

5 Images, whether photographs, artwork, or basic drawings, used to supplement learning, helps present and define words in a more meaningful context. This will enable your students to learn, understand, and utilize that vocabulary in all aspects of their lives. What about pictures?

6 calm

7 Electrifying

8 Text alone has been determined to not be as effective in teaching vocabulary. Use technology to facilitate images along with text to enable second language learners to learn English in a much more rapid and retentive way. Just words?


10 Visual imagery assists students in learning word meaning and in making better predictions and inferences (Center, et al, 1999). Pictures can cue students with learning disabilities with decoding unknown words, can decrease task complexity, and can assist in developing memory for the written word (van der Bijl, Alant, & Lloyd, 2006). 3 3

11 Vocabulary knowledge will inspire your students to converse. Even the simplest knowledge of basic vocabulary words gives students the confidence to begin a conversation... And then want to continue it... And then ultimately finish it. Work/

12 Frightening, ridiculous,

13 Having your students learn vocabulary in context helps to cement those words into memory. It's important to present words to your students in different ways so that they see different dimensions to the words and the different contexts the words have. Its like looking at an object from different angles. Doing so makes it easier for us to see it clearer, so we can see what it really is, and also what it really isn't. Multi-dimensional

14 illusion

15 Remember to have your students use vocabulary not only individually, but also vocally, in a group setting, and in a written context. It's more effective that way. Electronic dictionaries have their place, but students may not get the best "picture" or the full presentation of the words. Your students will learn more in a collaborative setting. When they hear the word used in different ways from different people. Also, its better to hear the word spoken from different people. It helps pronunciation.

16 Studies have shown that learning words (and ideas and concepts) are strengthened when images are used with the text to convey the meaning. Students may not even know how to look up words in a dictionary, and sometimes, when they do, all they get are...more words. Consider using images initially for basic definitions, and once an understanding is there, let your students know how to get more detailed information and clarification of those words.

17 ODD...

18 If you know the student's first language, don't be afraid to utilize it along with images to help with defining the target language goals. Some educators believe that the students first language should not be used. But...if the student is perplexed and cannot grasp the meaning, images and definitions in their native language along with the definition in the target language can only facilitate comprehension.

19 Vocabulary Learning and Technology.

20 How do I begin? Students arrive in class with many different types of knowledge and learning styles. Your students needs and your personal teaching style will dictate how you use the internet and technology in the classroom.

21 Why is technology so effective? Most teachers agree that previewing the materials of a lesson helps the teacher assess what the students may already know, and what they may still need to learn. Also, because supplemental visual images help students learn new words, a variety of these activities helps even more. This is where technology and the use of the internet in the classroom is very effective.

22 Previewing Assessing Using Visuals Variety So, technology is good for...

23 Its also good for teaching Ideas and Concepts... Do you want your students to just learn "Words" or more than that? How about Ideas? How about Concepts? And how about usage? The how, when, where, and why to use these words. cabulary-material-problems-in-language- teaching/ cabulary-material-problems-in-language- teaching/

24 Things to think about when using technology to teach vocabulary: What is vocabulary? Is vocabulary the same for everyone? Do all students learn vocabulary words the same way? For the same reasons? What are the different ways we learn them? What are the different types of learners? How do students learn vocabulary words?

25 What about different cultures in an on-line classroom? Who are you students? What is their technical background? What are their vocabulary experiences and understanding of what vocabulary is? Do your students have Multiple Intelligences? Who is technically adept at learning vocabulary through technology and who is not? How do you approach their learning styles and apply computer oriented materials to strengthen those different intelligences? Is it still important to learn vocabulary through a humanist approach?

26 Some things to think about when creating on-line exercises: Creating Online Vocabulary Learning Activities and Lessons What types of words are best? What are students interested in? What is the best way to go about creating these exercises? What about using the words in context? What's appropriate?

27 Learning Materials For advanced ESL students reading assigned literature or higher level textbooks, this website give teachers the ability to create focused and specialized flashcards with those vocabulary words for them to study. Students can go to the assigned address to find that distinct information: For further reinforcement, this website allows teachers to create personalized quizzes and tests for students:

28 Things to remember: Vocabulary is the first step in second language learning. All students have multiple intelligences. Students need to be inspired to learn vocabulary words. Supplemental Images bring a world of difference in retaining meaning. A little bit of knowledge is all it takes to give students the confidence to keep at it. Technology is the key to finding the most unique, individualized and best way for your students to learn vocabulary. Technology by itself is not enough. Include a humanist element to fill the gaps and get your students to speak, interact and communicate with each other for a well rounded second language education.

29 Other Sources for vocabulary learning via computers and technology http://fog- %20dic.htmhttp://fog- %20dic.htm

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