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Belg 2000 Seasonal Livelihoods Assessment: Summary of Results.

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Presentation on theme: "Belg 2000 Seasonal Livelihoods Assessment: Summary of Results."— Presentation transcript:

1 Belg 2000 Seasonal Livelihoods Assessment: Summary of Results

2 HEA Framework: Overview HEA starts with an understanding of how households live in a reference period…. This assessment has been conducted using the Household Economy Approach (HEA) to analysing livelihoods and assessing food security.

3 HEA Framework: Overview …then it incorporates the impact of a shock in the current year….

4 Survival Threshold Livelihoods Protection Threshold HEA Framework: Overview …and finally looks at how people might be able to cope in relation to two thresholds.

5 Survival Threshold Livelihoods Protection Threshold Gap HEA Framework: Overview The analysis suggests that post-shock, households will not be able to maintain their normal livelihood assets without assistance.

6 Raya Valley Sorghum and Teff Livelihood Zone Production: Rainfed mixed agriculture Agro-ecological zone: Kolla (lowland) Main consumption crops: sorghum, teff, maize Main cash crops: teff, sorghum, maize Main livestock: cattle, goats, sheep, chickens Market access: good Other economic activities: local agricultural work, petty trade, salt trade Hazards: erratic rainfall (once per 3 years), chronic crop pests and livestock diseases Response of poor: switching expenditure to staple food, consuming rather than selling low-value crops Woredas: Raya Azebo, Alamata, Hintalo Weijirat Alaje-Ofla Highland Livelihood Zone Production: Rainfed mixed agriculture Agro-ecological zone: Dega (highland) Main consumption crops: wheat, barley, pulses, maize Major cash crops: pulses, wheat, barley Main livestock: cattle, sheep, chickens, goats Market access: medium Other economic activities: local and migrant agricultural work, petty trade Hazards: drought (once per 3 years), chronic crop pests and livestock diseases Response of poor: switching expenditure to staple food, consuming rather than selling low-value crops Woredas: Alaje, Ofla, Endamahoni, Hintalo Weijirat LIVELIHOOD ZONES OF TIGRAY REGION: Baseline assessments were conducted in the region between October and March 1999 (EC) for the reference period October 1998 – September 1999

7 Seasonal Assessment Steps Seasonal assessment team members trained over 2 days Team briefed by DPPB officials before spending over two weeks (DATES) in the field visiting (XXX) woredas in XXXX, XXXXX & XXXX zones. Meetings held with woreda officials to discuss the food security situation and to gather crop, livestock, price and "other" information for the current meher season. Interviews also held in each woreda with traders. Team conducted three days of analysis and report writing (DATES) using the Livelihood Impact Analysis Sheet (LIAS). The analysis involved comparing reference year with the current year. Beneficiaries generated by HEA analysis for each woreda (without including safety nets contribution) were compared with PSNP beneficiary numbers.

8 The Integrated Spreadsheet Sheet C: Crop production Sheet L: Livestock production Sheet M: Market prices Sheet O: Other sources of Food and Cash The analysis is carried out using an excel spreadsheet that stores the baseline data and accepts data on current production and market conditions

9 The Integrated Spreadsheet On Sheet C, crop production data is entered for the current and reference years, and the IS calculates the problem specification automatically Current year production Problem specification Reference year production Need only be entered into one column of the reference table

10 Weather: Belg 2000 The onset Quantity and quality Duration Implications for crops and livelihoods

11 Belg 2000 crops – area planted Overview by zone

12 Belg 2000 crops - production Overview by zone

13 Meher 2000 crop prospects Overview by zone


15 Market conditions The analysis compared projected prices for the current year (now & December) with prices for the reference year in the same period. STAPLE FOOD: CROPS: LIVESTOCK : LABOUR:

16 Market conditions – continued INFLATION: Overall inflation was XXX% (according to CSA data). The inflation rate for food was XXX%. The PSNP cash injection is not increasing with inflation, which means that it is losing real value significantly year by year.

17 Water, Education, Health HEALTH: WATER: EDUCATION:

18 PSNP and Relief Distributions Overview by zone

19 Food Security Prospects - discussion Overview by zone

20 Food Security Prospects - Figures

21 Food Security Prospects - discussion continued Overview by zone

22 Food Security Prospects - Figures continued

23 Food Security Prospects: Analysis Example REPLACE WITH AN EXAMPLE FROM THE REGION Analysis was conducted for every combination of woreda and livelihood zone. The deficits illustrated here disappear when the PSNP contribution is incorporated into the analysis.

24 Food Security Prospects: Analysis Example REPLACE WITH EXAMPLE FROM REGION Analysis was conducted for every combination of woreda and livelihood zone. The deficits illustrated here disappear when the PSNP contribution is incorporated into the analysis.

25 Recommendations

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