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UTS 2000 Ross J Todd Transforming Learning through Action Research: Information and Critical Literacies Dr Ross Todd Head, Department of Information Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "UTS 2000 Ross J Todd Transforming Learning through Action Research: Information and Critical Literacies Dr Ross Todd Head, Department of Information Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd Transforming Learning through Action Research: Information and Critical Literacies Dr Ross Todd Head, Department of Information Studies University of Technology, Sydney

2 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd the age of information age dot.con age age of the mind info place  info space info space  knowledge space

3 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd CYBER SOCIETY cyber communities cyber democracy cyber language cyber activism cyber patrol cyber stress cyber overload cyber sense cyber shopping cybrarian

4 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd The information environment complex and fluid connective and interactive diverse and unpredictable no longer constrained by time and place info place  info space

5 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd Schooling …. is all about providing the best learning opportunities for students to make the most of their lives as sense-making, constructive, independent people Students know how to be an active agent in their rich information space


7 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd CONSTRUCTING KNOWLEDGE Turning information into knowledge is the most intellectually challenging, time-consuming, and potentially controversial process SENSE - UNDERSTANDING - KNOWLEDGE

8 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd CONSTRUCTING KNOWLEDGE inquiring mind sense of curiosity critical spirit self evaluation commitment to reflection sense of personal agency repertoire of learning skills

9 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd INFORMATION AND CRITICAL LITERACIES Key to effective engagement with information space

10 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd INFORMATION & CRITICAL LITERACIES Reading and writing Speaking and listening Viewing and visualising Touching and empathising (?)  Connecting with information  Interacting with information  Utilising information


12 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd 1. Learning is about making and maintaining connections connect with information interact with information utilise a rich information world We cannot learn effectively if we are not information literate

13 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd 2. Learning is an active search for meaning by the learner Discovery of knowledge Transform prior knowledge Constructing knowledge Demonstrate competencies and use of ideas Active searching is underpinned by critical and information literacies

14 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd 3. Learning is developmental Intellectual growth is gradual: advancement, consolidation, reinforcement Information and critical literacies provide a staged developmental process

15 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd 4. Learning is both individual and social Opportunities for co-operative learning Cultivating and inclusive community Information and critical literacies facilitate development of individual and social needs

16 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd 5. Learning is strongly affected by educational climate in which it takes place Value academic and personal success and intellectual inquiry Feeling connected, cared for and trusted Mastery of information and critical literacies develops self-esteem and belonging

17 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd 6. Learning requires feedback, practice, and use Feedback  sustained learning Practice  nourishing learning Opportunities to use  meaningful learning Information and critical literacies provide opportunities for evaluating progress

18 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd 7. Much learning takes place informally and incidentally Activities beyond classroom enrich formal learning experiences Mentoring relationships beyond the classroom Learning in a variety of setting and circumstances Information and critical literacies foster independent learning

19 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd 8. Learning is grounded in particular contexts and individual experiences Requires effort to transfer specific knowledge and skills to new circumstances Unlearn personal views and approaches when confronted by new information Information and critical literacies enable learners to read the world and the word

20 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd 9. Learning involves ability of individuals to monitor own learning Understand how knowledge is acquired Awareness of own ways of knowing Ability to monitor own learning Information and critical literacies provide an evaluative tool for learning progress

21 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd 10. Learning is enhanced by taking place in the context of compelling situations Provides challenge and opportunity Stimulates brain to conceptualise, contemplate and reflect Amplifies the learning process Information and critical literacies must be situated in meaningful situations

22 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP from toy to tool Shared learning Shared responsibility Shared development Shared celebration


24 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd The urgency of shared learning initiatives

25 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd Electronic Information Seeking (McNicholas & Todd, 1996) Design of research activities Constructing an appropriate search Working with search engines Critiquing web sites and making quality assessments of the information Constructing personal understanding

26 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd Electronic Information Seeking Aitkin (1997) (Primary school children) high levels of information overload major coping strategies included: deliberate omission; making broad and quick selections based on superficial analysis; deliberately accepting errors; getting someone else to do the work confusion, frustration, depression

27 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd Electronic Information Seeking (Dilal & Watson, 1998) (Year 7 Science students) Failure of students to retrieve Web documents based on aboutness: subject headings, key words, concepts Inability to make relevance judgements Inability to make quality judgements

28 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd Electronic Information Seeking (Kafai & Bates, 1997) Inability to use search engines Difficulty in building a search strategy Difficulty in locating appropriate resources Dealing with “boring, uninvolving or irrelevant sites” “Retard the value of the experience”

29 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd Electronic Information Seeking (Fidel, 1999) Absence of search strategies Inability to formulate effective search strategies Inappropriately favoured visual cues Navigational difficulties: Lost in Space

30 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd Electronic Information Seeking (Hirsch, 1999) Limited patience - abort searches quickly Poor management of research process - repetition of searches Limited navigation of sites in depth Limited use of search features No skills in judging information quality and relevance

31 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd

32 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd

33 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd

34 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd

35 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd ACTION RESEARCH A key framework for setting up strategies and activities for implementing change in relation to critical and information literacies TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP TRANSFORMING LEARNING

36 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd ACTION RESEARCH A process through which educators work together to improve education by change through action and reflection on their daily teaching habits (Loerke, 1992) Systematic inquiry that is collective, collaborative, self-reflective, critical, and undertaken by participants in the inquiry (McCutchen & Jung, 1990)

37 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd ACTION RESEARCH key words inquiry participative shared reflective planned purposive systematic improving leading to change evaluative

38 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd ACTION RESEARCH PHASES Problem identification Mutual commitment to improvement Plan for investigation of problem Implement actions / strategies to improve Effects of actions observed and recorded Reflect on outcomes Ongoing cycle of planning, action, evaluation

39 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd ACTION RESEARCH OUTCOMES Promotes individual development Personal renewal Shared knowledge and experience Collective renewal Influence institutional change Organisational renewal

40 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd ACTION RESEARCH Responsive Interactive Constructive Experiential Reflective Systematic Outcomes Oriented SHARED LEARNING

41 UTS 2000 Ross J Todd The future ….. we construct the road by walking on it...

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