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Learning Styles.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Styles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Styles

2 Learning Style Each person prefers a pattern of thought and behavior that influences the learning process.

3 Teaching Style The way instructors teach, their distinct mannerisms, complimented by their choices of teaching behavior and strategies

4 75% of Teachers Sequential, Analytic Presenters and 70% of all their students do not learn this way. Jenson (1995, p 25)

5 Quote “If students cannot learn the way we teach them, then we must teach them the way they learn”

6 Performance Objective
Through a lesson plan for this unit and an assignment to determine student learning styles, describe learning styles and incorporate learning styles into the management practices and instructional strategies to the satisfaction of the instructor of this course.

7 Enabling Objectives 1. Describe and identify learning styles
2. Identify the various learning styles of your students. Use information about learning styles to develop instruction and manage your classroom.

8 Categories of the Learning Process
Context Input Process

9 Context The circumstances surrounding the learning

10 Dunn and Dunn Model Emotional Physical Environmental Sociological

11 Input Learners must have input to initiate learning

12 Brandler-Grinder Model
Visual Auditory Kinesthetic/Tactile

13 Experiment for Determining Input
Photo of students & teacher – experiment-like

14 Process The actual manipulation of the data

15 Hermann Brain Dominance Model
Personality and Learning preferences Left Cerebral Right Cerebral Left Limbic Right Limbic

16 Gregorc/Butler Model Concrete Sequential Concrete Random
Abstract Sequential Abstract Random

17 Identification of Student Learning Styles
Use of instruments

18 Using the Knowledge of Learning Styles

19 Methods Preferred by Students in Styles
By Concrete Sequential students By Abstract Sequential students By Abstract Random students By Concrete Random students

20 Concrete Sequential Recreate graphic from CD

21 Concrete Random Recreate graphic from CD

22 Abstract Sequential Recreate graphic from CD

23 Abstract Random Recreate graphic from CD

24 Methods Frequently Used by Teachers
Practice and Drill Questioning Cognitive Memory Questions Convergent Questions Lectures and Explanations Class discussion Teacher Developed Materials Whole-Group Instruction Daily Work Grades

25 What Good Teachers Recognize
Some students do best with hands-on approach Some students learn from books that challenge their imagination For some students, appreciate is essential to learning For others, clarity of presentation is everything Some students are actively attuned to their environments

26 What Good Teachers Recognize (Continued)
Some students are quietly processing all of that information Some students need structure and clear guidelines Some students are free spirits and choked by the same structure that gives security to other classmates

27 Three Keys to Understanding Learning Styles
The brain learns in many ways Use a variety of learning methods Provide a choice so that can choose at least 50% of the time

28 Best Way to Learn About Your Students
Watch Listen Engage

29 Summary Everyone has his or her own style of learning.
It is important for teachers to know about their students’ learning styles The environment affects our learning style as well as what we take in and how we process information. We as teachers must realize certain factors about students The key to helping students learn is to realize that they all have different learning styles and teachers should use a variety of methods to address the variety of learning styles

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