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Climate Change Related Activities in Romania Dumitra MEREUTA Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development - June 2007, Bucharest -

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1 Climate Change Related Activities in Romania Dumitra MEREUTA Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development - June 2007, Bucharest -

2 Current Situation and Legal Framework UNFCCC – signed in 1992 at Rio Earth Summit – ratified in 1994 by Law 24 Kyoto Protocol – signed in 1999 – ratified in 2001 by Law 3 Romania – first Annex I country to ratify the Kyoto Protocol Target – 8% reduction of GHG emissions; 1989 base year G.D. no. 645/2005 - approving National Strategy on Climate Change G.D. no. 1877/2005 - approving National Action Plan on Climate Change G.D. no. 658/2006 reorganization of the National Commission on Climate Change (NCCC) inter-ministerial consultative body, coordinated by MESD – promoting all necessary actions in accordance with UNFCCC and KP G.D. no. 780/2006 establishing the greenhouse gases emissions trading scheme and the subsequent legislations

3 Institutional Framework Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development - National Focal Point, coordinating the strategies and policies on climate change, EU ETS National Agency for Environmental Protection - implementing strategies and policies on climate change, GHG inventories, EU ETS implementation National Administration for Meteorology - vulnerability, impact, and adaptation measures to climate change National Environmental Fund Administration - GHG emissions reduction projects database, GIS funds administrator National Commission on Climate Change - advising the Minister of Environment on policy decisions, actions and measures for applying the UNFCCC and KP provisions Local EPAs, research institutes, universities, NGOs, companies

4 GHG National Inventory December 2002 – first submission of the inventories for the period 1992-2000 in the required format (CRF and NIR) UNFCCC Secretariat organized in 2003 the first ever review of the National GHG Inventory of Romania (in-country review) May 2005 – submission of the recalculated inventories for the period 1989-2003 using the new reporting tool - CRF Reporter

5 National Strategy on Climate Change National Strategy on Climate Change (NSCC) outlines Romania’s policies in meeting the international commitments under the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol as well as Romania’s national priorities in climate change NSCC also specifies the environmental and economic benefits for participating in the flexible mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol, namely Joint Implementation (JI) and International Emissions Trading (IET) Implementing the climate change activities necessary for Romania’s accession to the EU and for participating in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme

6 National Action Plan on Climate Change Represents the main tool to implement the National Strategy on Climate Change Establishing the progresses in the implementation process Concrete measures for the period 2005-2007 in order to achieve the fulfillment of the NSCC objectives Assigning the responsibilities for the involved institutions Identifying the main institutions responsible for each specific action Clearly state the deadlines for the actions to be undertaken Identifying the financial sources for developing NAPCC actions

7 EU Energy- Climate Change package In line with the Strategic EU Energy Review, the following concrete actions will ensure a competitive, more sustainable and secure energy system and a significant reduction of GHG emissions in the EU by 2020: Improve the EU ’ s energy efficiency by 20 % by 2020 Increase the share of renewable energy to 20 % by 2020.

8 EU Energy- Climate Change package 30% greenhouse gas reduction target 1990 - 2020 on the condition that other industrialized countries also commit themselves to greenhouse gas reductions and that the more advances developing countries take similar measures. if no global agreement is reached for reductions of greehouse gas emissions, the EU-27 will in any case reduce with 20% in the period 1990 - 2020.

9 The promotion of the use of biofuels The main objective - pollution reduction The national indicative targets for Romania are:  by the end of 2010 - 5,75%, calculated on the basis of energy content, of all petrol and diesel for transport purpose placed on the market;  by 2020 - 10%, calculated on the basis of energy content, of all petrol and diesel for transport purpose placed on the market. Romania transposed the Directive 2003/30/EC by Governmental Decision no. 1844/2005 on promoting the utilisation of biofuels and other renewable fuels for transport The objective of 5,75% was established by the Governmental Decision no. 456/2007, which set gradual targets for biofuels content in fuel content for operators who place fuels on the market. The Ministry of Economy and Finance has carried out a set of actions aiming at promoting the use of biofuels and other renewable fuels.

10 National Action Plan on Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPACC) Objectives: to prepare a useful instrument for climate change policy makers and also for sectoral policy makers to ensure that adequate consideration of adaptation is paid during sectoral planning and regulation to help vulnerable sectors and also population to adapt to climate change to built capacity on adaptation and to reduce the costs of the climate change impacts Contents: Describing climate change and its impacts, as well as assessing the sensitivity of sectors Assessing current adaptive capacity, vulnerability and opportunities associated with climate change Presenting actions that should be taken immediately (such as research and development) and policies for future actions

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