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How climate change will affect health A. M. Zakir Hussain Temporary International Professional and Focal Point, Environmental Health and Climate Change.

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Presentation on theme: "How climate change will affect health A. M. Zakir Hussain Temporary International Professional and Focal Point, Environmental Health and Climate Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 How climate change will affect health A. M. Zakir Hussain Temporary International Professional and Focal Point, Environmental Health and Climate Change SEARO, WHO New Delhi, India Presented at the 3rd Round Table Meet on Climate Change Organized by ECPFO On 4th February 2011 at Chennai

2 Bio-environment Elemental environment Diseas e/ ill health/ Death Air, water, housing, waste environment Topo-geo-horti- agro environment Pharmaco- environment Anthropogenic environment

3 Change in temp., sun light, rainfall, humidity, cloud cover Local topography Other environ conditions – water, san, housing Vector control measures Vector develop, survival rate and characteristics Parasite develp & survival rate & parasite index Host size and characteristics Transportation system Other strength of health systems Vector borne disease load

4 Natural or anthropo GHG Miti gation Health Mitigation Research needs Adaptation measures Evaluatio n

5 So what should the health sector do? Research mainly aimed at assessment and adaptation Strengthen GIS and HIS including surveillance Strengthen health systems Build awareness and garner support Build alliance with relevant sectors Conduct advocacy

6 What might WHO do? Provide technical support to health sector for: Research for assessment and adaptation Overall capacity building Awareness building Stakeholder participation Tools and guidelines for assessment and adaptation planning Implementation

7 What might WHO do (Contd.)? Provide technical support for developing NAPA, in conducting inter-sector and global negotiations and in building alliances Provide technical support to strengthen health systems, surveillance and emergency medical care

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