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A nation of morons New Scientist (6 May 1982) pp349-52

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1 A nation of morons New Scientist (6 May 1982) pp349-52
Gould (1982) IQ tests A nation of morons New Scientist (6 May 1982) pp349-52 Mark Souter

2 introduction comparative test based on age performance
Gould (1982) IQ tests introduction comparative test based on age performance Developed by Binet (C19th France) mental age / chronological age x 100 = IQ now based on norm referencing Binet aimed to use results to identify and help Intelligence could be improved Mark Souter

3 introduction Binet against IQ as fixed
Gould (1982) IQ tests introduction Binet against IQ as fixed Binet wanted tests to identify those who needed help This view reversed by Eugenics movement science should identify 'mental degenerates' and 'prevent their propagation' Mark Souter

4 the article: the background
Gould (1982) IQ tests the article: the background Robert Yerkes (1915) wanted to promote psychology WW1 created expansion of US army Yerkes tested 1.75M US troops Mark Souter

5 the article: the tests 3 tests devised Army Alpha - written test
Gould (1982) IQ tests the article: the tests 3 tests devised Army Alpha - written test 8 parts similar to modern IQ test Army Beta - picture test for illiterates pictures and numbers; c1h duration spoken exam - for those failing Beta test Yerkes claimed measured 'native intellectual ability' Mark Souter

6 Gould (1982) IQ tests Mark Souter

7 the article: the tests BUT cultural bias
Gould (1982) IQ tests the article: the tests BUT cultural bias 'Washington is to Adams as first is to ... Crisco is a: patent medicine/disinfectant/toothpaste/food product Christy Mathewson is famous as a: writer/artist/baseball player/comedian Mark Souter

8 the article: the tests test poorly administered:
Gould (1982) IQ tests the article: the tests test poorly administered: too many Betas so men sent to Alpha queues! many scored 0 but not retested in Beta background not accounted for: recent European immigrants black men who'd never been given education Mark Souter

9 the article: result of Yerkes tests
Gould (1982) IQ tests the article: result of Yerkes tests av mental age 13 [just above 'moron'!] graded Europeans: av 'moron' 'lighter' (Northern) Europeans scored higher 'darker' (Southern) Europeans scored lower av score of Black men 10.4, lower than whites Mark Souter

10 the article: tests used to support racism
Gould (1982) IQ tests the article: tests used to support racism Carl Bringham (colleague of Yerkes) claimed N Europeans 'racially superior' Jews inferior (explained Einstein etc as 'exceptions'!) Mark Souter

11 the article: fallacies of the tests
Gould (1982) IQ tests the article: fallacies of the tests early immigrants from N Europe tests biased against S Europe av score rose with length of time in US = more experience --> higher score Bringham said first arrivals were the most intelligent later ones progressively more stupid Mark Souter

12 the article: tests used to support racist policies
Gould (1982) IQ tests the article: tests used to support racist policies tests uses to support US Immigration Restriction Act in 1924 The Eugenicists "won one of the greatest victories of scientific racism in American history" a further consequence was to prevent refugees from Europe fleeing Nazism Mark Souter

13 discussion shows human consequences of academic debate
Gould (1982) IQ tests discussion shows human consequences of academic debate highlights political context of psychology debate continues no clear evidence that genetics account for IQ scores still no clear operational definition of intelligence 'race' is political construct not biological one Mark Souter

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