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Portfolio Committee on Agriculture Integrated Spatial Analysis on land capability and land use for Agriculture and Forestry Portfolio Committee on Agriculture.

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Presentation on theme: "Portfolio Committee on Agriculture Integrated Spatial Analysis on land capability and land use for Agriculture and Forestry Portfolio Committee on Agriculture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Portfolio Committee on Agriculture Integrated Spatial Analysis on land capability and land use for Agriculture and Forestry Portfolio Committee on Agriculture Integrated Spatial Analysis on land capability and land use for Agriculture and Forestry Cape Town 27 February 2015

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3  Continues & steep decline in the area of High Value Agricultural Land available for crop production in South Africa FAO Recommended Current DAFF estimate is less than 0,25 ha per person per annum 3

4 Province Mining rights (ha)Prospecting rights (ha) HVALClass IVTotal areaHVALClass IVTotal area Eastern Cape2272961 91020 70618298341 799 Free State8 17961 05583 599157 9876434721 305 451 Gauteng49 45325281 125206 87913288357 368 KwaZulu-Natal15 61314 20084 357179 26682771758 284 Limpopo41 72035 502153 422744 9745449374 415 344 Mpumalanga252 07949 469350 9081 207 7244926302 697 521 Northern Cape00451 647005 150 556 North West78 04138 220189 483435 6537675022 652 745 Western Cape3 2351 10522 78211 3652671871 987 RSA Total448 547200 0991 419 2332 964 5542 565 56918 551 056 4 HVAL – High Value Agricultural Land (Land Capability Classes I – III) DAFF spatial analysis based on 2012 mining data & 2002 Land Capability Data

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7  Land Capability Classes High value cropping land  Class I - 2 733 ha  Class II - 1 878 597 ha  Class III - 14 003 339 ha Marginal potential cropping land  Class IV - 16 447 446 ha  Limitations  Scale: National level  Source data: Land Type Survey  Methodology: Assessment / land type record  Classification system 7

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9  Data  Full access to all data Input, intermediate and final datasets Seamless raster datasets 15 Classes  Scale  Suitable for use at local municipal level (50-100 000 scale) Demarcation per local municipality  Models  Resides with DAFF Refine, adapt & re-run  Products  Novice User manual  Super user Complete documentation 9

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11 AGRICULTURAL POTENTIAL ZONES CONCEPTUAL DIAGRAM Environmental Database: Climate; Soil and Topographical data Climate-; Soil- and Terrain capability Land capability Crop-; Irrigation and Livestock suitability Land suitability Land cover- and Land use data, incl. wetlands, etc. Ancillary Data: Protected areas; Permanently transformed- Buildings, roads, etc. Production Guidelines & Land-use Regulations Provincial & Local systems: BRU’s, etc. Agricultural Zones Geodatabase Reports: Research and Technical Data: Spatial, attribute-, metadata and data-dictionary Models: Spatial, Non-spatial, etc. Technical training: ArcReader, Technical manuals Reporting Facility Field verification FULLY INTEGRATED NATIONAL GEO-REFERENCED DATABASE All facets of agricultural land use planning- crops, forestry, animal adaptability, agro-ecosystems management, environmental risk and impact assessments, land degradation risk assessment, framework for future monitoring- climate change, etc.

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