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Development of Students’ Learning Strategies in Teaching Chemistry E.Zorova, M.Akhmetov Gradec Kralove, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of Students’ Learning Strategies in Teaching Chemistry E.Zorova, M.Akhmetov Gradec Kralove, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of Students’ Learning Strategies in Teaching Chemistry E.Zorova, M.Akhmetov Gradec Kralove, 2014

2 What is learning strategy? Sequence of mental operations: – representation of goals – intellectual styles for achievement of learning results – an correction of thinking and learning styles – Reflection methods & results in a mind These operations can be doing in different mental styles – Visual style – Logical style – Symbolic style – Emotional style

3 What mental simulation use chemists? Mental simulation: Visual models Chemical formulas end equations Pictures and chemical models Chemical phenomenon A text Mental simulation: Symbolic models Chemical formulas end equations Pictures and chemical models Chemical phenomenon A text

4 Why students have learning problems?

5 Problem of our research

6 Our hypothesis Students can achieve better educational results and improve their learning activity, if they will develop their learning strategies through learning chemistry

7 7 3.Symbolic 2. Submicro 1. Macro Levels of Understanding Chemistry (Johnstone)

8 Levels of chemical thinking 8 4. Abstract level 3. Logical level 2. Visual submicro level 1. Visual macro level

9 Best Way to Learning Chemistry (initial course) 9 5. Symbolic models 4. Description of observation & models 3. Mental models 2. Chemical models 1. Chemical observation Results The beginning Our attention

10 Pilot pedagogical experiment What students visualize in their minds if teacher says «Chemical element»? What studentsVisualizeGrades 1 groupModel of atomExcellent 2 groupSymbol of element Good 3 groupPeriodic tableNot good enough

11 Example of two ways for chemical calculations

12 Results of ’chemical problems’ solving

13 Conclusions & Perspectives on Future Research Chemists prefer visual models in their mind for solving chemical problems Specific of chemical thinking not enough reflected in textbooks Students need visual representation for better results of their learning Visual strategies allow students to achieve success in solving problems Technique for teaching chemistry through development learning strategies need to creation 13


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