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Raouf Boules, Ph.D. Redesign Colloquium, USF December 9, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Raouf Boules, Ph.D. Redesign Colloquium, USF December 9, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Raouf Boules, Ph.D. Redesign Colloquium, USF December 9, 2011

2 DVMT 101- Developmental Mathematics (4 contact hours) DVMT 110 - Intermediate Algebra (3 contact hours)

3 Students with SAT mathematics scores less than 500 and weak placement test scores Typical academic year enrollment data DVMT 101: 20 course sections enrolling 500 students DVMT 110: 15 course sections enrolling 350 students Total: 35 sections with close to 850 students Relative size: 8% of the Department academic year operation 3

4 Lecture format DVMT 101: 4 hours DVMT 110: 3 hours Taught mainly by adjunct faculty Use common exams with pass/fail grades Challenges Students enter with varying background experience and skill levels Students may move with varying pace May even enroll in DVMT 101 and finish both Some need more individualized attention than others 4

5 Uses a replacement model where one hour in each of the 2 classes is replaced by at least one mandated hour in an open computer lab Lab uses interactive learning software with thousands of practice problems and tutorials Self-paced learning environment with immediate feedback and tutorials Lab is mainly staffed by Undergraduate Learning Assistants (ULAs), some graduate Teaching Assistants (TAs) and some instructors Lab focus: Providing individualized on-demand guidance and individualized attention

6 40 computers Open 28 hrs/wk

7 Created Course Redesign Task Force Created an on-line supplementary component for each course Hosted two major workshops (led by two national experts) and numerous technology- related training sessions Utilized resources provided by the University System (workshops, networking opportunities, etc) Some members of Task Force attended the NCAT and other conferences Created resource manual for instructors and a website for students Recruited and trained ULAs and LAs 7

8 Resistance to change Large number of adjunct faculty involved Isolated bad technology experiences Initial lack of space for an open computer lab



11 Time to completion Pass rates (fall 06 to fall 09 change): DVMT 101: 77% 85% DVMT 110: 62% 66% Positive student experience (from course evaluations) Increased faculty enthusiasm Some realizable cost saving 19% of total cost of $140K/year

12 Traditional Instructors salary = $140K in Academic year 07-08 Redesigned: Instructors salary = $98,100 Lab staffing cost = $15,000 Total = 113,100 Saving of 19% ($26,900) 12

13 Five Strategic Themes of the 2020 Plan Enhancing Access, Affordability, and Attainment -- Helping Maryland Achieve Its 55% College Completion Goal, While Maintaining Quality Advancing Marylands Economic Development and the Health and Quality of Life of Its Citizens Transforming the Academic Model to Meet the Higher Education and Leadership Needs of Marylands 21 st Century Students, Citizens, and Businesses Continue to support course transformation at USM institutions by tripling the number of courses that have been reconceived via the USMs Course Redesign Initiatives and implemented. USM New Strategic Plan 2020 (approved by BOR, Dec 2010)

14 Five Strategic Themes of the 2020 Plan (Contd) Identifying New and More Effective Ways to Build and Leverage the Resources Available to the USM for the Benefit of Maryland and its Citizens Most importantly, Achieving and Sustaining National Eminence through the Quality of Our People, Our Programs, and Our Facilities See The Towerlight article 12/6/2010 approves-statewide-strategic-plan/ USM New Strategic Plan 2020 (approved Dec 2010)

15 Regents Effectiveness and Efficiency Initiative In 2006 turned to E&E in academic sphere Became first System to adopt Course Redesign as a System 10 projects funded for 3 years across the USM Biology, Chemistry, English, Mathematics, Psychology Developmental to 300 level courses Each solving a specific problem

16 All showed improved learning outcomes Most showed savings in staffing the course Some one-time capital investments were required Generally improved student satisfaction Generally improved faculty satisfaction Plaudits from Chancellor, BOR Notice in Annapolis that USM is taking initiative

17 Needs to be faculty driven with administrative support These are team efforts---not enough to have one really committed faculty member Projects most successful if there is team enthusiasm about solving one or more real academic or financial problems

18 Chancellor and USM raised money to extend these successes This is one strategy in a broader discussion of academic transformation

19 One of 3 Initiatives funded by 2009 Carnegie Corporation Academic Leadership Award to Chancellor Kirwan and additional fund raising Goal is to scale-up Course Redesign based on lessons learned from first round Focus on core curriculum and gateway courses

20 Part of the Lumina Foundation's productivity grants to increase the percentage of Americans with high- quality degrees and credentials to 60% by 2025 States receiving grants (2009-2013) include Arizona, Indiana, Maryland, Montana, Ohio, Tennessee, and Texas Luminas overarching goals through this initiative are to: Increase and reward completion Generate and reinvest savings Educate and train in affordable ways Funding for USM institutions will focus on developmental courses Funding for community colleges, independent institutions, and other public four-year institutions will consider bottleneck courses from any discipline

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