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Core Competencies for Priority Themes. Themes *Emerging diseases and transboundary diseases **Emerging health challenges **Food Safety and Climate Change.

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Presentation on theme: "Core Competencies for Priority Themes. Themes *Emerging diseases and transboundary diseases **Emerging health challenges **Food Safety and Climate Change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Core Competencies for Priority Themes

2 Themes *Emerging diseases and transboundary diseases **Emerging health challenges **Food Safety and Climate Change *Occupational Health and Safety **One Health Policy / Planning / Decision-making / Financing / cost-benefits analysis / education *Endemic diseases transboundary diseases (e.g. rabies) *Gender and Culture *Early detection Gender Analysis Culture Climate change One Health Information Systems One Health Education Systems / Resources Health care delivery One Health Financing Systems, cost benefit analysis Communication Advocacy One Health Risk Frameworks Early Detection of Outbreaks Cross Cutting issues Climate Change Gender Analysis

3 Competencies Soft Skills, 21 st century literacies – Networking, collaboration, leadership, communication Quantitative Research – Statistical modeling, geospatial analysis Qualitative Research – Structured interviews, focus groups, text analysis Grant and proposal writing Data Collection, Processing and Analysis – Mobile data collection systems, dynamic reporting Gender Listening

4 Example themes and competencies Theme – Subthemes Core Competencies – Subthemes Core Competencies Emerging Health Issues – Antibiotic resistance Quantitative analysis (statistical modeling) Social network analysis Experimental design – Water shortages Competency: GIS and thematic mapping

5 Short list of themes 1.Emerging diseases / transboundary diseases / early detection 2.Emerging health challenges (non-disease) 3.Food Safety and Climate Change 4.Occupational Health and Safety (possibly includes diseases) 5.One Health Policy / Planning / Decision-making / Financing / cost-benefits analysis / education 6.Endemic diseases and early detection (e.g. rabies) Vote here using the asset mapping form:

6 Vote here and add resources to our database Fill out the form here by typing this into your browser: Visit the OHCEA workshop wiki:

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