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VAP Hazardous Substance Definition CP Coffee - July 14, 2015 Sue Kroeger, Ohio EPA Legal Office.

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Presentation on theme: "VAP Hazardous Substance Definition CP Coffee - July 14, 2015 Sue Kroeger, Ohio EPA Legal Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 VAP Hazardous Substance Definition CP Coffee - July 14, 2015 Sue Kroeger, Ohio EPA Legal Office

2 VAP HS Definition VAP “hazardous substance” definition – ORC 3746.01 & OAC 3745-300-01 – Same essential content What substances does the VAP HS definition encompass? a lot!

3 VAP HS Definition - scope Four categories: 1. Substances on US EPA’s 40 CFR 302.4 table 2. Pesticide products - used inconsistent with label 3. Pesticide products - suspended or cancelled 4. Radioactive material & HS mixture

4 VAP HS Definition - category 1 Definition says “any substance identified or listed in rules adopted under ORC 3750.02(B)(1)(c)” That is, any substance identified or listed in 40 CFR 302.4

5 HS category 1: 40 CFR 302.4 General includes particular forms - 1,2 DCE incorporates cis and trans isomers Class includes constituents - “zinc and compounds” Characteristic hazardous waste, D code - barium in DOO5 Constituent named in F, P or U code hazardous waste - TCE in FOO1

6 HS category 1: 40 CFR 302.4 Listed with, or without, a reportable quantity (RQ) - hexachlorocyclohexane isomers Listed with, or without, a Chemical Abstracts Services registration number (CASRN) - cis 1,2 DCE, chlorinated phenols Radionuclides in Appendix B - radium 226

7 HS category 2: pesticides misused Any registered pesticide product under ORC 921.02 “when the product is used in a manner inconsistent with its required labeling.” Does the Phase I reveal (mis)use of pesticides?

8 HS category 3: suspended pesticide Any formerly Ohio registered pesticide product “for which the registration was suspended or canceled” under ORC 921.05 Does the Phase I suggest historical pesticide use?

9 HS category 4: radioactive mixtures Any mixture of VAP hazardous substance with radioactive material 40 CFR 302.4, Appendix B radionuclides (HS) Ohio EPA defers to Ohio Dept. of Health expertise (see TGC) VAP exclusion for high-level radioactive releases

10 VAP HS Definition - Guidance The guidance is (to be) posted on website Questions?

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