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OA5.1 Identify the uses and dangers of common chemicals OA5.1.1 Identify uses of common chemicals OA5.1.2 Identify dangers related to common household.

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Presentation on theme: "OA5.1 Identify the uses and dangers of common chemicals OA5.1.1 Identify uses of common chemicals OA5.1.2 Identify dangers related to common household."— Presentation transcript:

1 OA5.1 Identify the uses and dangers of common chemicals OA5.1.1 Identify uses of common chemicals OA5.1.2 Identify dangers related to common household chemicals

2 Warm Ups: 1.What are some chemicals that you use at home that you really didn’t think were dangerous?

3 Household chemicals!!! There are many household products used around your home. What do you know about them? Join us for a house tour Join us for a house tour and learn more about the chemicals around your home.

4 Chemical name Common name What is it used for ? What are it’s dangers? 1. Insecticides 2. Herbicides 3. Pesticides Front line, flea and tick medicine for pets, ant and roach motels, bug sprays Can be absorbed through skin or breathed in…can make you very sick Kills weeds and other plants Round Up, Weed sprays Can sting your skin and eyes, cause irritations on skin, Rodent poison Used to kill rodents (mice and rats) Very dangerous…can make you very sick. Do not eat or get on your skin.

5 Chemical name Common name What is it used for ? What are it’s dangers? 4. Ammonium hydroxide 5. Naphthalene 6. Ethylene glycol Ammonia house hold cleaners Cleaning around the house Corrosive and toxic as a gas, irritate skin, eyes, nose and throat Mothballs Used to keep moths/insects out of clothes Pregnancy problems, very harmful to newborns, skin irritant Antifreeze Used to stop things from freezing or getting too hot POISONOUS! Can cause death if swallowed.

6 Chemical name Common name What is it used for ? What are it’s dangers? 7. Calcium chloride 8. Sodium tetraborate 9. Sodium hypochlorite Road, sidewalk salt Used to melt snow and ice on roads and side walks Least dangerous chemical, slight skin, eye, nose irritant Borax Laundry cleaning Eye, throat and nose irritant, can lead to boric acid poisoning Household bleach Used for disinfecting and sterilizing (household cleaning) Pesticide Never mix with other cleaning supplies…will cause harmful fumes

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