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Chapter Twelve Education. Read Pg. 387 Letter to Ann Landers What point is the teacher trying to make? Do you agree or disagree…why? Do you like being.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Twelve Education. Read Pg. 387 Letter to Ann Landers What point is the teacher trying to make? Do you agree or disagree…why? Do you like being."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter Twelve Education

2 Read Pg. 387 Letter to Ann Landers What point is the teacher trying to make? Do you agree or disagree…why? Do you like being part of a standardized school system? Formal Schooling – Education that is provided and regulated by society Critics says that they are unable to meet students changing needs…do you agree or disagree…why?

3 Democratic reforms in the classroom: Open classroom – A non-bureaucratic approach to education based on democracy, flexibility, and non-competitiveness Cooperative learning – Instructional method that relies on cooperation among students Integrative curriculum – An approach to education based on student-teacher collaboration Other Types of Schooling Back to Basics – More testing, more homework, and tighter discipline…very bureaucratic methods of teaching Voucher System – System in which public school funds may be used to support public, private or religious schools Charter Schools – Publics schools that are operated like private schools by public school teachers and administrators

4 Other types continued… Magnet Schools – Public schools that focus on particular disciplines or areas such as fine arts or science For-Profit Schools – Schools run by private companies on government funds Why one of these types of schools would you like to be at? Why? Japanese schools are very bureaucratic but also very successful…should we follow their example? Functionalist Perspective of Schools Manifest Function – An action that produces an intended and recognized result Latent Function – An action that produces an unintended and unrecognized result

5 What are some manifest functions of schools? Creating Common Identity – Tracking – Development What are some latent functions of schools? Conflict Perspective and Education Meritocracy – A society in which social status is based on ability and achievement Are we a meritocracy…why or why not? Competition – System in which rewards are based on a relative performance Fig. 12.3 pg. 402 – What conclusions can you make? Does this graph support the idea that the United States is a meritocracy or not?

6 Educational Equality – Condition in which schooling produces the same results for lower-class and minority children as it does for other children Can schools be equal? i.e. MPS v. NPSD Snapshot of America – pg. 404: What generalizations can you make about Wisconsin v. other states education? Cognitive Ability – Capacity for thinking abstractly

7 1. How many days does it take for a chicken egg to hatch? 2. What color is a Holstein cow? 3. How many stomachs does a cow have? 4. Does a bull have a cud? 5. Is a rooster necessary for a hen to lay eggs? The answers: 21; black and white; 4; yes; and no, unless you want fertilized eggs. Is this a fair test? Take this simple I.Q. Test What if you grew up on a farm? Cultural Bias – The unfair measurement of the cognitive abilities of people in social categories In Wisconsin – bubbler, pop, pasty, wind chill

8 RESEARCHERS LOOK INTO “SKAHNSIN” ENGLISH Public Forums Focus on How Wisconsinites Talk Do you celebrate your golden birthday by going canoeing on the flowage and playing sheepshead by the campfire? Do you eat squeaky cheese, lefse, or kringle? Would you ever borrow someone some money? Is bakery a building or is it a sweet pastry? Does sorry rhyme with glory or with starry? Do you tell your children not to budge in line? Anymore, do you these kinds of differences in normal conversation? If so, linguists want to talk with you! Actual Press Release from the Wisconsin Humanities Council led by UW Professors

9 School desegregation – The achievement of a racial balance in the classroom Multicultural education – An educational curriculum that emphasizes differences among gender, ethnic and racial backgrounds Compensatory education – Specific curricular programs designed to overcome a deficiency…i.e. Head Start Programs Brown v. Board “Separate is inherently unequal” Plessy v. Ferguson

10 Hidden Curriculum – The nonacademic agenda that teaches discipline, order, cooperativeness, and conformity What are some examples of hidden curriculum? How do our textbooks shape our view of the world? Self-fulfilling prophecy – A prediction that results in behavior that makes the prediction come true Examples Star Wars III & Paycheck Real world studies show this to be constantly true! Do teachers foster sexism?Stats pg. 412…what do you think? What connections can you make between the Snapshots of America on pages 404 and 412?


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