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Nutrition I.Q. Test Q: Which is more nutritious: green beans or green peas? A: Green peas—some favourite vegetables, like green beans, are among the least.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition I.Q. Test Q: Which is more nutritious: green beans or green peas? A: Green peas—some favourite vegetables, like green beans, are among the least."— Presentation transcript:


2 Nutrition I.Q. Test Q: Which is more nutritious: green beans or green peas? A: Green peas—some favourite vegetables, like green beans, are among the least nutritious. Green peas have three times more fibre, 40% more iron, and 25% more vitamin A and vitamin C than green beans.

3 Nutrition I.Q. Test Q: Which has more artery- clogging saturated fat: a McDonald’s Big Mac or a large order of McDonald’s fries? A: the fries—a large order of fries has 12 g fat—more than a Big Mac’s 9.5 g. You can thank the beef fat used to cook the fries.

4 Nutrition I.Q. Test Q: Which cracker is made mostly from whole-wheat flour: Christie Multigrain Thins or Christie Triscuits? A: Triscuits—The words “wheat” or “whole wheat” on a label don’t guarantee that all, or even most, of the flour is whole grain. Only Triscuits is mostly whole-wheat flour, but you’d never know it by the products’ name.

5 Nutrition I.Q. Test Q: Which is more nutritious: orange juice or apple juice? A: orange juice—Some of Canada’s favourite juices (like apple and grape) are not the most nutritious. Orange juice has 50 times more vitamin C, 170% more folic acid, and 1.5 times more potassium than apple juice.

6 Food Energy  The energy taken in from the food should equal your energy output  50% of the energy taken in is used just to maintain your body temperaure! The rest is used to move muscles, breathe, think, remove wastes, etc.  In Canada, energy is measure in joules (J) or kilojoules (kJ) In the US, it’s measured in calories (1 cal. = 4.18 kJ)

7 Food Energy  basal metabolic rate: your lowest energy needed to keep you alive Description of PersonEnergy Requirement (kJ/day) Newborn2000 Child (aged 2-3 yrs)6000 Teenage girl9500 Teenage boy12000 Office worker11000 Heavy manual worker15000

8 Calculating Energy Requirements  Muscle activity requires energy  How much energy would a 75-kg person use if he or she slept all day?  The energy factor for sleeping is 4.1 kJ/kg/h  The total energy required can be calculated by multiplying the energy factor by the body mass in kg by the amount of time spent on that activity. Energy required for 1 day = energy factor x body mass x time = 4.1 kJ/kg/h x 75kg x 24h = 7.4 x 10 3 kJ

9 Essential Nutrients  Must be ingested because cannot be synthesized by the body  8 amino acids Produce proteins that make up cell structures  Vitamins Organic molecules needed in trace amounts for normal growth and metabolic processes Only small amounts needed to change food  energy Either stored in fat tissue or water soluble  Minerals Inorganic elements (Ca, Fe, P, K, Na)

10 Vitamins Important to the Body VitaminSourcesNeeded forDeficiency symptoms Fat or water soluble A Green vegetables, yellow vegetables, carrots, tomatoes Good vision, normal growth of bones and teeth, healthy skin Poor vision, night blindness, kidney problems Fat B1 Pork, liver, peas, soybeans, grains, vegetables Proper functioning of heart, nerves, muscles Poor appetite, nerve problems, beriberi Water B2 Lean meat, eggs, milk, liver, fish, poultry, leafy vegetables Healthy skin and hair, good vision, growth, reproduct. Poor growth, hair problems, poor vision Water C Citrus fruits, potatoesMaintaining cells and tissues Low resistance to infections Water D Fish oils, eggs, milkStrong teeth and bones, growth Weak teeth and bones Fat E Leafy vegetables, grains, vegetable oils, liver Forming red blood cells No symptoms Fat K Leafy vegetables, liver, potatoes Assisting blood clotting, healthy bones Hemorrhaging fat

11 MineralSourcesNeeded forDeficiency symptoms CalciumMilk, cheese, grains, beans, hard water Growth and maintenance of bones and teeth, aids blood clotting Soft bones and teeth, osteoporosis IodineSeafood, table saltProper working of thyroid gland Swollen thyroid gland, goitre IronGreen vegetables, liver, whole-wheat break, grains, nuts Transport of oxygen through the body Lack of energy anemia PhosphorousMeats, fish, dairy products, grains Growth and maintenance of bones and teeth, some cell reactions Poor development of bones and teeth PotassiumMeats, grains, milk, fruits, green vegetables Needed to make proteinsWeak muscles SodiumTable salt, vegetables, canned meat Regulates movement of water between cells and blood dehydration Minerals Important to the Body

12 Take a Stand: Dangerous Diets  Statement: The advertisements of the diet food industry must be closely regulated. They should show bodies of different shapes, not just the stereotypical “ideal” figures Is the problem the diet food industry itself? Is the problem social standards of idea body types? ○ What factors contribute to society’s image of the idea body? What about the role of genetics influencing weight? What about the prevalence of eating disorders? Are all diets dangerous? Without a diet-food industry, would there be other weight reduction options available to those whose obesity is dangerous to their health?

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