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Published byBasil Walsh Modified over 9 years ago
Recursion Chapter 12
2 12.1 Nature of Recursion t Problems that lend themselves to a recursive solution have the following characteristics: –One or more simple case of the problem have a straightforward, non-recursive solution –Otherwise, use reduced cases of the problem that are closer to a stopping case –Eventually the problem can be reduced to stopping cases only. Easy to solve
3 Nature of Recursion Splitting a problem into smaller problems Size n Problem Size n-1 Problem Size n-2 Problem Size 1 problem Size 1 problem Size 1 problem
4 Power by Multiplication t Raise 6 to the power of 3 –Raise 6 to the power of 22 –Multiply the result by 6 t Raise 6 to the power of 2 –Raise 6 to the power of 1 –Multiply the result by 6 t Multiplying 6 * 6 * 6
5 Power.cpp // FILE: Power.cpp // RECURSIVE POWER FUNCTION // Raises its first argument to the power // indicated by its second argument. // Pre:m and n are defined and > 0. // Post:Returns m raised to power n. int power (int m, int n) { if (n <= 1) return m; else return m + power (m, n - 1); }
6 12.2 Tracing Recursive Functions t Hand tracing we see how algorithm works t Very useful in recursion t Previous Multiply example trace t “Activation Frame” corresponds to a function call t Darker shading shows the depth of recursion
7 Trace of Power
8 Recursive Function with No Return Value t If statement with some stopping condition –n <= 1; t When TRUE stopping case is reached –recursive step is finished –falls back to previous calls (if any) –trace of reverse t ReverseTest.cpp
9 ReverseTest.cpp #include using namespace std; void reverse(); int main () { reverse(); cout << endl; return 0; }
10 ReverseTest.cpp void reverse() { char next; cout << "Next character or * to stop: "; cin >> next; if (next != ‘*’) { reverse(); cout << next; }
11 Reverse Trace
12 Argument and Local Variable Stacks t How does C++ keep track of n and next ? t Uses a data structure called a stack t Think of a stack of trays in a cafeteria t Each time a function is called it is pushed onto the stack t Only top values are used when needed (popping) t Example of calls to reverse
13 Recursive String t After 1st call to reverse nnext 3 ?top –c is read into next just prior to 2nd call nnext 3 ctop
14 Recursive String t After 2nd call to reverse nnext 2 ?top 3 c –letter a is read into next just prior to 3rd call nnext 2 atop 3 c
15 Recursive String t After 3rd call to reverse nnext 1 ?top 2 a 3 c –letter t is read into next printed due to stop case nnext 1 ttop 2 a 3 c
16 Recursive String t After 1st return nnext 2 atop 3 c t After 2nd return nnext 3 c t After 3rd return (final) ?
17 12.3 Recursive Mathematical Functions t Many mathematical functions are defined recursively –factorial n! of a number –0! = 1 –n! = n * *n-1)! for n > 0 –So 4! = 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 or 24 t Look at a block of recursive math function example source code files
18 Factorial.cpp // FILE: Factorial.cpp // RECURSIVE FACTORIAL FUNCTION // COMPUTES N! int factorial (int n) { if (n <= 0) return 1; else return n * factorial (n-1); }
19 Factorial Trace
20 FactorialI.cpp // FILE: FactorialI.cpp // ITERATIVE FACTORIAL FUNCTION // COMPUTES N! int factorialI (int n) { int factorial; factorial = 1; for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) factorial *= i; return factorial; }
21 Fibonacci.cpp // FILE: Fibonacci.cpp // RECURSIVE FIBONACCI NUMBER FUNCTION int fibonacci (int n) // Pre: n is defined and n > 0. // Post: None // Returns: The nth Fibonacci number. { if (n <= 2) return 1; else return fibonacci (n - 2) + fibonacci (n - 1); }
22 GCDTest.cpp // FILE: gcdTest.cpp // Program and recursive function to find // greatest common divisor #include using namespace std; // Function prototype int gcd(int, int);
23 GCDTest.cpp int main() { int m, n; // the two input items cout << "Enter two positive integers: "; cin >> m >> n; cout << endl; cout << "Their greatest common divisor is " << gcd(m, n) << endl; return 0; }
24 GCDTest.cpp // Finds the greatest common divisor of two // integers // Pre: m and n are defined and both are > 0. // Post: None // Returns: The greatest common divisor of m and // n. int gcd(int m, int n) { if (m < n) return gcd(n, m);
25 GCDTest.cpp else if (m % n == 0) return n; else return gcd(n, m % n); // recursive step }
26 GCDTest.cpp Program Output Enter two positive integers separated by a space: 24 84 Their greatest common divisor is 12
27 12.4 Recursive Functions with Array Arguments // File: findSumTest.cpp // Program and recursive function to sum an // array's elements #include using namespace std; // Function prototype int findSum(int[], int); int binSearch(int[], int, int, int);
28 FindSumTest.cpp int main() { const int SIZE = 10; int x[SIZE]; int sum1; int sum2; // Fill array x for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) x[i] = i + 1;
29 FindSumTest.cpp // Calulate sum two ways sum1 = findSum(x, SIZE); sum2 = (SIZE * (SIZE + 1)) / 2; cout << "Recursive sum is " << sum1 << endl; cout << "Calculated sum is " << sum2 << endl; cout << binSearch(x, 10, 10, SIZE-1) << endl; return 0; }
30 FindSumTest.cpp // Finds the sum of integers in an n-element // array int findSum(int x[], int n) { if (n == 1) return x[0]; else return x[n-1] + findSum(x, n-1); }
31 FindSumTest.cpp // Searches for target in elements first through // last of array // Precondition : The elements of table are // sorted & first and last are defined. // Postcondition: If target is in the array, // return its position; otherwise, returns -1. int binSearch (int table[], int target, int first, int last) { int middle;
32 FindSumTest.cpp middle = (first + last) / 2; if (first > last) return -1; else if (target == table[middle]) return middle; else if (target < table[middle]) return binSearch(table, target, first, middle-1); else return binSearch(table, target, middle+1, last); }
33 12.5 Problem Solving with Recursion t Case Study: The Towers of Hanoi t Problem Statement –Solve the Towers of Hanoi problem for n disks, where n is the number of disks to be moved from tower A to tower c t Problem Analysis –Solution is a printed list of each disk move. Recursive function that can be used to move any number of disks from one tower to the other tower.
34 Towers of Hanoi t Program Design –If n is 1 move disk 1 from fromTower to toTower –else move n-1 disks from fromTower to aux tower using the toTower move disk n from the fromTower to the toTower move n-1 disks from aux tower to the toTower using fromTower
35 Towers of Hanoi t Program Implementation –Towers.cpp t Program Verification & Test –towers (‘A’, ’C’, ‘B’, 3); t Towers trace
36 Tower.cpp // File: tower.cpp // Recursive tower of hanoi function #include using namespace std; void tower(char, char, char, int); int main() { int numDisks; // input - number of disks
37 Tower.cpp cout << "How many disks: "; cin >> numDisks; tower('A', 'C', 'B', numDisks); return 0; } // Recursive function to "move" n disks from // fromTower to toTower using auxTower // Pre: The fromTower, toTower, auxTower, and // n are defined. // Post: Displays the required moves.
38 Tower.cpp void tower (char fromTower, char toTower, char auxTower, int n) { if (n == 1) cout << "Move disk 1 from tower " << fromTower << " to tower " << toTower << endl; else {
39 Tower.cpp tower(fromTower, auxTower, toTower, n-1); cout << "Move disk " << n << " from tower "<< fromTower << " to tower " << toTower << endl; tower(auxTower, toTower, fromTower, n-1); } } // end tower
40 Towers Trace
41 TowerTest.cpp Program Output Move disk 1 from tower A to tower C Move disk 2 from tower A to tower B Move disk 1 from tower C to tower B Move disk 3 from tower A to tower C Move disk 1 from tower B to tower A Move disk 2 from tower B to tower C Move disk 1 from tower A to tower C
42 12.6 Common Programming Errors t Stopping conditions t Missing return statements t Optimizations –recursion of arrays use large amounts of memory –use care when tracing your solutions
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