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An introduction to F# Bogdan Brinzarea-Iamandi Banca Romaneasca 22 February 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "An introduction to F# Bogdan Brinzarea-Iamandi Banca Romaneasca 22 February 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 An introduction to F# Bogdan Brinzarea-Iamandi Banca Romaneasca 22 February 2010

2 TopicCovered Today History From imperative to functional Fundamentals Data structures Pattern matching Immutability vs. Mutability Object Oriented Programming Async and Parallel Programming25 February 2010 Unit testing25 February 2010


4 “The most original new face in computer languages since Bjarne Stroustrup developed C++ in the early 1980‘s” of-the-week/

5  Functional Programming Language  Will ship with Visual Studio 2010  Deep roots in OCaml ( )  Developed by Microsoft Research

6  Succinctness  Type safety  Type inference  Expressivity  Scripting  Performance  Seamless integration with.NET

7  Functional programming  Imperative programming  Object oriented programming  Scripted programming

8  Well suited for:  Technical programming  Algorithmic programming  Parallel programming  Asynchronous programming  Explorative programming  Financial computing


10 static IEnumerable Fibonacci { get{ int i = 1; int j = 2; while (true) { int n = i; yield return n; i = j; j = j + n; }

11 let fibs = Seq.unfold (fun (i,j) -> Some(i,(j,i+j))) (1,2)

12  Much more like our mind thinks  Easy to grasp for scientists  Pure functional programming has no side effects - immutability  Highly parallelizable  Powerful function support with currying and composition

13  C# 3.0 already has lambda expressions, anonymous functions, first class functions, anonymous types  Matthew Podwysocki - Functional C#  Bart de Smet  Luca Bolognese

14  Variable and assignment as main operations  In C# value types are immutable  F# is not pure functional as it has  Flow control (for, while, if)  Mutable keyword  Reference cells  Arrays

15 CharacteristicImperativeFunctional Programmer focusHow to perform tasks (algorithms) and how to track changes in state. What information is desired and what transformations are required. State changesImportant.Non-existent. Order of executionImportant.Low importance. Primary flow controlLoops, conditionals, and function (method) calls. Function calls, including recursion. Primary manipulation unit Instances of structures or classes. Functions as first-class objects and data collections. MSDN Library


17  Lightweight syntax  Makes whitespaces significant  Lets you leave out tokens such as begin end ; ;; in  Makes code more readable and concise

18 printfn "Hello world!"

19 // define a value let message ="Hello world!“ // define a function value let sqr x = x*x  Binds forever a value or function value to an identifier  DOES NOT assign a value to an identifier  The identifiers are immutable  The compiler infers the types

20  F# is statically typed  The compiler infers the type for all variables and functions  We need to specify only when it cannot be deduced  Every value and expression has a definite type at compile time

21  Automatic generalization - if the type is not specified it is inferred as generic // 'a -> 'b -> 'a * 'b let pair x y = (x, y)

22  The return type of a function is determined by the type of the last expression in the function. // int->int->int let add1 x y = x + y + 1 // float->float->float let add10 x y = x + y + 1.0

23  We can give the compiler a little help // help inferring the type let (message:string) = "Hello world!" let add (x:float) (y:float) = x+y let sum = add 2.0 1.0

24  Can be used as parameters to other functions let squares = (fun x->x*x) [|0..10|]

25  Functions are not recursive by default  Make sure the recursively function ends  Use the rec keyword together with let let rec Fibonacci n = if n<2 then n else Fibonacci n-1 + Fibonacci n-2

26  Named after Haskell Curry  A function that calls another function and returns a function or  A partial function let add x y = x + y let add5 = add 5 let result = add5 6

27  Indentation matters let SquareAndSum x y = let sqr x = x * x sqr x + sqr y

28 Arithmetic operatorsDescription x + yAddition x – ySubtraction x * yMultiplication x / yDivision x % yModulus x ** yPower of Boolean operatorDescription notBoolean NOT ||Boolean OR &&Boolean AND

29 F# typeC# typeExample boolBooleantrue byteByte45y sbyteSByte45uy int16Int1645s uint16UInt1645us intInt3245 uintUInt3245u int64Int6445L uint64UInt6445UL charChar‘c’ decimalDecimal45M stringString“A string” unitnot applicable()

30  Scientists love it  Composition f(g(x)) g >> f  Pipelines take an input of a function and pass it to the next one input |> function 1 |> function 2


32  A group of unnamed but ordered values  Can contain different types  In.NET System.Tuple

33  All elements of the array must have the same type  Elements are mutable  A lot of helper functions to choose from (map, filter, iter etc.) let array1 = [| 0; 1; 2 |] let array2 = [| 0..10 |] let array3 = [| for i in 0..10 -> i |]

34  A series of elements all of same (base) type  Lists are immutable  :: (cons operator) adds an element to the head of the list  @ concatenates lists  Head, Tail properties  A lot of helper functions to choose from ( head, tail, nth, map, iter, filter ) let list1 = [ 1;2;3]

35  A series of elements all of same type  Equivalent to System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable  Sequence expressions evaluate to sequences  A lot of helper functions to choose from ( map, filter, iter ) same as for lists let seq1 = seq {1..10}

36  A way of grouping different values and types  Used to represent tree structures  Data is not fixed  Each possible option has a case identifier type Tree = | Nil | Node of int * Tree * Tree

37  An option wraps a value indicating whether it exists or not  They are a simple example of discriminated union // a: int option let a = Some (42) // b: 'a option let b = None

38  Simple way of grouping named values  We can use record expressions to set values  Easy cloning with copy and update record expressions


40  Offers branching of the control based on comparison of an expression with a set of patterns  One of the most powerful features of F#  Not a simple switch statement  Haskell, ML and OCaml also have it

41  When guards to add extra condition to the pattern // Match expression match test-expression with | pattern1 [ when condition ] -> result- expression1 | pattern2 [ when condition ] -> result- expression2 |...

42 NameExample Constant pattern1.0,"test",30,Color.Red Identifier patternSome(x) Failure(msg) Variable patternA as pattern(a, b) as tuple1 OR pattern([h] | [h; _]) AND pattern(a, b) & (_, "test") Cons patternh :: t List pattern[ a; b; c ] Array pattern[| a; b; c |]

43 NameExample Parenthesized pattern( a ) Tuple pattern( a, b ) Record pattern{ Name = name; } Wildcard pattern_ Pattern together with type annotationa : int Type test pattern:? System.DateTime as dt Null patternnull

44 let rec f = function | x when x failwith "Negative values are not allowed." | 0 | 1 as x -> x | x -> f (x-1) + f (x-2)

45  Pattern matching of Algebraic Data Types (ADTs)  Allow to define named partitions for input data  Partial active patterns when we need to partition only part of the input  Parameterized active patterns when we have more than one argument


47  Use mutable to make a variable mutable let mutable a = 1 a <- 2  Arrays are mutable let array = [|1..10|] array.[2] <- 5

48  ref operator allows to box mutable values inside reference cells type Ref = { mutable contents: 'a }  byref keyword to ask for a reference cell or the address of a typical variable


50 type [access-modifier] type-name [type-params]( parameter-list ) [ as identifier ] = [ class ] [inherit base-type-name(base-constructor-args) ] [ let-bindings ] [ do-bindings ] member-list  Let bindings define fields or function values local to the class  Do bindings define code to be executed upon creation  Identifier gives a name to the instance variable

51 new(argument-list) = constructor-body  new allows to define other constructors

52 // Interface declaration type interface-name = [ interface ] abstract member1 : [ argument-types1 -> ] return-type1 abstract member2 : [ argument-types2 -> ] return-type2... // Implementing, inside a class type definition: interface interface-name with member self-identifier.member1 argument-list = method-body1 member self-identifier.member2 argument-list = method-body2 // Implementing, by using an object expression let class-name (argument-list) = { new interface-name with member self-identifier.member1 argument-list = method-body1 member self-identifier.member2 argument-list = method-body2 [ base-interface-definitions ] } member-list

53 // Abstract class syntax. type [ accessibility-modifier ] abstract-class-name = [ inherit base-class-or-interface-name ] [ abstract-member-declarations-and-member-definitions ] // Abstract member syntax. abstract member member-name : type-signature

54  Virtual methods abstract member method-name : type default self-identifier.method-name argument- list = method-body override self-identifier.method-name argument- list = method-body  Use object expressions as an alternative

55  Values, methods, properties, classes, records, discriminated unions  Implicit generic constraint via type inference  Explicit generic constraint

56  Expert F# by Don Syme  Programming F# by Chris Smith  CTO Corner -  HubFS  Matthew Podwysocki  Don Syme  Chris Smith

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