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CANADA – holidays, nature, national parks Autor: Autor: Ing. Vladimír Havlík Autor je výhradním tvůrcem materiálu. Datum vytvoření: Datum vytvoření: 20.

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Presentation on theme: "CANADA – holidays, nature, national parks Autor: Autor: Ing. Vladimír Havlík Autor je výhradním tvůrcem materiálu. Datum vytvoření: Datum vytvoření: 20."— Presentation transcript:


2 CANADA – holidays, nature, national parks Autor: Autor: Ing. Vladimír Havlík Autor je výhradním tvůrcem materiálu. Datum vytvoření: Datum vytvoření: 20. 07. 2013 Klíčová slova Klíčová slova: CANADA – holidays, nature, national parks Anotace: Anotace: prezentace je určena na získání základních znalostí o významných svátcích, přírodě a národních parcích Kanady. Ve zpracovaném materiálu jsou také cvičení k procvičení.

3 Způsob využití: Způsob využití: určeno pro výklad a procvičení základních znalostí o významných svátcích, přírodě a národních parcích Kanady. Tyto znalosti je možno využít u maturity z anglického jazyka na středních školách. Číslo šablony Číslo šablony: VY_32_INOVACE_ANJ_15

4 CANADA – holidays, nature, national parks HOLIDAYS Public holidays the national, provincial and territorial levels each province and territory has its own holidays as well.  Public holidays in Canada are legislated at the national, provincial and territorial levels. Many of these holidays are observed (dodržovány) nationwide (celonárodně, celostátně), but each province and territory has its own holidays as well.  While major Christian holidays such as Christmas and Good Friday are officially observed, other religious holidays are widely accepted as well. For example, some school children and employees take days off (dny volna) for Jewish holidays, Muslim holidays.

5 CANADA – holidays, nature, national parks HOLIDAYS  Days off are usually not taken for these holidays  Days off are usually not taken for these holidays Valentine's Day, Saint Patrick's Day, Mother's Day and Father's Day but they are traditionally observed (dodržovány) by Canadians. Celebrate Canadaa collection of important cultural daysNational Aboriginal Day St-Jean Baptiste DayCanadian Multiculturalism DayCanada Day  The Celebrate Canada series is a collection of important cultural days beginning with National Aboriginal Day on June 21, and followed by St-Jean Baptiste Day on June 24, Canadian Multiculturalism Day on June 27 and finishing with Canada Day on July 1.

6 CANADA – holidays, nature, national parks HOLIDAYS National Aboriginal Day National Aboriginal Day (on June 21)  It is a day recognizing and celebrating the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples of Canada. St. Jean Baptiste Day St. Jean Baptiste Day (on June 24)  The Nativity of St. John the Baptist is a Christian feast day celebrating the birth of John the Baptist, a prophet (prorok) who foretold (předpověděl) the coming of the Messiah in the person of Jesus, whom he later baptised (pokřtil).

7 CANADA – holidays, nature, national parks HOLIDAYS Canada Day (on July 1)  Canada Day is the national day of Canada, a it is a public holiday celebrating the anniversary of the July 1, 1867, enactment (schválení) of the British North America Act, 1867 (today called the Constitution Act, 1867), which united three colonies into a single country called Canada within the British Empire.  Originally called Dominion Day, the holiday was renamed in 1982, the year the Canada Act was passed. Canada Day observances take place throughout Canada as well as among Canadians internationally.

8 CANADA – holidays, nature, national parks CANADA – holidays, nature, national parks Nature (fauna, flora, natural beauty)  The flora: many kinds of coniferous tree (= jehličnatý strom) - There are pines (borovice), spruces (smrky), firs (jedle) and larches (modříny). The wet area along the west coast is famous for its tall, hard conifers.  There are also many kinds of decidious tree (listnatých stromů) - There are maples (javorů), birches, oaks (dubů) and beeches (buků). Conifers (jehličnany) dominate the northern section. Many types of grasses grow on the interior plains.

9 CANADA – holidays, nature, national parks Nature (fauna, flora, natural beauty)  The faunawild game birds  The fauna: There are many kinds of wild game (divoké zvěře) as: deers (jeleni), roe deers (srnci), reindeers (sobi), mooses (losi), bears (black bears of grizzly bears), wolfs, foxes, grey and red squirrels (veverky), otters (vydry), beavers (bobři), many kinds of birds: as owls (sovy), pigeons, crows (vrány).  Walruses  Walruses (mroži), seals (tuleni) and whales (velryby) inhabit Canada's coastal waters.

10 CANADA – holidays, nature, national parks National parks about thirty national parks in Canada Jasper National Park  There are about thirty national parks in Canada. The most known is Jasper National Park in Alberta.  Thousands of tourists visit Canada’s national parks all year round. In those parks people can admire the scenery or they can walk, climb, go fishing or skiing there. Some famous Canadian national parks are Some famous Canadian national parks are: Jasper,  Wood Buffalo, Wapusk, Tuktut Nogait, Sirmilik, Quttinirpaaq, Nahanni, Kluane, Jasper, Iwavik, Banff, Auyuittuq, Aulavik etc.

11 CANADA – holidays, nature, national parks CVIČENÍ Choose the correct answer(s): 1.Which cultural days belong to the Celebrate Canada series? a)St-Jean Baptiste Day b)Mother's Day c)National Aboriginal Day d)Saint Patrick's Day 2.The holiday which celebrates joining of 3 colonies into Canada is……… a)Father´s Day b)Canada Day c)Canadian Multiculturalism Day d)Valentine´s Day

12 CANADA – holidays, nature, national parks CVIČENÍ You will not use all information there. Fill in the gaps with information from the ellipse below the text to get correct statements. You will not use all information there. a)Pines, spruces and firs are ………. trees. b)Into wild game belongs………. c)The most famous national park in Canada is ……….. d)St.Jean Baptiste Day celebrates the birth of ……….. Wapusk Jesus reindeers Jasper coniferous beavers decidiousotters John the Baptist

13 Zpracoval: Ing. Vladimír Havlík Bibliografie:  

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