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Ethics What you must do to be Ethical in your project Dave Inman 1Ethics.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethics What you must do to be Ethical in your project Dave Inman 1Ethics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethics What you must do to be Ethical in your project Dave Inman 1Ethics

2 1. Outline What is Ethics? Why is it important? What must I do? Ethics What must I do? Project Proposal Where can I get more information? 2Ethics

3 2. What is Ethics? Google: Don’t be evil BCS: Code of Conduct e.g. “You shall reject and shall not make any offer of bribery or inducement.” IEEE: 10 guidelines e.g. “5. to improve the understanding of technology, its appropriate application, and potential consequences; 9. to avoid injuring others, their property, reputation, or employment by false or malicious action;” See Refs at end of slides 3Ethics

4 2. What is Ethics? What do you think is Unethical? 4Ethics

5 2. What is Ethics? General considerations: IEEE: “8. to treat fairly all persons regardless of such factors as race, religion, gender, disability, age, or national origin; 10. to assist colleagues and co-workers in their professional development and to support them in following this code of ethics.” BCS: “You shall not disclose or authorise to be disclosed, or use for personal gain or to benefit a third party, confidential information except with the permission of your relevant authority, or at the direction of a court of law.” 5Ethics

6 2. What is Ethics? I.T. Specific Don’t create SPAM Don’t PHISH Don’t create a Virus, Trojan …. Don’t hold confidential data in a database without permission Don’t do illegal copying / downloading Don’t use company I.T. resources for personal use Do consider social consequences of your software / research ….. 6Ethics

7 3. Why is it important? To be within the law. To sell your software often requires Ethical approval. Computing bodies such as the BCS require Ethical declarations to approve software Personal morality: so you don’t feel guilty and can be part of the wider ‘community’ 7Ethics

8 4. What must I do? – Ethics declaration New* University regulations this year… You cannot take the project this year unless you have ethical approval. This means… 1. You will need to complete a survey checklist and sign thissurvey checklist 2. Get your supervisor to sign it – keep a copy for yourself. 3. You may need to complete a declaration as well – the survey checklist shows you if you need to do this. Your supervisor must sign this as well. 4. An ethics committee will meet to agree your signed declaration and let your supervisor know the result. Without this ethical approval you cannot complete your project. 8Ethics

9 4. Ethics declaration: the steps 1. You complete a survey checklist and sign thissurvey checklist 2. You discuss the checklist with your supervisor. 3. Supervisor signs checklist. 4. You may need to complete a declaration as well – the survey checklist shows you if you need to do this. 5. Your supervisor must agree and sign this as well. 6. You keep a copy. 7. Your supervisor keeps the original and passes it to the Ethics committee 8. I convene the committee and we approve your declararation or pass it back with comments to your supervisor. 9. Your supervisor meets you and tells you the good news (approval) or the need to make changes. 10. Repeat steps 1-9 if necessary until approval. 11. Without approval by end of term you must defer your project. 9Ethics

10 5. What must I do? Project proposal At the same time as you complete an Ethics declaration, you must complete a project proposal. This must also be agreed and signed by your supervisor See Google>Dave Inman>Projects>Proposal Proposal is a series of 10 questions that you should answer Around 6 -10 sides of A4 10Ethics

11 5. Project proposal : project definition 3 sides A4 1. What is the project about? [half - one page A4] 2. Why is the project important for me? [1/4 page A4] 3. Why is the project important for others? [1/4 page A4] 4. What question/s will I answer when my project is complete? [one page A4] 5. How will I try and answer these questions? [one page A4] 11Ethics

12 5. Project proposal : sources /plan 2 sides A4 6. Where will I look to see what other have done already? [half page A4] 7. How will I judge the quality of the sources I use? [1/4 page A4] [The internet detective helps you evaluate the quality of web sites for example and look at finding information for your project by our librarian Rebecca Fong ]internet detectivefinding information for your project 8. What will I do in each month of the project? [one page A4] * October * November * December * January * March * April * May 12Ethics

13 5. Project proposal : research / ethics 1 side A4 9. What sources have I started to read, and why are they useful? [one page A4] 10. Where did I look to find about ethical considerations and what did I find for my project? [1/4 page A4] [Check ethics for some ideas]ethics 13Ethics

14 6. Where can I get more information? Project Web Guide: Google>Dave Inman>Projects> This presentation …>Projects>More>Slides Ethics …>Projects>Ethics There you will find the survey checklist that you must complete and your supervisor must signsurvey checklist Proposal…>Projects>Proposal Guidelines BCS: IEEE : BPS: 14Ethics

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