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PBI meeting in Switzerland at the Natur-Museum in Luzern 22nd to 28th July 2006.

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1 PBI meeting in Switzerland at the Natur-Museum in Luzern 22nd to 28th July 2006

2 Luzern, in the centre of Switzerland, lies right at the edge to the Swiss Alps. The perfect starting point for our field trip in the Swiss Alps.

3 The meeting gave the PBI participants an oportunity to present their project results and to discuss and plan further research.

4 After a lot of mirid discussion the PBI-team went sightseeing on the lake of Luzern: Vierwaldstättersee (with a view onto „Pilatus“, 2132 m).

5 Luzern From Luzern we drove to the Grimselpass, where we collected on different altitudes.

6 Cremnocephalus alpestris Wagner, 1941 Collecting on conifers and herbal plants produced several bug species.

7 Monalocoris filicis (Linnaeus, 1758) This really tiny mirid lives on the fern (shown here).

8 Halticus apterus (Linnaeus, 1758) A meadow like this is a good spot to collect Halticus apterus.

9 Systellonotus alpinus Frey-Gessner, 1871 In this natural reserve area at the foot of the Grimsel- und Furkapass, the rare mirid species Systellonotus alpinus could be collected on Junipterus communis.

10 Grypocoris sexguttatus Fabricius, 1777 The Grypocoris sexguttatus prefers shady spots along forest tracks.

11 The PBI meeting in Switzerland was a great opportunity for all PBI participants to present and discuss their results. The field trip to the Swiss Alps produced good palaearctic material.

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