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Presentation to Chief Electoral Officers On 26-10-2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to Chief Electoral Officers On 26-10-2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to Chief Electoral Officers On 26-10-2010

2 Objectives of NVD Increase enrollment of voters specially youth 100% Photo-roll and EPIC coverage Enhance electoral participation Give the voters specially youth a sense of citizenship & empowerment and inspire them to exercise their franchise Motivate election staff by recognizing good work

3 What will be done on NVD? A Public Function in every Polling Station Functions at the Tahsil, District, State and National Level In the Public function following will be done - Felicitation of new voters specially youth Distribution of EPIC to all voters who have not been given EPIC so far Recognition to the work of good BLOs Explanation of the process of enrolment Receipt of Forms 6,7,8 and 8A

4 Preparatory Activities Roll Revision -1 Draft Publication between last week of October and first week of November, 2010 Final Publication on 5 th January 2011 Pre-revision activities should have been completed – Polling Station Rationalization Photo-merging Database unification Unicode conversion ERMS readiness Integration

5 Preparatory Activities Roll Revision -2 BLO appointments – One BLO for each polling station BLO from the same polling station Reduction in the number of teachers as BLOs GO on the increased remuneration of BLOs according to the latest instructions of the Commission Identity cards and sign boards for BLOs Training of BLOs BLA appointments

6 Preparatory Activities Roll Revision -3 Multimedia Campaign – A Multi-Media campaign is being developed at the National Level. It will be communicated to the States for customization when ready In parallel a Campaign to be developed by each CEO with the help of DPR of the state. Campaign on print media, audio-visual media, as well as local folk media Messages in the campaign – Advantages of enrolment and EPIC Process of enrolment Important dates Grievance redress mechanism Campaign should start immediately and continue during revision period All campaign material should be shared with the Commission

7 Preparatory Activities Roll Revision - 4 Assessment of Impact A baseline study of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices should be done immediately to assess the current status A similar study should be undertaken after the multimedia campaign to assess the impact of the campaign Copies of the questionnaire used in Jharkhand and Bihar for similar studies have been given to CEOs The study should follow a stratified random sampling technique

8 Preparatory Activities Roll Revision - 5 Monitoring – Information in format 1 to 8 should be prepared and analyzed to identify areas which need improvement and special monitoring. Special attention to EP ratio, gender ratio, age cohort EP ratio, photo-roll and EPIC coverage polling station wise Daily monitoring system should be in place Timely corrective action should be taken where progress is poor

9 Preparatory Activities Roll Revision - 6 Transparency Every applicant must be informed in writing the decision of ERO on his/her application. For this purpose a postcard may be sent to the applicant as soon as order is passed by ERO Every applicant must be informed that he/she has a right to appeal against the order of ERO to the DEO and against the order of DEO to CEO Cell Phone numbers of applicants should be taken along with the application form and stored in the database to send information on SMS

10 Preparatory Activities Roll Revision - 7 Grievance Redress – Toll free number – call center Website based grievance redress Every complaint should be properly logged, enquired into in time limit, and the complainant should be informed about the action taken A complaint monitoring system should also be put in place

11 Preparatory Activities Roll Revision - 8 Ensure Correctness of EPIC- Since EPIC distribution will be the main activity on the NVD, it is necessary that all care is taken that there are no errors in the EPIC. For this following should be done – EPIC should be printed from the electoral database, e-details table itself. There should be no separate EPIC table Photographs should be merged in the e-details table in binary format After photo merging, a working copy of the roll with photo should be printed, and given to the BLO for door to door verification. Any errors in the working copy including errors in photo-merging, date of birth, gender, address, spelling of names etc. should be corrected in the database after verification by BLO before printing the EPIC There should be strict penalties for errors in EPIC.

12 Preparatory Activities NVD -1 CEOs to issue instructions for function in every polling station on 25 th January Training of BLOs and other officers for the function Publicity of the function so that people attend Local arrangement e.g. Pandals, Dais, PA system, Tea etc. Invitations to local dignitaries Nomination of one officer for each polling booth to organize the function at booth level

13 Preparatory Activities NVD -2 Completion of enrollment, final publication of rolls, verification of working copies by BLOs, correction of errors and printing of EPICs latest by 10 th January EPICs should reach the BLO for distribution at the polling station latest by 15 th January Every newly enrolled voter and every voter who will be given EPIC should be informed about the function and requested to be present in the function Young voters to be felicitated in the function to be informed and requested to be present

14 Preparatory Activities NVD -3 Financial Arrangements – NVD is a part of the E-Roll management in the country. The expenditure should therefore be from the funds for E-Roll management in the budget should be used for this Funds for E-roll management are on a 50:50 sharing basis between GOI and State and states can claim reimbursement from Ministry of Law and Justice Financial orders, sanctions etc. should be issued in all states and UTs well in advance to avoid any confusion

15 Preparatory Activities NVD -4 Documentation and Publicity– All NVD functions should be properly documented Photographs, video recording etc. Wherever possible live TV and radio coverage Coverage in newspapers, TV, radio etc. Involve local media Every district should produce a proper report on NVD giving the number of newly enrolled voters, EPIC distributed, young voters felicitated etc., and also details of the functions held

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