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CAB-SAB Coordination Report Progress in providing standards speakers to IEEE-CS chapters November 5-7, 2007 David Schultz CAB-SAB Liaison.

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Presentation on theme: "CAB-SAB Coordination Report Progress in providing standards speakers to IEEE-CS chapters November 5-7, 2007 David Schultz CAB-SAB Liaison."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAB-SAB Coordination Report Progress in providing standards speakers to IEEE-CS chapters November 5-7, 2007 David Schultz CAB-SAB Liaison

2 2 Objectives To share the knowledge and benefits of computer-related standards with the members of IEEE-CS chapters To set up a clearinghouse to match willing and qualified Standards speakers up with interested Chapters To plan for future presentations on Standards topics to local CS Chapters, in conjunction with BOG meetings

3 3 Accomplishments Back in February, Ricardo Machado asked me to identify a Standards speaker for a September 2007 conference in Portugal We approached Francois Coallier, chair of ISO/IEC JTC1 SC7 Francois was agreeable; he and Ricardo were able to agree on the details Francois spoke at the conference in Portugal this past September Francois’ presentation title: “A Vision for International Standardization in Software and Systems Engineering”

4 4 Observations This conference wasn’t exactly a CS chapter meeting IEEE-CS did participate Francois was speaking as an ISO standards expert, not an IEEE one Francois was an appropriate choice because of the international audience

5 5 Standards Presentations at future BOG meetings We arranged for some standards presentations in Vancouver We could do this again for a future BOG meeting This involved a lot of work by a number of people (speakers, coordinators, Regional Rep, and local contacts in Vancouver CS Chapter) We would need several months lead time

6 6 Standards Speakers Bureau (the “Clearinghouse”) Half a dozen experts from SAB have come forward and offered to serve as speakers John Daniel set up a web page, with links from both SAB and CAB pages We’ve had no requests for standards speakers from any of the CS chapters We are considering merging the SSB program into the existing IEEE-CS Distinguished Visitors Program (DVP)

7 7 Chapter Request for a Standards Speaker To request an SSB speaker: John Daniel has developed a prototype SSB website to promote these speakers Both CAB and SAB websites now contain links to the SSB website Visit the SSB website and see which speakers are available to speak in your area Send an email to John Daniel, listing the speakers of interest to your chapter

8 8 The next steps Determine whether it’s possible to generate any interest for standards speakers among the CS chapters Determine whether the SSB program should be restructured or perhaps merged with DVP Determine whether we should try to have standards speakers at a future BOG meeting

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