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Transnational cooperation in Leader, Sweden 2011 06 22 Druskininkai, Lithuania.

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Presentation on theme: "Transnational cooperation in Leader, Sweden 2011 06 22 Druskininkai, Lithuania."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transnational cooperation in Leader, Sweden 2011 06 22 Druskininkai, Lithuania

2 My presentation Background –Swedish Leader Why? –ENRD = European –Added value –The eyes of the visitor –Pride of what you have How? –Look for partners –SE Network cheque –Meeting and organising –Doing the job –Learning Examples And the air in the city is heavily polluted … allergies are increasing … miles of qewing in rush hour…. …riots in the streets….violence is increasing.. pollution ….

3 Of the 63 LAGs in Sweden only 12 existed before

4 Successful TNC:s are often characterised by being: Well anchored in an outspoken need in the own area by the people to be involved Carrying the solution of the need within the cooperation itself Clear about who to cooperate with Between partners that have had some kind of contact before the start. It takes time to create good relations – doing it across language and cultural barriers takes even more time Remeber Cooperating with more than one country creats more work but not necesarily added value.

5 Contact Point till Europa We are in the European Network for Rural Development, ENRD “Cooperation is to undertake joint actions with other LAGs “ Cooperating is the best way of making friends and thus peace. CP Why?

6 Added value More money New markets Bigger markets Higher product prices More complete products and services ”Networking is not the same as cooperation but cooperation always include networking” Why?

7 Added value New knowledge Raised awareness Larger critical mass The view of the visitor Increase the image of the area Pride of the own area Knowledge of other ways of thinking and solving problems Why?

8 The visitors eye Study visit in Westerkwartier NL They talked about their hills We only saw the impressing flat landscape Why?

9 Pride of your territory In a youth exchange a Swedish group first visited Portugal and then had to plan for a visit in Sweden by their new friends. They first said that there was nothing to see or show in their own territory but after a while they found a lot even to be proud of. Why?

10 How to start? Choose a theme where you need external help It has to follow your strategy Anchor the cooperation idea in your area Choose partners through –Existing contacts –Your national network unit –Through Judit and the ENRD Contact Point –European conferences etc How?

11 Personal meetings You have to meet physically Get to know each other, have fun E-mail, Telephone, Skype etc works much better when you have met Organise your project Do the work Learn

12 SE network cheque to start For initial contacts with a potential TNC partner Max € 5 000 per LAG Having clear idea about cooperation For the first meeting and preparation How?

13 Networks cheques until Nov 2010 Leader Upplandsbygd Irland Leader Sjuhärad Galicia Spain Leader Mellansjölandet Hungary Leader Gränslandet Hungary Leader Närheten Hungary Astrid Lindgrens Hembygd Denmark Leader Norra Mälarstranden Scotland Leader Västra Småland France Leader Gotland Slovenia Leader Västra Skaraborg Catalonia Spain Leader Skånes Ess Piemonte Italy How? Leader Linné England Leader Södertälje Landsbygd Finland Leader 3sam Hungary Leader Norra Skaraborg Denmark Leader Skåne Nordväst Södra Scotland Leader Gotland Belgium Leader Mittland Denmark Leader Göta älv Italy Spira Fyrkanten Irland Leader Dalsland&Årjäng Scotland Leader Inlandet Scotland

14 Cooperation with Lithuania Horse centres – feasibility study Leader Skånes Ess in Sweden and Leader Kelme in Lithuania A project about using horse back riding, nature tracks for riding and tourism connected to that as a vehicle for rural businesses development. It will be in close cooperation with the municipalities. 2010-07-15 - 2012-09-30

15 Cooperation with England Leader Linné in Sweden and NULAG in Northumberland Having a contract for broad cooperation in several themes including also learning between the LAG boards Visits i both areas Traditional basket making, handicraft Renewable energy from forests Hippo therapy Joint study course about EU ………

16 Cooperation with Ostrobothnia Leader Hälsingland and Aktion Österbotten Folk music, training and education for young Contacts through the NRN:s Leader Dalsland Årjäng, Aktion Österbotten, Schleswig Holstein in Germany Historical tourism Contacts through the NRN and joint conferences

17 Cooperation with Spain Leader Växtlust Värmland and ADRI Valladolid Norte LAG WOLF, about finding a balance between sheep and cattle farming and wild life conservation for wolves Contact through European conferences It failed in cooperation Wolves is a highly sensitive issue in Sweden The lead partner in Spain had done so much in advance

18 Please get in touch!

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