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The Future of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 Website Raquel Yumi Shida, Pedro Russo, Lars L. Christensen IAU, ESA/Hubble, IYA2009 Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "The Future of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 Website Raquel Yumi Shida, Pedro Russo, Lars L. Christensen IAU, ESA/Hubble, IYA2009 Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 Website Raquel Yumi Shida, Pedro Russo, Lars L. Christensen IAU, ESA/Hubble, IYA2009 Germany

2 The IYA2009 Website Today Objective: provide background information for Single Points of Contact (SPoCs) and Organizational Associates


4 Quick Intro: The Website Today Design Kits Brochures

5 New Website, New Features Better communication

6 New Website, New Features Better communication Global IYA2009 Calendar

7 New Website, New Features Better communication Global IYA2009 Calendar Better NEWS Section Images, videos, press clippings

8 New Website, New Features Better communication Global IYA2009 Calendar Better NEWS Section Images, videos, press clippings The Sky Now


10 For the SPoCs Build your website thinking about your public One Laptop Per Child Project Think about the equipment and internet speed of your target group

11 For the SPoCs Build your website thinking about your public Make your work visible in popular websites, Wikipedia, YouTube, FaceBook, MySpace, Orkut, etc.

12 For the SPoCs Build your website thinking about your public Make your work visible in popular websites, Wikipedia, YouTube, FaceBook, MySpace, Orkut, etc. There are lots of free tools on the web, use them! Google Analytics is just one of the nice free tools for your website. Here we see the top 10 Visitors of the current IYA website: United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Canada, France, Japan, Brazil, Italy and Portugal

13 The IYA secretariat thanks those who have already started working on their National Pages!

14 Suggestions, questions: visit:

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