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Paperless Workflow Kelly Baker, MPH State Registrar and Center for Health Statistics Director OKLAHOMA NAPHSIS, June 2009, Baltimore.

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Presentation on theme: "Paperless Workflow Kelly Baker, MPH State Registrar and Center for Health Statistics Director OKLAHOMA NAPHSIS, June 2009, Baltimore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paperless Workflow Kelly Baker, MPH State Registrar and Center for Health Statistics Director OKLAHOMA NAPHSIS, June 2009, Baltimore

2 Initiating Events  Embezzlement case presented last year Lack of documentation tying:  Applications  Receipts  Issued certificates  Staff e.g. Audit trails  New immigration law Increased requests for BCs  Opened a new satellite office Process few walk-in clients (~40/day); 2 clerks Room for 3-4 more staff

3 Additional headaches  Hardcopies of apps misfiled/misplaced/lost  Broad access to Security Paper among VR staff  Need for more efficient process Spread process out across several staff Need to build redundant function groups  No room for physical expansion

4 Goals for New Workflow  Electronic transfer of work items – Workload shift Central office and Satellite offices Front desk and Back office  Maintain electronic copies of all apps and asst’d evidence Track history (dates, process and associated staff) Include links to receipts, paper control numbers Maintain evidence for future fraud investigations  Reduce/eliminate hard copy storage and file cabinets  Eliminate “lost” work items  Physically minimize need for access to security paper

5 Process 1.Start workflow Scan / Index documents 2.Receipt money Auto attach to workflow 3.Assign to appropriate staff Issuance, Research, Amendments 4.Generate correspondence Certificate Instruction Letter

6 Customer Walk-in Process INFORMATION DESK Vital Records CASHIERS Accounting Services ISSUANCE Vital Records

7 Information Desk  Review App  Answer Questions  Scan Paper Application ID Documents  Scan Barcode DL Populates index with applicant information  Print WorkFlow slip

8 Workflow Slip

9 Cashiers  Scan Workflow barcode  Receipt money  Print receipt  Receipt automatically attaches to Workflow Item  Workflow item moves to Issuance Queue

10 Issuance  Monitor work queue  Open next Workflow item available  Search/print certificate  Scan Paper Control Number (PCN)  Call client  Issue certificate

11 Processing Time  Perfect World Info Desk 2+ minutes per customer Cashier 1-2 minutes Issuance2 minutes  Delays Problem IDs, General questions Amendments/Fee dues  Back to Cashier Record locked down -> Supervisor

12 Optional Work Queues/Actions  Pending  Research  Indexing  Correspondence  Issuance  Amends  Supervisor  Mail-out  2-day Pickup  Abandon

13 Benefits  Front Desk Issuance clerk Review record prior to calling customer to window Forward directly to amendment clerk  Pending Files Electronic tracking  Who wrote what when Available indefinitely  Permanent copies of IDs, signatures, addresses Future fraud

14 Benefits  Time saved searching for files Misfiled applications Files on whose desk in which stack  Consolidate access to security paper All mail jobs can be sent to single point for printing Access to paper limited to Issuance staff  Audit trails Every workflow has Receipt and PCNs attached to Original app, ID and Asst’d docs

15 Benefits  Delegation Easily reroute work based on load Back office can search and send prints to front desk Satellites can be sent mail to process Group boxes allow multiple individuals easy access  Reduce silo positions - work left undone when staff out  Searchable Name, PCN, receipt, date, workflow number  Scan barcode off back of DLs ID Validation (both mail and front desk)

16 Challenges  More time upfront scanning/indexing applications More secure features = more upfront time  Current system slow refresh rate between screens  Need multiple windows open at same time  Once you print, can’t start new WF until scan PCN  Live receipt reconciliation -> no receipt, no print  Receipts change over time

17 Challenges  Index not cleaned up -> double indexes  Workflow numbers -> Calling clients to desk  IT driving design vs VR  Changing the process – Again …  Jobs will change – staff resistance  Satellite office – delay in going live Difference receipting systems Inconsistent version of records

18 Future Plans  Kiosks in Lobby Public enter own info Scan IDs  On-line orders  NO BUGS!

19 Scanning Equipment  Desktop Flatbed Applications, IDs, Other documents Information desk, Mail, Amendment clerks  Barcode Security paper, Driver’s license Info desk, Mail, Cashiers, Issuance

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