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Network Managers Forum 10/07/14. Overview of the Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Network Managers Forum 10/07/14. Overview of the Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Network Managers Forum 10/07/14

2 Overview of the Team

3 Just under 40 people in the team Combined service desk for both SIMS and Technical Support, with access to remote tools (Centrastage) Service Desk open 8am to 5pm daily (8:30am to 4:30pm in school holidays)

4 Overview of the Team Training team running both internal and External training sessions Training available in all areas including SIMS, Technical and ICT Policy areas (E- Safety etc) Training team are able to offer bespoke training or consultancy sessions based on school needs – contact us for details

5 Overview of the Team External Technical Support available Strategic and Project based advice Installation work: Server Installs, SQL Migrations, Office 365 setup etc. Equipment Disposal Full technical support available to work with you in your school

6 Overview of the Team Design of new services Last year Office 365 and Safeguarding among overs Testing and evaluating new hardware and software New services always being considered – let us know if there is something that you want us to offer

7 SIMS Annual Conference

8 SOLUS 3, ready to go – almost! New SIMS Modules: SIMS Performance Management, Teacher App, Agora New FMS Modules: FMS Multiview (Academy Groups), Financial Reporting Suite, Financial Planning Suite

9 SIMS Accreditation

10 Occurs every two years Capita approve our processes, services and support to show that we are meeting their standards Gives schools confidence that we fully capable of supporting schools in using SIMS Survey complete – thank you to schools for completing

11 Office365

12 Office365 Update Over 90 schools migrated to O365 Schools now enjoying the benefits of increased mailbox storage. 50GB as opposed to 1GB with EasyMail Advanced features such as shared calendars, distribution groups being utilized by schools Transition from Exchange available OneDrive storage expanded. 25GB has been increased to 1TB! Also includes use of Lync, Sharepoint Online, Office Apps and much more.

13 RBUSS – Remote Backup

14 Secure offsite backup Encrypted in transit, data never leaves East Sussex Network Mirrored storage – Data stored at County Hall and St Mary’s House Ideal for backing up key data (SIMS) Data bands start from less than £500pa

15 BETT Awards

16 BETT Awards 2014 - Finalists We were proud to be nominated as finalists in the ICT Services and Support category Our nomination was around the work we had done on –A tracking analysis and reporting service –Creation of a NEET indicators report This work was aimed at –Supporting schools in raising attainment and progress –Highlighting the risk of pupils ‘standing still’ –Working with other departments to better support schools

17 Forum Format?

18 More discussion based content Ownership of Forum to Network Managers Agenda and Speaker content chosen by forum users Workshop type content?

19 Thank You – Any Questions?

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