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Aldehydes & Ketones.

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Presentation on theme: "Aldehydes & Ketones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aldehydes & Ketones

2 Aldehydes & Ketones Carbonyl Compounds C = O
They are organic compounds containing a carbonyl group they are divided into:

3 Aldehydes General formula CnH2n+1 CHO

4 Ketones CnH2n+2CO, R – CO – R
R= R we have simple or symmetrical ketones R ≠ R we have unsymmetrical ketones

5 Aldehydes & Ketones Preparation:
Oxidation of primary alc. gives aldehydes while secondary alcohols give ketones.

6 Aldehydes & Ketones Preparation:

7 Aldehydes & Ketones Preparation:
2. Dry distillation of salts of acids: Calcium salts are generally used in this reaction.

8 Aldehydes & Ketones Preparation:
A mixture of calcium acetate and formate gives acetaldehyde.

9 Aldehydes & Ketones Preparation:
While calcium acetate alone gives actone.

10 Aldehydes & Ketones Preparation:
3. By the hydrolysis of alkylidene halides.

11 Aldehydes & Ketones Preparation: 4. By ozonolysis of olefins:

12 Aldehydes & Ketones Preparation:
5. When acetylene is passed into hot dilute sulphuric acid in presence of mercuric sulphate.

13 Aldehydes & Ketones Chemical Reaction:
Most of the reactions of aldehydes and ketones are the reactions of the carbonyl group C = O. The activity of this group arises from the displacement of electrons towards the more electronegative oxygen atom which imparts a positive charge on the carbon atom as follows:

14 Aldehydes & Ketones Chemical Reaction:
It was found that the reactivity of the carbonyl group depends on the nature of the alkyl groups attached to it. the smaller the group, the more reactive is the carbonyl group. Thus, the order of reactivity is:

15 Aldehydes & Ketones Chemical Reaction: A- Addition Reactions:
With sodium bisulphate

16 Aldehydes & Ketones Chemical Reaction: A- Addition Reactions:
2. With hydrogen cyanide

17 Aldehydes & Ketones Chemical Reaction: A- Addition Reactions:
3. Action of NH3:

18 Aldehydes & Ketones Chemical Reaction: A- Addition Reactions:
3. Action of NH3: Formaldehyde is an exception, it gives a complex compounds known as amino form or Urotropine or hexa methylene tetra amine.

19 Aldehydes & Ketones Chemical Reaction: A- Addition Reactions:
3. Action of NH3: The structure of hexamthylene tetra amine appears to be a complicated ring compound. It is solid used in medicine for treatment of Gout and Rheumatism.

20 Aldehydes & Ketones Chemical Reaction:
B- Condensation Reaction: Is the reaction of two or more molecules identical or different together with the elimination of water molecule. With hydroxyl amine:

21 Aldehydes & Ketones Chemical Reaction: 2. With hydrazines:
B- Condensation Reaction: 2. With hydrazines:

22 Aldehydes & Ketones Chemical Reaction: 3. Aldol condensation:
B- Condensation Reaction: 3. Aldol condensation:

23 Aldehydes & Ketones Chemical Reaction: 3. Aldol condensation:
B- Condensation Reaction: 3. Aldol condensation:

24 Aldehydes & Ketones Chemical Reaction: C- Substitution Reaction:

25 Carboxylic Acids (Fatty acids)

26 Carboxylic Acids (Fatty acids)
The functional group in this series is the carboxylic group – COOH which result from the combination of a carbonyl and hydroxyl group. The carboxylic group is univalent so it is a terminal group.

27 Carboxylic Acids (Fatty acids)
Acids are classified into mono, di-, and poly- carboxylic acids, according to whether they contain one, two, or more carboxylic groups in the molecule.

28 Carboxylic Acids (Fatty acids)
Mono carboxylic acids: These contain one carboxylic group they are mono basic, there general formula CnH2n+1.COOH

29 Carboxylic Acids (Fatty acids)

30 Carboxylic Acids (Fatty acids)
2. Diarboxylic acids:

31 Carboxylic Acids (Fatty acids)
3. Hydroxy acids:

32 Carboxylic Acids (Fatty acids)
4. Polycarboxylic acids:

33 Carboxylic Acids (Fatty acids)
Preparation: Formic acid HCOOH By the hydrolysis of chloroform

34 Carboxylic Acids (Fatty acids)
Preparation: Acetic acid CH3COOH 1. Oxidation of ethyl alcohol:

35 Carboxylic Acids (Fatty acids)
Preparation: Acetic acid CH3COOH 2. From methane:

36 Carboxylic Acids (Fatty acids)
Preparation: Oxalic acid:

37 Carboxylic Acids (Fatty acids)
It is produced in the commercial scale by heating carbon monoxide & sodium hydroxide at moderate temp. & pressure

38 Carboxylic Acids (Fatty acids)
Succinic acid:

39 Carboxylic Acids (Fatty acids)
Chemical reactions: With strong electropositive metals, with the libration of hydrogen and formation of salts.

40 Carboxylic Acids (Fatty acids)
Chemical reactions: 2. Dehydration:

41 Carboxylic Acids (Fatty acids)
Chemical reactions: 3. Halogenation:

42 Carboxylic Acids (Fatty acids)
Chemical reactions: In case of chlorine or bromine in presence of small amount of red phosphorous, it gives alphahalogenated acids.

43 Carboxylic Acids (Fatty acids)
Chemical reactions:

44 Thank you

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