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Ancient Greek power point

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1 Ancient Greek power point
Enrique Brown

2 Ancient Greek Architecture
Ancient they mostly made mosaics and statues of people. Ancient Greeks built, Statues, Mosaics, temples, Stadiums, Temples, Palaces, and Theaters. This is Poseidon he is the God of water.

3 Ancient Greek literature
The Iliad and the Odyssey were written at about 700 B.C. Ancient Greeks used poetry in, art, music, and education Greeks taught their kids poems by heart

4 Ancient Greek Art Greeks made beautiful buildings The Parthenon it was built in about 5th century B.C. . Ancient Greeks built buildings The Ancient Greeks made a lot of art.

5 Ancient Greece Philosophy
When Greek kids were little they got taught the bible by heart. Elea was a Greek city in Italy. Ancient Greeks learned math their. Elea is not just a school it is a person.

6 Ancient Greek Inventions
The Greeks Invented maps, Thermometers, Tumbler Locks. Ganymede is hoop-bowling in this image. Greeks were creative they invented a lot of stuff and made stuff we use today.

7 Ancient Greece history 1
If you wanted to see how to trace Ancient Greek if would bring u back to Stone age hunters. Zeus the god of is the king of gods his names means Jupiter in Rome . His symbols are Thunderbolts, eagle, bull, and oak.

8 Ancient Greek History 2 There was a big war between Persia and Greeks.
The Persian Greek Attacked Greek at about 490 Bc. The Persians were Defeated at the battle Marathon.

9 Ancient Greek History 3 Alexander the great was son of Philip II.
He was b0rn July 21, 356 BC. He was a member Argead dynasty.

10 Ancient Greek Mythology
Antigone was a ancient Greek myth. Antigone was the daughter of Oedipus of Thebes and Jocasta. Oedipus accidentally married is own mom.

11 Ancient Greek Daily Life
Ancient Greeks love to listen to their own music. Ancient Greeks like to tell myths to each other. They like to honor their gods.

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