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Biotechnology AP Biology Chapter 20.

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1 Biotechnology AP Biology Chapter 20

2 History of Biotechnology

3 Biotechnology Utilizing living systems for technological advancement

4 Origins of Biotechnology
Biotechnology has been around for ~10,000 years Domesticated plants and animals Using yeast to make bread rise Using bacteria or yeast to ferment grapes into wine

5 Current Biotechnology
Biotechnology is used in three main ways: Directly using cells Using the proteins/enzymes made by cells Using the genetic material inside of cell

6 Future of Biotechnology

7 DNA Cloning Part 1

8 DNA Cloning Scientists: Genes: Only want to study specific genes
Small segments of DNA strand

9 E. coli plasmid Small circular DNA that replicates independently from nucleoid chromosome

10 DNA Cloning Process Find gene of interest in any organism

11 DNA Cloning Process Cut gene with restriction enzymes
Cut bacteria plasmid w/ same enzymes

12 DNA Cloning Process Attach gene to plasmid with DNA Ligase

13 DNA Cloning Process Reinsert into bacteria Allow bacteria to replicate

14 14

15 Restriction Enzyme Cut DNA at known palindromic sequences Enzyme
Source Recognition Sequence Cut EcoRI Escherichia coli 5'GAATTC 3'CTTAAG 5'---G AATTC---3' 3'---CTTAA G---5' EcoRII 5'CCWGG 3'GGWCC 5'--- CCWGG---3' 3'---GGWCC ---5' BamHI Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 5'GGATCC 3'CCTAGG 5'---G GATCC---3' 3'---CCTAG G---5' HindIII Haemophilus influenzae 5'AAGCTT 3'TTCGAA 5'---A AGCTT---3' 3'---TTCGA A---5' TaqI Thermus aquaticus 5'TCGA 3'AGCT 5'---T CGA---3' 3'---AGC T---5'

16 Current Uses Medicine: Treatment: Food: Insulin, HGH, Blood clotting
Hepatitis B Vaccine, HIV identification Food: Golden Rice, Countless Resistant Crops

17 Environmental Concerns
Escapees in nature! Jumping into you!

18 PCR & Gel Electrophoresis
Part 2

19 Polymerase Chain Reaction Function
Exponentially amplify small amounts of DNA

20 PCR Process Denaturing Heating DNA separates the H bonds

21 PCR Process Annealing Cooling DNA allows RNA primers to attach

22 PCR Process Extension DNA polymerase adds nucleotides to 3’ end of primer

23 PCR Result After 30 rounds of PCR:
Copy 1 segment of DNA into ~1,000,000,000 99.9% are only target sequence

24 PCR Applications Share 40,000 yr old woolly mammoth DNA
Identify crime scene DNA Screen fcDNA for genetic disorders Detect hidden viral genes (HIV)

25 Gel Electrophoresis Function
Visualize various sized sections of DNA

26 GE Process Use restriction enzymes to cut DNA

27 GE Process Pipette DNA into the gel (well)

28 GE Process Turn on electrical current
DNA phosphates have a negative charge DNA travels to the positive electrode Gel separates DNA segments based on size

29 GE Result Stain gel to show bands of DNA

30 GE Applications Compare DNA Extract pure samples of DNA

31 DNA sequencing Part 3

32 DNA Sequencing Function
Analyze complete genome of an organism

33 DNA Sequencing Process
Isolate DNA Grind up organism – cells with DNA in nucleus Add soap – break down lipid membrane Add meat tenderizer – break down protein Spin DNA in centrifuge – DNA sinks

34 DNA Sequencing Process
Send DNA through PCR with normal nucleotides

35 DNA Sequencing Process
Send DNA through PCR with radioactive nucleotides

36 DNA Sequencing Result Many partial sequences of various lengths with a radioactive terminal nitrogen base Run this solution through a gel or sequencer

37 DNA Sequencing Application
Has shown evolutionary relationships Will unlock genetic mysteries /student_view0/chapter15/ani mation_quiz_1.html

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