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Ancient Rome World Studies. 5 Major Characteristics of Roman Civilization Advanced Cities Specialized Workers Complex Institutions Record Keeping &

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1 Ancient Rome World Studies


3 5 Major Characteristics of Roman Civilization Advanced Cities Specialized Workers Complex Institutions Record Keeping & Writing Technology/Science


5 What is the Relative Location of the city of Rome? Where is the city of Rome? Central Italy On a peninsula in N. Mediterranean Sea Southern Europe West of Greece Absolute location 41°54′N 12°30′E


7 Regional Location

8 Origins of Rome Legend states… City founded in 753 B.C. Romulus and Remus Twin sons of war god Mars Romulus killed Remus-1 st Roman king City of Rome Tiber River 7 hills Mid-point of peninsula Middle of Mediterranean

9 The First Romans 1000-500 B.C. Latins original settlers in Rome Greeks Southern Italy Trade Etruscans Northern Italy Metalwork/alphabet

10 What made Rome an ideal location for a city?

11 Advanced Cities-City of Rome Center of the Roman Republic –Known for: Government Disciplined Military Coliseum Pantheon Forum Aqueducts



14 Specialized Workers Gladiators Soldiers Architects Sculptors Slaves Senators Consuls Doctors

15 Complex Institutions Government Rebellion against Etruscan king= a Republic government of elected representatives Patricians – wealthy landowners 10% Power from ancestry Plebeians – merchants, farmers, traders 90% Vote, but no leadership

16 Complex Institutions: Republic Comes from Latin word “respublica” meaning, “a matter of the people” - 509 B.C. –A “REPRESENTATIVE” type of government Roman citizens elected governmental officials to represent them –Patricians - Wealthy/Noble class - landowners –Plebeians - Merchants, farmers, traders Three components of the Republic –Senate - made up of senators elected by citizens –Consul - elected officials who acted as leaders of the Senate –Assemblies - gathering of citizens to vote on decisions made by the Senate

17 Law Republic Rule of Law 1. People equal under the law 2. Accused can face the accuser. 3. Decisions must be fair. 4. Innocence until proven guilty. 5. Guilt must be established. 12 Tables – Written Law Code (451 B.C.) Displayed publically, kids memorized them Laws were practical/flexible

18 Republic Balanced Gov’t Consuls – 1 yr. Lead army Led Gov’t Dictator – 6 mo. Emergency leader. All power. Senators ( Patricians ) Tribunes ( Plebians )

19 American Government Executive – President is head of state and commander in chief Legislative Congress is made up of the House of representative and the Senate.

20 Separation of Powers

21 Quick Quiz 1.Where is the city of Rome located? 2.What makes Rome’s location a good one? 3.Compare and contrast the Roman Republic and the government of the United States today.

22 Complex Institutions- Roman Military / Legions In 270 B.C. the Roman legions controlled Italy. How? How? Frequent conflicts = skilled warriors Age 17-46 could be called Strong, disciplined army Well-trained Treated enemies well. Collected taxes. Respected some local customs.

23 Wars of Conquest 264-146 BCE Rome’s greatest enemy-Carthage, a Phoenician city-state in North Africa (Tunisia) 3 wars fought between Rome & Carthage for control of Western Med. & Sicily --“Punic Wars” Hannibal – a great Carhtagian leader who invaded Rome & heavily damaged Roman Army before retreating 15 yrs later He famously invaded with war elephants up through Spain & the French/Italian Alps. Rome final winner=control over N. Africa, Spain, Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica


25 Battle Formations


27 Tortoise

28 Roman Empire Empire- group of states or territories controlled by one ruler. Caesar-title adopted by Roman emperors. Julius Caesar- ruler who helped the republic become an empire

29 Caesar’s Roman Empire

30 Point to important locations…

31 Hadrian’s Wall--Emperor Hadrian 122 BCE

32 Record Keeping/Writing- Literature Authors: Virgil the AENEID Horace Odes Roman Numerals: I, II, III, IV, V, VI., etc. Et cetera “and so on” Wrote in Latin Language is still used by Roman Catholic Church and in science “From many; one” “New order of the ages”

33 Latin Roots – Romance Languages Vulgar Latin Vernacular Language of the empire: soldiers, government, merchants.

34 Technology-Architecture Contact with Hellenistic civilizations Arch Dome Coliseum Bread & Circus Gladiators, chariots, etc. The“Colesseum” Pantheon

35 Engineering Aqueducts Catapults Heating Public Baths Roads Siege towers

36 Bath, England



39 Pax Romana 100 years of peace & prosperity in the Roman Empire. Latin for “Roman peace” m/ m/

40 The Fall of Rome 1.Economic 1.More Empire=more expenses=higher taxes 2.Declining population ( wars, plague, etc.) meant fewer people paying taxes 3.Poor moved to the cities 4.Distracting entertainment cost $$$ 1.“Bread & Circuses” 2.Social 1.Loyalty to government & one another declined 2.Many soldiers fought for $ not their country 3.Wealthy men chased $ instead of governing

41 The Fall of Rome 1.Political 1.Empire so big it was divided in two. E & W 2.East grew strong/West grew weak 3.Civil war cost many lives and required taxes 4.Enemies at weakened borders 1.Barbarians-believed to be by another culture to be savage or primitive peopel 2.Military 1.Foreign tribes invaded -“barbarians” 1.Visigoths, Vandals, Angles & Saxons, & Huns


43 Vandals…”vandalism”

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