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Greek mythology and architecture

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1 Greek mythology and architecture
By Emma L.

2 Pegasus Pegasus was a beautiful white horse that could fly .it was the offspring of medusa .Pegasus helped the hero Bellerophon to kill the Chimera.

3 Griffin The griffin was a combination of a lion and an had the body of a lion and the head,wings and talons of an eagle.Griffins were said to have lived in northern Greece where they guarded a huge treasure.

4 Medusa Medusa was a Greek monster called a gorgon.She had the face of a woman but had snakes for hair.Anyone who looked in her eyes would be turned to stone.She had once been a beautiful woman but was turned into a gorgon as a punishment from the goddess Athena.

5 Cerberus Cerberus is a three headed dog that has snake tails.Cerberus guarded the underworld,which is where the Greeks believed people went when they died.He would not allow anyone who died to go back to the world of the living.

6 Kraken Kraken is a legendary sea monster said to dwell off the coasts of Norway and Greenland.

7 Scylla Scylla was a terrible sea monster with 12long tentacle legs and six dog like heads.She guarded one side of the Strait of Messina while her counterpart Charibdis guarded the other side.

8 The Strait of Messina The Strait of Messina is the narrow passage between the eastern tip of Sicily and the western tip of of Calabria in the south of Italy .It connects the Tyrrhenian Sea to the north with the Lonian Sea to the south ,within the central Mediterranean.

9 Typhon Typhoon was perhaps the scariest and most powerful monster.

10 Sirens Sirens were sea nymphs that lured sailors to crash on the rocks of their island with their songs.Once a sailor heard the song ,he could not resist.Odysseus encountered the sirens in his adventures on the Odyssey.He had his men put wax in their ears so they could not hear the song then he tied himself to the ship so he could hear the song and not get captured.

11 Pericles A leader and statesman during the golden age of Greece.he helped democracy to flourish and led great building projects in Athens that still survive today.

12 Hercules is born part1 Hercules was a demigod which means half God half human.his father was Zues ,and his mother was Alcmene ,a beautiful human princess.

13 Hercules is born part 2 Even as a baby Hercules was very strong.When the goddess Hera Zeus's wife found out about him she wanted to kill him.She snuck two large snakes into his crib,however baby Hercules grabbed the snakes by their necks and strangled them with his bare hands.

14 Hercules growing up Hercules's mother ,Alcmene,tried to raise him like a normal kid .he went to school like regular mortal children and learned subjects like math and reading however one day he got mad and hit his music teacher on the head with his lyre and killed him by accident.

15 Hercules growing up Hercules went to live in the hills where he worked as a cattle herder.He enjoyed the outdoors.One day a massive lion attacked his herd.Hercules Hercules killed the lion with his bare hands.

16 Hercules is tricked Hercules married a princess named Megaera. They had a family and we're living a happy life.This made the goddess Hera angry .She tricked Hercules into thinking that his family was a bunch of snakes .Hercules killed the snakes only to realize they were his wife and kids.He was very sad and riddled with guilt.

17 Hercules wanted to get rid of the
The oracle of Delphi Hercules wanted to get rid of the

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