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MFP M ONTHLY W EBINAR April 16, 2015. G OALS OF OUR MONTHLY WEBINARS ? Our goals for our MFP monthly webinars are: To better the lines of communication.

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Presentation on theme: "MFP M ONTHLY W EBINAR April 16, 2015. G OALS OF OUR MONTHLY WEBINARS ? Our goals for our MFP monthly webinars are: To better the lines of communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 MFP M ONTHLY W EBINAR April 16, 2015

2 G OALS OF OUR MONTHLY WEBINARS ? Our goals for our MFP monthly webinars are: To better the lines of communication between you and us, the MFP staff. Seeking feedback on how to better the processes of MFP/waiver services for our participants. Provide the opportunity to share successes and challenges as RTC’s and your transitions. Serve as the vehicle to provide training on key topics.

3 MFP N UMBERS As of today April 16, 2015 101 referrals have been received 24 participants have transitioned

4 W E ’ RE L ISTENING TO Y OU RTC’s have asked “what is the process for transitioning participants from the Montana State Hospital (MSH), Warm Springs to the community?” To be MFP eligible a person has to have a Medicaid payer source at least one day prior to moving to the community. Depending on the age of the participant a person at the MSH may or may not meet this eligibility requirement. In order to meet the MFP eligibility, a person may use a short term nursing home stay to meet the Medicaid eligibility.

5 H OW D O MSH T RANSITIONS W ORK ? The transfer of Medicaid benefits will be started at the MSH, Warm Springs by their Program Enrollment Specialist. Once the participant goes to the nursing home, the participant needs to contact the OPA office to activate their Medicaid benefits and update their information. (continued)

6 H OW D O MSH T RANSITIONS W ORK ? The Montana State Hospital will provide the nursing home with a “referral packet” prior to transition. This packet will include: How the participant is doing; A history of behaviors; Directive on psychiatric assessment and what services the participant will benefit from; Current medication list

7 RTC’s have asked “How do we assure that the participant’s Social Security benefits follow them to the community?” When an MFP participant is transitioning from an in-patient facility to the community, the Social Security Office needs to be contacted so the person’s benefits follow them. When contacting your area’s Social Security office the following information needs to be provided: the date of admission; the date of discharge from the facility; and what the pay source was for their stay in the institution.

8 S OCIAL S ECURITY O FFICE ’ S C ONTACT I NFORMATION Helena 1.866.563.9496 Fax: 406.441.1065 Butte 1.888.632.7068 Fax: 406.723.8240 Missoula 1.866.931.9029 Fax: 406.542.9944 Kalispell 1.888.487.0150 Fax: 406.756.1831 Bozeman 1.877.405.5473 Fax: 406.522.0650 Billings 1.866.895.1795 Fax: 406.247.7274 Great Falls 1.877.583.4114 Fax: 406.727.6994

9 O THER I TEMS We have received notification from CMS that TV’s are not a covered transition services. Please wait to administer the baseline Quality of Life survey until 4-6 weeks prior to the participants transition. Upon a participant’s move to the community, OPA needs to be updated on any changes. (change in address; change in the participant’s income/resources, etc.).

10 O THER I TEMS C ONTINUED Notify MFP of any change of status to an MFP participant. (i.e. hospital stay, death, etc.) To meet MFP quality measure requirements the following must be identified. 24 hour back-up Risk assessment Critical incidents involving your participant

11 G OVERNOR ’ S C ONFERENCE ON A GING M AY 12 TH – 14 TH, 2015 - H ELENA Tuesday, May 12 th at 3:30 Demonstration Services Workshop. Wednesday, May 13 th at 10:30 – Housing 101 Workshop. Thursday, May 14 th at 10:30 – Housing Panel Discussion. How many of you will be attending the Governor’s Conference?

12 L ASTLY … What topics should be discussed in our future webinars? Does the 2 nd Thursday of each month work? Does this time frame of 1:30-2:30 work?

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