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Leadership. You asked me lots of leadership questions in the first class How do you gain control and respect as the new manager? There seems to be a lot.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership. You asked me lots of leadership questions in the first class How do you gain control and respect as the new manager? There seems to be a lot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership

2 You asked me lots of leadership questions in the first class How do you gain control and respect as the new manager? There seems to be a lot of different kinds of styles of Management. Which do you think are the best approaches?

3 How much authority do managers really have? How do you know how strict to act to your employees? I could have easily put many others.

4 Going to explore these questions. Focus on leadership. Then motivation. What is the difference between management and leadership. Planning, organizing, leading, controlling.

5 issues Leadership as interpersonal influence Leadership as how one influences people.

6 Leadership is an interpersonal process involving attempts to influence other people in attaining some goal. Influencing others in a positive manner.

7 Core for influence--Power Power is the capacity or ability to influence (others). Examples of positive or negative influence. Conflict of interests.

8 Types of power. Legitimate (authority) Reward (reward) Coercive (punish) Expert (knowledge) Referent (respecting and liking)

9 Influence tactics More about how you do each type of power in greater detail Expertise Rational persuasion, apprising. Referent Inspirational appeals, consultation, personal appeals, ingratiation. Legitimizing-legitimate Pressure exchange—reward punishment.

10 Empowerment Sharing of power with others Normally meant as subordinates. Trend is to give power to others. Why? Service sector organizations especially.

11 Not just about surrendering power. Expertise, self-confidence, training to use power wisely. Can be abused. Need to establish controls too. Especially in sales areas.

12 Trait approaches Leaders are born and not made

13 Genetics and Leadership Books says that People in leadership roles in an organization: Drive, motivation to lead, honesty/integrity, self-confidence, emotional maturity. Emotional intelligence—awareness of others feelings;+ sensitivity to one’s own emotions and the ability to control them. I would add conscientiousness.

14 Genetics and Twins Twin directory. Some twins together, others in different family. Does family circumstances or genetics predict who goes into managerial positions? Research suggests both, but more genetics.

15 Implications for effective leaderships Select effect leaders. Its all genetics. Identify right qualities.

16 My thoughts Increase the likelihood of success (moving to higher management) but do not guarantee success. Additionally success and effectiveness are different. My opinion traits are important for selection. However, no one is born a perfect manager. Always room for improvement

17 Demand for exceeds the supply of genetically qualified leaders. Need to develop leaders Ways to compensate for genetic limitations.

18 One last comment Gender and leadership. Males are more dominant as a whole (book mentions but does not emphasize). Does this create gender bias? Therefore could one assume that men genetically better leaders than women? Not at all. Other research suggests women are better leaders than men. Broader lists of skills (learned not genetic). Women as whole do better than men on most skill dimensions

19 Leadership style Lots of questions regarding this topic. Hope to resolve them today.

20 Four Leadership Styles Derived from the Ohio State Studies CD17-2 Figure 17-2 High structure, high consideration The leader provides a lot of guidance about how tasks can be completed while being highly considerate of employee needs and wants. Low structure, high consideration Less emphasis is placed on structuring employee tasks while the leader concentrates on satisfying employee needs and wants. High structure, low consideration Primary emphasis is placed on structuring employee tasks while the leader demonstrates little consideration for employee needs and wants. Low structure, low consideration The leader fails to provide necessary structure and demonstrates little consideration for employee needs and wants. LowHigh Initiating Structure Low High Consideration Irwin/McGraw-HillCopyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2001 All Rights Reserved

21 Similar to Task and maintenance roles in groups. Embodied in one person—the designated leader

22 The Leadership Grid® CD17-3 Figure 17-3 Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 High High 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Low Concern for People 1,1 Impoverished management 1, 9 Country club management 5,5 Middle-of-the road management 9,9 Team management 9,1 Authority- compliance Source: From Leadership Dilemmas - Grid Solutions, p 29 by Robert R Blake and Anne Adams McCanse. Copyright © 1991 by Robert R Blake and the estate of Jane S Mouton. Used with permission. All rights reserved. Concern for Production

23 Hershey Blanchard Situation Leadership

24 Research in general 9,9 or team is considered best in general. However, research increasingly suggests it depends. Chain saw Al Dunlap and Sunbeam (p.318) Thus managers need to be flexible.



27 Similarities and difference to grid Some overlap of types Delegating is most significant difference.

28 Substitutes for Leadership— Especially Task. Experience Subordinate Competence and independence Structured tasks Feedback from the job itself Explicit goals Rules and procedures

29 Natural redundancy Insult. Especially individual

30 Fewer substitutes for Relationships Job is intrinsically satisfying. Close knit work units Subordinate competence and independence

31 Compatible with Hershey Blanchard. Readiness partially a function of person and situation. Looks at situational determinants of readiness.

32 Leadership across cultures Interesting Some research we are doing. Share that with you.

33 Universally positive attributes Trustworthy (but how you establish trust in different cultures varies) Encouraging Honest Decisive Communicative Dependable

34 Universally Negative Non-cooperative Irritable Dictatorial Ruthless Egocentric (self centered)

35 Others – it depends Ambitious Cautious Cunning Exchange Power (my research) Empowering (my research)

36 Summary Understand leadership style Have an initial image of leadership style. May not be final image. Different leadership styles may be effective. MOR may be best leadership style. Flexible.

37 Answer lots of your questions.

38 Case p. 373

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