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Directorate for Education work on Making change happen Barbara Ischinger Director for Education 11.

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1 Directorate for Education work on Making change happen Barbara Ischinger Director for Education 11

2 Making change happen Four specific cases  Mexico (2007)  Hungary (2008)  France (2008)  Portugal (2009) 1 2 2

3 Making change happen In three specific cases, the governments of Mexico, Hungary and France asked the OECD to provide guidance on the best policy reform to be introduced to help countries to face their respective challenges. Each time the OECD produced a book addressing the main challenges:  Mexico: Getting it Right  Hungary : Reforms for stability and sustainable growth  France: Le pari de la croissance 3 1 3

4 Making change happen In September 2008, the OECD’s Education Policy Committee met at Chief Executives level to discuss “Addressing the challenges of policy implementation” Key themes to emerge were:  Build consensus on aims and principles  Actively engage stakeholders  Build a compelling case for change  Be realistic on pace and nature of reforms  Invest in change-management skills  Use evidence more effectively to guide policy and develop tools for using evidence to improve outcomes 4 1 5

5 Making change happen For Portugal, authorities asked us to advise on a new system of teacher evaluation. The project will synthesise research on approaches to teacher evaluation and identify innovative and best practices in teacher evaluation. It will look at:  Approaches to teacher evaluation (e.g. scope, criteria, evaluators, tools);  Summative and formative assessment;  Links to professional development;  Links to recognition and reward (e.g. career progression, pay);  Links to school leadership; and  Implementation of teacher evaluation schemes. 5 1 4

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