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“First Things First”: Crafting a Culture of Trust with Scott Perry & Patty Parnell.

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Presentation on theme: "“First Things First”: Crafting a Culture of Trust with Scott Perry & Patty Parnell."— Presentation transcript:

1 “First Things First”: Crafting a Culture of Trust with Scott Perry & Patty Parnell

2 Today’s Discussion… School Leadership in an Information Age The Power and Speed of Trust Communication In Trust Cultures

3 Hunter/Gatherer Age Duration: thousands of years Calendar: Focus on Spring, Summer, Fall – Store for Winter Governance: Tribal

4 Agrarian Age Duration: 800 B.C. – late 1800s Calendar: Spring Planting, Summer/early Fall Tending and Harvesting Governance: Patriarchal

5 Industrial Age Duration: 1890 – 1980s Calendar: Year Round Governance: Boss – Middle Management – Worker

6 Boss Middle Management W W W W W W W W W W

7 Information Age Duration: 1980s – 2020s Calendar: Year Round Governance: Flat

8 Leader (Coach, Support, foster trust, create systems, hard conversations) Team Member Crystallized Intelligence Fluid Intelligence Team Member

9 It’s just not possible any longer to “figure it out” from the top, and have everyone else follow the orders of the “grand strategist”. The organizations that will truly excel in the future will be the organizations that discover how to tap people’s commitment and capacity to learn at all levels in an organization.” It’s just not possible any longer to “figure it out” from the top, and have everyone else follow the orders of the “grand strategist”. The organizations that will truly excel in the future will be the organizations that discover how to tap people’s commitment and capacity to learn at all levels in an organization.” Peter Senge “The 5th Discipline” Peter Senge “The 5th Discipline”

10 “ It’s just not possible any longer to “figure it out” from the top, and have everyone else follow the orders of the “grand strategist”. The organizations that will truly excel in the future will be the organizations that discover how to tap people’s commitment and capacity to learn at all levels in an organization.” “ It’s just not possible any longer to “figure it out” from the top, and have everyone else follow the orders of the “grand strategist”. The organizations that will truly excel in the future will be the organizations that discover how to tap people’s commitment and capacity to learn at all levels in an organization.” Stephen Covey

11 Most Public Schools Today….

12 sit in the middle of the Information Age….

13 charged with preparing students for life and work in “The Information Age” and beyond….

14 and yet function with an Agrarian Age calendar….

15 and Industrial Age systems of management and communication.

16 Fluid  the capacity of combined, synergistic thinking of school community members to problem solve in real time. Fluid  the capacity of combined, synergistic thinking of school community members to problem solve in real time. Crystallized  the massive storehouse of education and experience that exists within all schools.

17 Exciting New Ways of Doing Business Learning Organizations Professional Learning Communities Critical Friends Other…

18 One Common, Essential Ingredient… High Trust

19 Maintaining high trust in complex challenging organizations… Why is it necessary? What exactly is it? How do create it?

20 Sustained improvement will not occur without strong “System Readiness”…..


22 The Speed of Trust A Transformational Book by Stephen M.R. Covey

23 What is Trust? Confidence Confidence Integrity Integrity Ability Ability

24 What is Distrust? Suspicion Suspicion Integrity Integrity Ability Ability

25 Think of a person with whom you have a high trust relationship… What is it like? How well do you communicate? How quickly can you get things done? How much do you enjoy this relationship?

26 The Case for Trust Trust = Speed Cost Trust = Speed Cost Trust = Speed Cost

27 Examples in business… 9/11 and air travel HIPPA Berkshire Hathaway/Wal-Mart Deal  2 hours, 1 handshake  2 hours, 1 handshake

28 Communication is the connective tissue of humanity… The Communication Catalyst

29 Barriers to Powerful Listening: We’re filterers … we hear what we think we know based on our preferences, history and biases We’re filterers … we hear what we think we know based on our preferences, history and biases There is a master question that is the dominating focus for ordinary listening is, “what makes me right?” There is a master question that is the dominating focus for ordinary listening is, “what makes me right?”


31 Barriers to Powerful Listening: We’re filterers… We’re comfort seekers… We’re comfort seekers… The lust for comfort – that stealth thing that enters as a houseguest, then becomes our host, then our master. Kahlil Gibran The lust for comfort – that stealth thing that enters as a houseguest, then becomes our host, then our master. Kahlil Gibran

32 Barriers to Powerful Listening: We’re filterers… We’re filterers… We’re comfort seekers… We’re comfort seekers… We’re approval junkies… We’re approval junkies… Adequacy & belonging Adequacy & belonging

33 Something to think about… How would I listen if I knew I already got what I wanted? When did I last listen without revising, resisting, countering, fixing or altering? When did you last learn something from someone? What made it possible? What am I currently attached to? Is that attachment a help or hindrance in my ability to listen?

34 100 50 25 75 0 The Conversation Meter The Conversation Meter

35 Pretense 50 25 75 0 100 Focus of pretense: Avoid difficulty. What am I not saying? And why?

36 Sincerity 50 25 75 0 100 Focus of sincerity: I am aware of the message you’re conveying… but in content only!

37 Accuracy 50 25 75 0100 Focus of accuracy: I understand both the content and the emotions of what you’re saying to me.

38 Authenticity 50 25 75 0 100 Focus in authenticity: Jennifer James quote “There is nothing more important in great leadership today than being authentic!!”

39 Best Practices in School Improvement High Trust Effective Leadership

40 Best Practices in School Improvement High Trust Effective Leadership

41 Contact Information: Scott.Perry@LBLESD.K12.OR.US 541-967-8822 Patty.Parnell@LBLESD.K12.OR.US 541-812-2657

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