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The Year In Review 2012: 50 Years and Counting! Peggy Salvatore 2012 President ASTD Eastern PA.

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Presentation on theme: "The Year In Review 2012: 50 Years and Counting! Peggy Salvatore 2012 President ASTD Eastern PA."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Year In Review 2012: 50 Years and Counting! Peggy Salvatore 2012 President ASTD Eastern PA

2 New Beginnings A new year means new board members in 2013! Our chapter is fortunate to retain many board members in various capacities while welcoming newcomers as well. Our board is finalizing our future strategy and looks forward to a great year ahead. Suzanne Weaver, President Eastern PA 2013

3 We’re proud of our members companies and thank them for being part of us.

4 Calendar of Events 1 st Tuesday of Each Month –ASTD Express 2 nd Monday of Each Month –Book Club 3 rd Tuesday of Each Month –Consultants Express Alternating 3 rd Friday of the Month –Best Practices SIG (Odd Months) –Pocono GIG – (Even Months) Last Friday of the Month –Consultants Forum Quarterly 2 nd Tuesday –Reading GIG (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct) Quarterly 2 nd Thursday –Chapter Meeting (Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec) –Talent Management SIG (same) Quarterly 3 rd Monday Night –eLearning SIG (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct) We scheduled a lot of events. We find attendance is down across the country, and Eastern PA is no exception. The new board will be looking at doing more of what you want, less of what you don’t, and trying some new things that may work better for you.

5 Thank You: Board Members

6 Chapter Leadership 2012 Peggy Salvatore President Rick Kerner Past- President Rick continued to be a strong and positive influence carrying all his hard work forward. As board president, I thank him for all of us!

7 Chapter Leadership 2012 Suzanne Weaver President-Elect Andy Cook VP Communications Suzanne worked very hard to get the 2013 board ready to push into the future. Andy ended his longstanding board tenure as VP of Communications, but will stay with us as a Director-at-Large.

8 Chapter Leadership 2012 Rachel Kubel VP Finance Bill Kleintop VP Professional Development Bill agreed to take on the role of President-Elect for 2013, and brought a lot to the role of VP of Professional Development. Rachel took over our books, and we are proud to say we remain well in the black.

9 Chapter Leadership 2012 Linda Backo VP Technology Zach Zavadel VP Marketing PP&L was well-represented with Linda Backo of PPL taking over in the critical technology role. As one of her major accomplishments, she is adding a Consultant’s Directory to our website. Zach Zavadel, also of PPL, had professional and personal obligations that required him to step aside, but we are grateful for the input he contributed early in the year.

10 Chapter Leadership 2012 Jim Byrnes VP Membership Martha Teel VP Programs & Events Jim Byrnes and Martha Teel are wonderful team players and added a lot of enthusiasm and ideas to our events. They will remain in those roles for 2013.

11 Chapter Leadership 2012 Kate Jendral VP Pocono GIG Jennifer Thompson VP Reading GIG Kate and Jennifer kept our Geographic Interest Groups alive. They will be stepping aside, so watch for changes in both GIGs in 2013 as we bring more programs outside the Lehigh Valley.

12 Chapter Leadership 2012 Marilyn Marles Consultant’s Forum Joan Zachary Director of BPFI Our most sincere thanks to both Marilyn and Joan, whose faithful and reliable service has kept both the Consultant’s Forum and Best Practices for Internals GIGs running strong and remaining vibrant and relevant.

13 New Faces 2013 Suzanne Wagner VP Communications Mary Frances Mika Newsletter Editor We welcome Suzanne and Mary Frances to the board! They’ll be leading our member communications in 2013.

14 Carry On, Carry Forward New board: Carries on previous board's good work Moves forward with serving members –continues what's working well –makes adjustments based on member feedback Communicates with all chapter members Continues growing a successful & vibrant chapter

15 2012 Annual Report

16 Key Metrics Membership –Joint membership remains strong –144 Eastern PA members Financial – balances as of 12/13/12 –Savings: $13,666.04 –Checking:$7,838.72

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