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All content and images Copyright © 2012 Denison Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1 Denison Consulting Welcomes You To The Denison eWorkshop: Fundamentals.

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1 All content and images Copyright © 2012 Denison Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1 Denison Consulting Welcomes You To The Denison eWorkshop: Fundamentals of a High Performance Organization

2 All content and images Copyright © 2012 Denison Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 2 Your Host for Today’s Webinar: Introduction Session Lindsey Kotrba President, Denison Consulting

3 All content and images Copyright © 2012 Denison Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 3 Today’s Agenda  Introductions  About Denison Consulting  The Denison Model  The Link to Performance  Solutions Focus  The Culture & Leadership Assessments  The Denison e-Workshop  Support & Resources

4 A Few Words About Denison Consulting… 4

5 All content and images Copyright © 2012 Denison Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Daniel Denison’s best-selling book illuminates the cultural dynamics firms need to manage in order to remain competitive. “A milestone in the culture studies arena.” - Edgar H. Schein Available Now! For bulk orders, visit: For individual orders please purchase from a book retailer (i.e. Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.) National Best Seller 5

6 What Is Culture? Norms, Behaviors and Artifacts. Visible, tangible. Personal Values and Attitudes. Less visible, but can be talked about. Cultural Values and Assumptions. Usually not visible at all, often held subconsciously, rarely (if ever) questioned in everyday life. Image by R.A. Clevenger 6

7 Preserve & Strengthen Invent & Perfect Unlearn & Leave Behind Rethink & Try Again Good Bad Old New Changing Culture By Changing Rituals, Habits & Routines 7

8 The Denison Model 8

9 What Counts… Building human capability, ownership, and responsibility “Are our people aligned and engaged?” Adaptability Pattern, Trends, & Market Mission Direction, Purpose, & Blueprint Defining a meaningful long-term direction for the Company “Do we know where we are going?” Translating the demands of the business environment into action “Are we listening to the marketplace?” Involvement Commitment, Ownership, & Responsibility Consistency Systems, Structures, & Processes Defining the values & systems that are the basis of a strong culture “Does our system create leverage?” 9

10 MISSION Creating Shared Vision: creating a clear and compelling vision of a future state Defining Strategic Direction & Intent: understanding, developing and executing strategy Defining Goals & Objectives: setting clear goals and tracking progress against those goals 10 Walk Around The Model

11 CONSISTENCY Managing Coordination & Integration: building effective working relationships with a range of colleagues & stakeholders across the organization Working to Reach Agreement: engaging in effective problem solving and decision making Defining Core Values: aligning the behavior of self and others in accordance with the Core Values 11 Walk Around The Model

12 INVOLVEMENT Developing Organizational Capability: developing employees to meet current and future organizational needs Building Team Orientation: developing successful, effective teams Empowering People: sharing information and communicating so that employees have the information they need to make informed decisions – the ability to make a difference 12 Walk Around The Model

13 ADAPTABILITY Creating Change: encouraging change and continuous improvement Emphasizing Customer Focus: understanding customer needs - developing responsive, effective working relationships with customers Promoting Organizational Learning: seeing continuous learning and innovation as critical to adapting and leading in a dynamic environment 13 Walk Around The Model

14 Effective leaders and organizations are Externally AND Internally focused Effective leaders and organizations focus on Flexibility AND Stability Dynamic Tensions

15 Effective leaders and organizations balance ‘External Adaptation’ AND ‘ Internal Integration’ Effective leaders and organizations offer strong leadership AND involve their employees

16 All content and images Copyright © 2012 Denison Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Beliefs and Assumptions: The ‘GREY’ Area in the Middle of the Model  At the heart of every culture are a set of beliefs and assumptions – about the organization and its people; the leaders; the customers; competitors; the sector; etc.  Resolving cultural issues and making progress in the development of a high- performance culture often requires a thoughtful exploration of the underlying beliefs and assumptions. Beliefs and Assumptions

17 All content and images Copyright © 2012 Denison Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. The Link Between Culture & Business Performance 17

18 · Innovation · Customer Satisfaction · Growth · Quality · Employee Engagement & Satisfaction · Stable Performance Over Time · Profitability ROI, ROS, ROE 18 Culture Links to Business Performance

19 19 Top 25%Bottom 25% Return-on-Assets Sales Growth Market-to-Book Ratio 2.3% 1.4% 2.6 3.2% 23.1% 4 The higher the culture scores, the greater profitability, sales growth, & market value (based on a study of 130 firms; 2000-2010). Impact on Performance

20 Culture Causes Performance 1 Year 2 Years In summary, culture comes first and serves as a driver of subsequent performance levels.

21 When Is High Consistency Bad? 21 When Involvement is low, high Consistency will likely lower an organization’s performance.

22 All content and images Copyright © 2012 Denison Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Denison Solutions Applying the Denison Model & Assessment 22

23 honest conversations among the collective about ‘the way we do things around here’ that… 2.lead to thoughtful actions and… 3.result in higher performance 23 Culture and Leadership Data Should :

24 24 Using the Denison Culture Model Education:  Creates awareness of the importance of culture and creates a common framework and language for discussing Culture  Uses a ‘systems’ perspective to understand the organization Assessment:  Ability to assess the cultural strengths & weaknesses of an organization and sub-units  Opportunity to measure and monitor progress Facilitation & Action Planning:  Targets discussion on those aspects of culture that have a link to Performance  Creates a ‘Road Map’ for interventions and actions and allows for an ‘intentional’ approach to culture development

25 Average levels of performance Mix of clarity & confusion Lower levels of performance Confusion & uncertainty reigns Higher levels of performance High level of clarity & alignment 25

26 Internal and External Forces that have the ‘potential’ to create more uncertainty and ambiguity Competition Regulatory Changes Political Changes Economy Restructuring Leadership Changes M&As New Technologies

27 The Denison Solutions Strategic Alignment Building a High Performance Business Culture Mergers & Acquisitions Turnaround & Transformation Leadership Development Leadership Transitions

28 All content and images Copyright © 2012 Denison Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. The Denison Product Suite 28

29 Culture Change Solutions Leadership Development Solutions The Denison Core Products  Culture Survey (60 items)  Custom Content Modules  Customizable  Change Monitor pulse survey  Leadership Survey (96 items)  Change Monitor

30 30 2012 Denison Global Benchmark  931 companies in 48 Countries  50% of the respondents in the last 5 years are from outside the US  Headquarter Distribution  28% are Multi-Nationals  75% North American, 14% Europe, 5% Asia/Pacific, 2% Africa/Middle East, 2% Central & South America, 2% Australia/Oceania  Wide classification of industries using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)

31 Leadership Global Benchmark 31  13,959 leaders included in the database  From over 900 companies  Rated by 206,000+ bosses, peers, and direct reports 3 Peers 7 Direct Reports 1 Boss 3 Other

32 Driving Culture Change The Parallel Path Approach Organization-Wide actions Function/Unit/group Actions Leader/Manager Actions Function/Unit/group Actions Leader/Manager Actions

33 All content and images Copyright © 2012 Denison Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. The Denison eWorkshop 33

34 Blended e-Learning Self-Paced Learning Interactive Discussion-based Webinars

35 Course Modules Getting Started: An Orientation to the Denison eWorkshop Webinar August 7, 2013, 10:00-11:00 am Lindsey Kotrba, President of Denison Consulting Denison Organizational Culture Module and Culture Teaching Case August 14, 2013, 10:00-11:00 am Dan Denison, Chairman & Founder of Denison Consulting Denison Leadership Module & Leadership Teaching Case August 21, 2013, 10:00-11:00 am Bryan Adkins, CEO of Denison Consulting Leading Change Module &Leading Change Teaching Case August 28, 2013, 10:00 -11:30 am Bryan Adkins, CEO of Denison Consulting

36 Deliverables  As part of the course you receive:  Access to resources like the Getting Started Guide and the Consultant Essentials Tool Kit  A Complete Denison Solutions Pilot Project  Your responsibilities  Review of all materials and complete assignments prior to the live Webinar session  Participation in the webinars  Utilize your Denison Solutions Pilot  Start thinking about this now

37 Your Denison Solutions Pilot Package 37 25 person Denison Organizational Culture Survey Pilot 1 Person Leadership Development Survey OR Your pilot package includes the full survey of your choice, full report generation, and basic interpretation and feedback on results from a Senior Denison Consultant.

38 Denison’s Annual Best Practices Forum January 29-31, 2014 38 Join us in Delray Beach for a truly inspiring experience. Collaborate and network with Denison clients and leaders in the fields of organizational culture and leadership development. We are looking forward to celebrating 10 amazing years of Best Practices! Workshop participants receive 10% off the registration price! Register today!!!

39 Session 2: Culture Change 39  Wednesday, August 14, 10:00-11:00am EST  Dan Denison, Chairman & Founder of Denison Consulting, will be facilitating  Pre-course materials available on the eWorkshop portal now eWorkshop portal  Please complete the assignment and email to

40 All content and images Copyright © 2012 Denison Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Thank you! 40

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