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Secondary Mathematics Leadership Meeting January 17, 2013.

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1 Secondary Mathematics Leadership Meeting January 17, 2013

2 STAAR PLDs Performance Level Descriptors --  State the specific knowledge and skills that students at Level I, II, and III demonstrate  Are based on state-wide student performance on STAAR  Were determined by a state-wide K-16 committee of educators  Can be used to guide and inform instruction

3 STAAR PLDs Vertical Analysis 1. What patterns do you observe? 2. What strikes you as critical for teachers to know? 3. What changes in instruction would help our students move from  Level 1 to Level II?  Level II to Level III?

4 Exemplar Lessons Produced by CIA in collaboration with teachers Follow the Curriculum Planning Guides 10-day unit of lessons for Cycle 5 Timeline:  November – January: Write and revise  January: Teacher and administrative review  Feb. 11, 2013: Publish

5 Book Study Previous Meetings:  Ch. 1 “The Case for Rigor”  Ch. 2 “Digging into Rigor” Today:  Review pp. 34 – 38  Activity: View TEKS and Test Items through the Rigor Lens

6 Algebra I Ⓡ ALGI.1D Represent relationships among quantities by using and building concrete models, completing tables, constructing graphs or diagrams, writing verbal descriptions, and writing equations or inequalities.

7 Examine the sequence below. Which representation below best models the term number, x, and the number of square tiles, y, in each term? (47% correct on Fall 2012 DLA) *

8 Through the Lens of Rigor “Tracking Progress” I can represent ___ as/in a(n) ___:  A verbal expression as a model/picture/diagram  Pictorial data in a table  Tabular data in a graph  A graph as an equation  An equation as a verbal expression I can represent ___ as a ___:  Verbal expression as an equation  An equation as a graph  A graph as a table  Tabular data in a model/picture/diagram  Pictorial data as a verbal expression

9 Nonlinguistic Representation Create a NLR on chart paper:  Start with the SE  Examine the test items  Choose a bullet from p. 38 in the Rigor book to “bump up the rigor” roller.html roller.html  Represent this on chart paper using NLR Present to the audience @ 6:15 p.m.


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