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Engineering and Technology Management Group Annual Status Report: 2014 Nancy Andersen, Technical Director – Engineering and Technology Management Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering and Technology Management Group Annual Status Report: 2014 Nancy Andersen, Technical Director – Engineering and Technology Management Technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering and Technology Management Group Annual Status Report: 2014 Nancy Andersen, Technical Director – Engineering and Technology Management Technical Activities Committee Meeting: 6 May 2015

2 ETMG Leadership: 2014-2015 Director: Nancy Andersen Deputy Directors:  Sophia Bright  David Dress  Abdi Khodadoust Technical/Program Committee Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary):  Economics (Econ) – Daniel Nigg, TBS, Sherry Stukes  History (His) – Bill Barry, Richard Hallion, Pete Young  Legal (LA3) – James Rendleman, PJ Blount, Chris Hearsey  Management (Mgt) – Wilson Felder, TBS, John Dowdle  Society & Aerospace Technology (SAT) – Brad Steinfeldt, Steve Justice, Som Dutta  Systems Engineering (SE) – John Eiler, Michelle Bailey, Shirley Brandt  Value Driven Design (VDD PC) – Peter Hollingsworth Changes from last year are in blue 2

3 ETMG Highlights All TCs remain active and healthy  High level of interaction within Group, with other TCs/PCs, and outside of AIAA  Diverse group of TCs: focus on their areas of interest  Recruiting new members and energizing existing members Continue to be active in technical leadership activities  Forums, meetings, and initiatives Continue to be very active in outreach activities  Education, student paper competitions, symposiums, workshops, proposal support, CVD Continue to be active in awards and publications Improve Value Driven Design PC integration  Working with PC Coordinator/Deputy Coordinators 3

4 ETMG Technical Leadership Activities Aviation 2014 (Mgt) CASE 2014 (SE) Space 2014 (SAT, SE, Econ) SciTech 2015 (SAT, His, LA3, SE) Galloway Space Law Symposium (LA3) Manfred Lachs International Space Law Moot Court Competition (LA3)  North American Regionals and World Finals Independent site-specific Meetings (Mgt) Congressional Visits Day (LA3) TC Workshop (Econ) TC meetings, virtual and face-to-face (All) 4

5 ETMG Outreach Activities Aerospace Technology Impact Initiative Best Student Paper Competition sponsor  SPACE 20xx Forums Space History, Society, and Policy track NASA research announcement InSEEM proposal support Madras Middle School Young Astronauts Club Supported other outreach events  Engineering Career Night  Stewartsville Elementary School  Discovery School  Tech Trekkers  Biosphere2 Engineering/Art 5

6 Aerospace Technology Impact Initiative (SAT TC) AIAA mission: “to inspire and advance the future of aerospace for the benefit of humanity”  Quantify “for the benefit of humanity”  How AIAA members contribute to that benefit Generate “success stories” of aerospace technology impact with a focus on the contributions of the AIAA and its members Data packages could be used to support  STEM outreach  Congressional Visits Day  Nominees for existing awards  Forum 360 activities  Aerospace America Year In Review  Development into AIAA Case Studies Pilot within ETMG TCs 6

7 ETMG Awards History Manuscript Award: Frederick Johnsen (annual, SciTech) Children’s Literature Award: Margaret A. Weitekamp (odd years, SciTech) Gardner-Lasser Aerospace History Literature Award: Dennis Jenkins (annual, SciTech) Hap Arnold Award: Dr. Steven H. Walker (annual, Aviation) Von Braun Award (w/Space Systems TC): Mr. Frank J. Cepolina (annual, Space) Provided recommendations for establishing von Braun graduate/undergraduate scholarships 7

8 ETMG Publications Journal of Aircraft Systems Engineering articles  Four approved and in the queue to be published  Three are in the review process AIAA-G-135, Aerospace Systems Integration Guide  Draft in progress Systems Engineering AIAA book development  In conjunction with Economics TC  Paperwork completed and filed  World class authors identified for all 12 chapters Scholarly papers Newsletters Website 8

9 ETMG Summary All TCs are in good shape Leadership changes providing opportunities for new ideas, innovation, and enthusiasm Leadership transition and continuity has supported stability Working to better integrate VDD PC 9

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