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Assistant Principal Meeting August 28, 2014 8:00am to 12:00pm.

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Presentation on theme: "Assistant Principal Meeting August 28, 2014 8:00am to 12:00pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assistant Principal Meeting August 28, 2014 8:00am to 12:00pm

2 Instructional Focus Collaborative Professional Learning Knowledge of Students

3 Six Degrees of Separation Commonalities Similarities Connections

4 Six Degrees of Separation  Goal: To find common practices on how Assistant Principals will incorporate the Citywide Instructional Expectations on a daily basis. Implement – Monitor Reflect – Refine

5 Agenda  8:30am-9:00am - Welcome Back  9:00am-9:45am - Ice Breaker, CIE, Book of the Month and Reflection Article  9:45am-10:00am - Introduction to Network Structure  10:00am-10:15am - The Four Pillars  10:15am-10:30am - Break  10:30am -11:30am - Instructional Focus, Monday Professional Development, Initial School Visit Protocol  11:30am-12:00pm - AP Meeting Structures  12:00pm-12:30pm - Vendor P resentation  Lunch to follow

6 2014-15 Citywide Instructional Expectations  In the 2014-15 school year, schools will reflect on previous years’ successes and areas for growth in order to create and refine strategic plans that best support their students.  REFLECT & REFINE - We urge you to take the time to reflect on your school’s journey and pause to recognize and celebrate all that you have accomplished.  Looking back and collecting evidence of success will give you the energy TO GET STARTED…..

7 2014-15 Citywide Instructional Expectations Summary of the 2014-15 Citywide Instructional Expectations:  Ensure knowledge of students and their work, and use this knowledge as the starting point for planning;  Integrate policy into an established, clearly articulated instructional focus; and,  Develop a culture of collaborative professional learning that enables school and individual development. (Schools have been working hard to address these priorities in order to best meet the needs of their own communities)

8 Citywide Instructional Expectations  Timeline: Summer 2014   Assess alignment between school structures, resources, and instructional goals   Assess composition, purpose, and effectiveness of current school teams to make strategic adjustments   Plan structures and systems for collecting evidence and monitoring impact of implementation of the activities outlined in the 2014-15 Expectations   Plan structures for teacher collaboration and professional development to address identified needs

9 Citywide Instructional Expectations  Timeline: Fall 2014   Communicate with families to assure partnership on the school’s instructional priorities   Implement structures that support the school’s knowledge of its students, its instructional focus, and its culture for collaborative professional learning   Gather and reflect upon evidence of student mastery of content and standards, students’ social-emotional learning, and progress towards graduating high school college and career ready   Implement course corrections in areas such as academic intervention services and staffing


11 CFN 604 NEWS

12 Introduction of CFN 604 Team

13 Network Structure  Collaboration of Achievement Coaches  Professional Development Support  Operational Support  CFN 604 Website -  Assistant Principal Meetings  Principal Meetings  MoSL & ADVANCE

14 The Four Pillars  Improve Student Achievement by Providing High Quality Instruction Aligned to the Common Core State Standards  Restore Dignity and Respect to the Craft of Teaching and School Leadership  Engage Parents and Families in Every Aspect of School Life  Create New Collaborative and Innovative Models

15 Break

16 Instructional Focus

17 Instructional Focus Statement All staff and students at ________ school will engage in a whole school initiative to increase growth in reading comprehension for all students and to build content knowledge through writing across the curriculum.

18 Monday Professional Development

19 Goals  Professional Development to support student outcomes and strengthen teacher practice within your school building.  All teachers in your building must provide professional development to their colleagues.

20 10 Months = 36 Days of Professional Development

21 Suggested Plan for Professional Development for Mondays  Professional Development Provided in Consecutive Cycles of 3 (Questioning)  10 Months = 36 Days of Professional Development / 3 Cycles = 12 Professional Development Topics  Team Representation of Each Grade (PreK-5) – Minimum of 7 Core Members  Team Representation of Grade / Content (6-8) – Minimum of 6 Members

22 Suggested Plan for Professional Development for Mondays  Core Instructional Team = Professional Development Team  Facilitating Teams = 2 Teachers from each Grade Facilitate Professional Development on a Rotating Basis Goals  Professional Development to support student outcomes and strengthen teacher practice within your school building.  All teachers in your building must provide professional development to their colleagues.

23 Initial School Visit Protocol

24 Goal / Objective of AP Meetings  As a result of participation in ALPAP, it is expected that assistant principals will be able to: As a result of participation in the AP meetings, it is expected that Assistant Principals will be able to:  Expand knowledge and skills related to professional growth, advanced leadership, and school improvement needed to increase  Develop personal vehicles for on-going professional development;  Initiate and implement practical strategies for school improvement and student achievement;  Develop a collegial network for support and follow-up professional activities;  Advance their leadership skills aligned to the NYCDOE School Leadership Competencies;

25 AP Expectations  Assistant Principal sessions are designed to facilitate and maximize opportunities for the participants to engage in informal discussions with their colleagues around topics covered in the seminar sessions.  During the seminars, Assistant Principals are asked to be active participants, ask questions, participate, facilitate, explore, discuss, collaborate and indicate areas and/or topics for further exploration.

26 AP Meeting Agenda  8:30am – 12:30 am  Welcome  Topic with Activity  Break  Open Agenda and Discussions  Break  Professional Reading with Activity and Discussion

27 AP Calendar of Meetings  September 18 – MoSL and Danielson  October 21 – Assessment, Inquiry Teams & Quality Review  November 18 –  December 17 –  January 14 – School Visit  February 25 -  March 5 – Assessment  May 14 -

28 Professional Readings

29 Thank You We don’t learn from experience. We learn from reflecting on experience. – John Dewey

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