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Frank Biemans February 00. 2000. GigaPort-Applications Ambition Organisation GigaPort-Network GigaPort-Applications –Knowledge acquisition –Pilots –Knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "Frank Biemans February 00. 2000. GigaPort-Applications Ambition Organisation GigaPort-Network GigaPort-Applications –Knowledge acquisition –Pilots –Knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Frank Biemans February 00. 2000

2 GigaPort-Applications Ambition Organisation GigaPort-Network GigaPort-Applications –Knowledge acquisition –Pilots –Knowledge dissemination

3 Internet evolution Increasing bandwidth

4 Internet evolution Quality of Service

5 Internet evolution Mobile IP

6 Internet evolution Boosting electronic –Commerce –Collabaration –Multi media management Over the internet

7 Objectives GigaPort: leading position in developing and using the next generation Internet. GigaPort-Network: prototype next generation Internet as a testbed for innovative applications. GigaPort-Applications: new forms of electronic commerce, collaboration, multi media management via Internet.

8 Poject organisation GigaPort-Network infrastructure GigaPort-Applications applications Next generation Internet in the Netherlands

9 ICES-funds 99 00 01 02 total GigaPort Management 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 5 GigaPort-Applications -Management1 1 1 1 4 -Research6 7 4.5 3 20.5 GigaPort-Network -Management1 1 1 1 4 -National backbone 0 6.5 7.5 7.5 21.5 -External connectivity 15 20.5 20.5 20.5 76.5 -Access 2 2.5 3 3 10.5 Total 142

10 Communication Be clear State of the art infrastructure High impact advanced applications Communicate, communicate, communicate Meeting of the Minds with CEO’s (nov ‘99) Meeting with higher education leadership (early 2000) Knowledge dissemination seminars (starting early 2000) Sector specific workshop Impact index Stimulate participation Attractive conditions for access to network Create consortia of interested parties Build linkages with related initiatives

11 GigaPort-Network Access IP over wireless LAN Users (e.g. via wireless LAN) Users (e.g. via wireless LAN) Access IP over GSM, UMTS, satellite Access IP over SDH, ATM, PDH Organisations (e.g. via 10xGigabit Ethernet) xDSL Access IP over cable,PON Users (e.g. via wirelessLAN) National Research Infrastructure IP overoptical infrastructure 100 x faster (80 gb/s) External Connectivity Amsterdam Internet Exchange Amsterdam Internet Exchange Europe Intercontinental

12 Bandwidth as-isto-be Backbone transmission 622 Mb/s 80 Gb/s capacity POPcapacity155 Mb/s20 Gb/s External Connectivity 200 Mb/s2.5 Gb/s (U.S.) Accessleased lineswireless Dial in XDSL “cable” During GigaPort - Network’s development (SURFnet 5), SURFnet 4 offers a state of the art network 1999Tender 2000-2002Pilots Pre-production Roll out 2003Deployment

13 Time table SURFnet4 Project Roll OutTesting Definition 1: Piloting 3: Scaling up 1/19971/19981/1999 1/2000 1/20011/2002 1/2003 1/2004 Phase out Definition 1: Piloting Production infrastructure Next generation infrastructure SURFnet4 infrastructure Production 2: Pre- production GigaPort

14 Application types Collaboration

15 Application types Transactions

16 Application types Multi media management

17 Research Agenda Ease of use

18 Research Agenda Which ICT components as building blocks? How to apply them?

19 Knowledge acquisition time middleware multi media management collaboration transactions pilots Research

20 E-billing & clearing Transactions Customer A Customer B Supplier A Supplier B Supplier C

21 Transaction services Objective: easy implementation of electronic transactions.  Re-engineering of business processes.  Digital trade environments.  Component based assembly of transaction systems.  State-of-the-art e-commerce components.

22 Methodology Business model Transaction Patterns ICT Implementation InsurantAgentInsurer Login to claim page Fill out form Get clain number Accident occurs policy number form Check login Return Pre- filled form Check claim Payment form Claim number Web client Web server (apache based) Application server Database server

23 Components Business Commerce Network Business Commerce Network GRPS UMTS WAPFree InternetNext generation Internet Internet payments Micropayments XML XML/EDI OFX Payment services Content based accounting IOTP FinEDI OBI PKIVPN Corba EJB Bluetooth EPOC Chipcards CBLcXML eCo (distributed) workflow E-sales support auctioning TTP Business portals Portal support Video streaming CRM ERP/XRP Infrastructure hosting EDITAX Infrastructure

24 Collaboration

25 Objective: easy implementation of groupware to support a rich variety of long, collaborative tasks.  Technical and organisational conditions for effective use of groupware.  Component based assembly of groupware.  Adaptable groupware.  State-of-the-art groupware components (video-conferencing, shared whiteboard, group decision support, etc.).

26 Components middleware platform Broad band network applications conf. man. audio video chatSWB tele- pointer CoCoDoc CoCo- Tree WordPPT... Sybar

27 Multi media management

28 Objective: the creation, combination, assembly, characterisation, personified delivery, retrieval and management of digital content.  Metadata-frameworks.  Cost effective search.  Context profiles.  Personified user interfaces.  State-of-the-art components (watermarking, micro payments, compressie, authentication, etc.).

29 Components Network services Generic middleware services Generic services Specific services Focus Video over IP data storage authentication billing accounting metadata extraction search query indexing presentation conversion

30 Accounting, billing & paying An architecture, integrating accounting, billing and paying at network, middleware en application level Middleware Network MeteringCollectingAccounting Control Finance Resource management Push/pull Application

31 Middleware Objective: Easy development of electronic services in a future Internet context through re-use of generic middleware components.  Service creation.  Accounting, billing & paying.  Mobility and Quality of Service Management.  Middleware components en application development.

32 Pilots: time table R&D community Startups ICT Telecom High Tech High Information (banks, media), Scarce resources (education, medicine) Other industry and services Time

33 Pilots FRIENDS –Lucent, KPN Research, TI (TI-CO, TNO, CTIT) –22 fte –platform to manage, deploy and design on-line services

34 Pilots

35 Friends MiddlewareontwikkelaarsDienstenontwikkelaars Dienstenleveranciers Eindgebruikers

36 Video-over-IP –IBM, NOB, Surfnet, TI (TI-CO, TNO) – 23 fte –distributed video-access over IP (streaming+caching, storage, content generation) Video-over-IP

37 Media Distribution Search & Retrieval Media Management Asset Management Billing & Accounting Indexing Metadata End-users Content Provider Digitising Metadata Video-over-IP

38 Internet next generation –KPN, Ericsson, TI (TI-CO, CTIT) – Development of QoS mechanisms for Internet in wireless and mobile access networks. Internet next generation

39 Targeted pilots Working Apart Together Multi Media Management Wireless Services and Payments ASP over next generation internet Business-to-business trade over IP

40 Knowledge seminars To disseminate know how to do electronic commerce, collaboration, multi media management, and use middleware, with next generation Internet. twice per year, for ICT experts and senior project managers.

41 GigaPort’s added value Access to a prototype next generation Internet Access to knowledge for building applications, or, in other words: support for the development and testing of new business models, and the building up of technical expertise at an early stage, and, be part of a community of people and companies on the same learning curve.

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